7 research outputs found

    Estrategias organizacionales ante Entornos Emergentes

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    Libro publicado con recursos PROFEXCE 2020, cuyo contenido es editado por académicos de diversas institucionesEl presente libro Estrategias organizacionales ante entornos emergentes es resultado del trabajo de investigación de académicos mexicanos atentos al entorno del desarrollo nacional y mundial, en particular en lo concerniente a los actuales retos que enfrentan los negocios y sus comunidades, en donde, a fin de cuentas, estamos todos de una forma directa o indirecta involucrados. El interés principal de la obra se concentra justamente en el contexto generado por las estrategias de contención del Covid-19 y sus efectos sobre el desarrollo empresarial, pero también humano, desde las ciencias administrativas. En su virtud de libro colectivo nos ofrece un amplio espectro de temáticas tanto interesantes como relevantes por su alta pertinencia, como se puede intuir desde su título por enfocarse en los entornos emergentes.Publicación financiada con recursos PROFEXCE 202

    Effects of ecological gradients on tropical avian haemoparasites

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    Diego Santiago-Alarcón y Alfonso Marzal (eds.); Primera Edición; 910 páginasThis chapter provides a brief overview of how natural gradients (e.g., latitude, altitude, and landscape gradients) affect host–parasite interactions involving blood parasites in wildlife and how biotic and abiotic factors act as disruptors. These gradients have a direct impact on prevalence, parasitemia, and the observed relationships between parasites and hosts. In the tropical zone, altitudinal gradients imitate the behavior of the latitudinal gradient, since low temperatures are common at both higher altitudes and higher latitudes. Temperature is one of the determining factors of the diversity of vectors, hosts, and vegetation that affect parasite transmission cycles. Furthermore, within landscapes, there may be many types of elements producing gradients. For instance, increasing distance from water sources, anthropogenic degradation, and even sequential stages of succession and interspersion of vegetation communities would affect host–parasite–vector interactions. However, such effects do not always operate in the same direction because responses are context sensitive. We also discuss the importance of an integrative diagnosis, using microscopic and molecular approaches, which allow better approximations and analyses at the parasite species level, thus producing stronger conclusions. The same detail is recommended for studies on the hematophagous fauna of potential vectors. The life cycle of different parasite species has its own set of characteristics, and it corresponds to the researchers to unravel the puzzle and to avoid unwarranted generalizations.The work of SM is supported by project PGC2018-097426-B-C21 from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities. The work of LC-V was funded by the National Council for Science and Technology of Mexico (CONACYT; grants SEP-CB-2012-1-183377, and PDCPN-2015-1-1628).Peer reviewe

    Atomic and nuclear surface analysis methods for dental materials: A review

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