114 research outputs found

    On Combining Stated Preferences and Revealed Preferences Approaches to Evaluate Environmental Resources Having a Recreational Use

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    This work aims at analysing the value of recreational water uses for the Idro Lake (Lombardy, Northern Italy), which has been experiencing dramatic fluctuations in its levels in recent years, due to excessive productive withdrawal that affected recreational uses. It estimates the economic benefits deriving from recreational uses, by considering the current recreational demand and the hypothetical one obtained by considering an “improved quality” scenario. Through an on-site survey, we built a panel dataset. Following Whitehead et al. (2000) and Hanley et al. (2003) we get welfare estimates by combining SP and RP responses. The present CS is estimated in €134 per individual, whilst the increase in CS is estimated in €173 per individual. These figures can be confronted with the economic value of competitive uses and with the clean up costs, respectively, to infer some policy indications

    Desenvolvimento sustentável: uma perspectiva econômico-ecológica

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    O objetivo do trabalho é oferecer uma definição de desenvolvimento sustentável de uma perspectiva econômico-ecológica. Para tanto, foram analisadas inicialmente as condições históricas da formulação e a evolução do conceito de desenvolvimento sustentável, de suas origens como ecodesenvolvimento até sua nova apresentação como economia verde. Em seguida, foram avaliadas as premissas do conceito de sustentabilidade fraca que permite à economia ambiental neoclássica desconsiderar a realidade natural em suas formulações de políticas ambientais. Por sua vez, a análise dos fundamentos teóricos da economia ecológica possibilitou chegar a uma definição de sustentabilidade estritamente ecológica, condição necessária para a definição de desenvolvimento sustentável proposta. Finalmente, são analisados os problemas para atingir o crescimento zero sem gerar uma crise e para mudar as expectativas de consumo em sociedades de consumo. Uma definição sucinta de desenvolvimento sustentável é, então, proposta.This paper offers a definition of sustainable development in an ecological economics perspective. For this it begins with a historical analysis of the sustainable development concept from its origins as ecodevelopment to its present formulation as green economy. It follows an assessment of the weak sustainability concept premises which allows for the neoclassical environmental economics not to take into full account the natural reality in its environmental policies proposals. The analysis of the ecological economics theoretical foundations, in turn, has made it possible to conceive a strictly ecological definition of sustainability, a necessary condition for the sustainable development definition proposed. Finally, the paper deals with the problem of slowing down the economy to zero growth without causing a crisis and the problem of changing the consumption expectations in consumption societies. A definition of sustainable development is then proposed


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