213 research outputs found

    Process-based modelling of decadal trends in growth, survival, and smolting of wild salmon (Salmo salar) parr in a Scottish upland stream

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    This paper reports a new model of the freshwater stages of an anadromous fish, at the core of which is a stochastic description of the size-at-age dynamics of a growing cohort. Emigration is assumed to require the individual to exceed a threshold size at a critical time of year, thus making the distributions of survival to, and age at, smolting emergent properties of the model. The model is applied to a long-term data set on juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in the Girnock Burn, Scotland, to understand the role played by decadal temperature trends in generating changes in smolt production and age distribution. We conclude that changes in age at smolting are compatible with causation by shifts in the temperature regime. However, the large attenuation between a dramatic fall in spawner numbers and a relatively minor diminution in total smolt production does not result from the physiological effects of temperature but is rather a result of strongly density-dependent mortality between the deposition of ova and the appearance of catchable fry the following summer

    A Systematic Review of Research Evidence Reporting Educational Psychologists’ Use of Contextual Observation in Practice

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    Considering the apparent centrality of contextual observation within educational psychologists’ (EPs’) daily practice, it is argued here that some level of rigour should be available through review of relevant research and self-evaluation, so that contextual observation meets the professional requirement for evidence-based practice (Health and Care Professions Council, 2016). This systematic literature review used an adapted critical evaluation checklist and a bespoke analytic framework for contextual observation, created by the authors, to systematically identify and critically evaluate the research evidence of EPs’ use of contextual observation within practice. Across the studies, there were inconsistencies around which details of contextual observation were reported, which makes it difficult for the process of contextual observation to be reliably replicated across EP practice or to be communicated clearly to new entrants to the profession. The bespoke analytic framework was enhanced by incorporating features of the adapted evaluative checklist to produce an analytic framework for contextual observation which combines academic knowledge with practice-informed knowledge. This potentially provides a contribution to the evidence base for EP use of contextual observation, as well as laying a foundation for building an understanding of its process. Further research can be directed towards the development of guidelines for best practice of contextual observation in order to produce an evidence-based tool for use across the profession

    Wear of human teeth: a tribological perspective

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    The four main types of wear in teeth are attrition (enamel-on-enamel contact), abrasion (wear due to abrasive particles in food or toothpaste), abfraction (cracking in enamel and subsequent material loss), and erosion (chemical decomposition of the tooth). They occur as a result of a number of mechanisms including thegosis (sliding of teeth into their lateral position), bruxism (tooth grinding), mastication (chewing), toothbrushing, tooth flexure, and chemical effects. In this paper the current understanding of wear of enamel and dentine in teeth is reviewed in terms of these mechanisms and the major influencing factors are examined. In vitro tooth wear simulation and in vivo wear measurement and ranking are also discussed

    Practice nurse-supported weight self-management delivered within the national child immunisation programme for postnatal women:a feasibility cluster RCT

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    Background: Pregnancy is a high-risk time for excessive weight gain. The rising prevalence of obesity in women, combined with excess weight gain during pregnancy, means that there are more women with obesity in the postnatal period. This can have adverse health consequences for women in later life and increases the health risks during subsequent pregnancies. Objective: The primary aim was to produce evidence of whether or not a Phase III trial of a brief weight management intervention, in which postnatal women are encouraged by practice nurses as part of the national child immunisation programme to self-monitor their weight and use an online weight management programme, is feasible and acceptable. Design: The research involved a cluster randomised controlled feasibility trial and two semistructured interview studies with intervention participants and practice nurses who delivered the intervention. Trial data were collected at baseline and 3 months later. The interview studies took place after trial follow-up. Setting: The trial took place in Birmingham, UK. Participants: Twenty-eight postnatal women who were overweight/obese were recruited via Birmingham Women’s Hospital or general practices. Nine intervention participants and seven nurses were interviewed. Interventions: The intervention was delivered in the context of the national child immunisation programme. The intervention group were offered brief support that encouraged self-management of weight when they attended their practice to have their child immunised at 2, 3 and 4 months of age. The intervention involved the provision of motivation and support by nurses to encourage participants to make healthier lifestyle choices through self-monitoring of weight and signposting to an online weight management programme. The role of the nurse was to provide regular external accountability for weight loss. Women were asked to weigh themselves weekly and record this on a record card in their child’s health record (‘red book’) or using the online programme. The behavioural goal was for women to lose 0.5-1 kg per week. The usual-care group received a healthy lifestyle leaflet. Main outcome measures: The primary outcome was the feasibility of a Phase III trial to test the effectiveness of the intervention, as assessed against three traffic-light stop-go criteria (recruitment, adherence to regular self-weighing and registration with an online weight management programme). Results: The traffic-light criteria results were red for recruitment (28/80, 35% of target), amber for registration with the online weight loss programme (9/16, 56%) and green for adherence to weekly self-weighing (10/16, 63%). Nurses delivered the intervention with high fidelity. In the qualitative studies, participants indicated that the intervention was acceptable to them and they welcomed receiving support to lose weight at their child immunisation appointments. Although nurses raised some caveats to implementation, they felt that the intervention was easy to deliver and that it would motivate postnatal women to lose weight. Limitations: Fewer participants were recruited than planned. Conclusions: Although women and practice nurses responded well to the intervention and adherence to self-weighing was high, recruitment was challenging and there is scope to improve engagement with the intervention.Future work: Future research should focus on investigating other methods of recruitment and, thereafter, testing the effectiveness of the intervention.Trial registration: Current Controlled Trials ISRCTN12209332.Funding: This project was funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Health Technology Assessment programme and will be published in full in Health Technology Assessment; Vol. 25, No. 49. See the NIHR Journals Library website for further project information.</p

    The experiences of postnatal women and healthcare professionals of a brief weight management intervention embedded within the national child immunisation programme

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    Background:  After childbirth, most women do not lose the extra weight gained during pregnancy. This is important because postnatal weight retention contributes to the development of obesity in later life. Research shows that postnatal women living with overweight would prefer to weigh less, are interested in implementing weight loss strategies, and would like support. Without evidence for the benefit of weight management interventions during pregnancy, postnatal interventions are increasingly important. Research has focused on intensive weight loss programmes, which cannot be offered to all postnatal women. Instead, we investigated the feasibility of a brief intervention delivered to postnatal women at child immunisation appointments. This qualitative study explored the views of women who received the intervention and healthcare professionals who delivered it. Methods:  The intervention was delivered within the context of the national child immunisation programme. The intervention group were offered brief support encouraging self-management of weight when attending general practices to have their child immunised at two, three and four months of age. The intervention involved motivation and support from practice nurses to encourage women to make healthier lifestyle choices through self-monitoring of weight and signposting to an online weight management programme. Nurses provided external accountability for weight loss. Women were asked to weigh themselves weekly and record this on a weight record card. Nested within this trial, semi-structured interviews explored the experiences of postnatal women who received the intervention and nurses who delivered it. Results:  The intervention was generally acceptable to participants and child immunisation appointments considered a suitable intervention setting. Nurses were hesitant to discuss maternal weight, viewing the postnatal period as a vulnerable time. Whilst some caveats to implementation were discussed by nurses, they felt the intervention was easy to deliver and would motivate postnatal women to lose weight. Conclusions:  Participants were keen to lose weight after childbirth. Overall, they reported that the intervention was acceptable, convenient, and, appreciated support to lose weight after childbirth. Although nurses, expressed concerns about raising the topic of weight in the early postnatal period, they felt the intervention was easy to deliver and would help to motivate women to lose weight

    SnacktivityTM to promote physical activity: A qualitative study

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    Background: Adults should achieve a minimum of 150 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous intensity physical activity per week, but many people do not achieve this. Changes to international guidance have removed the requirement to complete physical activity in bouts of at least 10 minutes. Snacktivity is a novel and complementary approach that could motivate people to be physically active. It focuses on promoting shorter (2-5 minutes) and more frequent bouts, or ‘snacks’ of physical activity throughout the day. It is not known whether promoting physical activity in shorter bouts is acceptable to the public, or whether it likely to translate into health behaviour change. Methods: As part of a larger research programme, this study explored the merits of using small bouts of physical activity to help the public become physically active (the Snacktivity™ programme). Thirty-one inactive adults used the approach for five days then participated in semi- structured interviews about their experiences. The data were analysed using the Framework approach. Results: Whilst participants highlighted some potential barriers to implementation, they expressed the ease with which Snacktivity could be achieved, which gave them a new awareness of opportunities to do more physical activity throughout the day. Participants raised the importance of habit formation to achieve regular small bouts of physical activity. Conclusions: Findings demonstrated that participants liked the Snacktivity concept and viewed it as a motivating approach. Guidance about physical activity must lead to advice that has the best chance of preserving and promoting health and Snacktivity has potential to meet this ambition
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