229 research outputs found

    Alzheimerin tauti ja beeta-amyloidiproteiinin vaikutus

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    Tiivistelmä. Alzheimerin tauti on progressiivinen sairaus, joka aiheuttaa kognitiivisen kyvyn heikkenemistä ja dementiaa. Yli 85-vuotiailla sairaus on todella yleinen ja sen vaikutukset on todettu jo vuosituhansien ajan. Tällähetkellä lääkinnällinen hoito ei kuitenkaan poista Alzheimerin taudin vaikutuksia, puhumattakaan taudin parantamisesta. Vaikka Alzheimerin tauti ensimmäisen kerran todettiinkin jo 100 vuotta sitten, vasta nyt tutkimuksissa on alettu ymmärtämään, kuinka taudin syntyminen todellisuudessa tapahtuu. Tarkkaa ja täydellistä syytä taudille ei kuitenkaan vielä tunneta ja taudin parantamisen keinoissa täytyy paneutua vielä syvemmälle taudin alkulähteelle

    Crosstalk between chloroplast thioredoxin systems in regulation of photosynthesis

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    Thioredoxins (TRXs) mediate light-dependent activation of primary photosynthetic reactions in plant chloroplasts by reducing disulphide bridges in redox-regulated enzymes. Of the two plastid TRX systems, the ferredoxin-TRX system consists of ferredoxin-thioredoxin reductase (FTR) and multiple TRXs, while the NADPH-dependent thioredoxin reductase (NTRC) contains a complete TRX system in a single polypeptide. Using Arabidopsis plants overexpressing or lacking a functional NTRC, we have investigated the redundancy and interaction between the NTRC and Fd-TRX systems in regulation of photosynthesis in vivo. Overexpression of NTRC raised the CO2 fixation rate and lowered non-photochemical quenching and acceptor side limitation of PSI in low light conditions by enhancing the activation of chloroplast ATP synthase and TRX-regulated enzymes in Calvin-Benson cycle (CBC). Overexpression of NTRC with an inactivated NTR or TRX domain partly recovered the phenotype of knockout plants, suggesting crosstalk between the plastid TRX systems. NTRC interacted in planta with fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase, phosphoribulokinase and CF1 gamma subunit of the ATP synthase and with several chloroplast TRXs. These findings indicate that NTRC-mediated regulation of the CBC and ATP synthesis occurs both directly and through interaction with the ferredoxin-TRX system and is crucial when availability of light is limiting photosynthesis

    Keratins modulate colonocyte electrolyte transport via protein mistargeting

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    The function of intestinal keratins is unknown, although keratin 8 (K8)–null mice develop colitis, hyperplasia, diarrhea, and mistarget jejunal apical markers. We quantified the diarrhea in K8-null stool and examined its physiologic basis. Isolated crypt-units from K8-null and wild-type mice have similar viability. K8-null distal colon has normal tight junction permeability and paracellular transport but shows decreased short circuit current and net Na absorption associated with net Cl secretion, blunted intracellular Cl/HCO3-dependent pH regulation, hyperproliferation and enlarged goblet cells, partial loss of the membrane-proximal markers H,K-ATPase-β and F-actin, increased and redistributed basolateral anion exchanger AE1/2 protein, and redistributed Na-transporter ENaC-γ. Diarrhea and protein mistargeting are observed 1–2 d after birth while hyperproliferation/inflammation occurs later. The AE1/2 changes and altered intracellular pH regulation likely account, at least in part, for the ion transport defects and hyperproliferation. Therefore, colonic keratins have a novel function in regulating electrolyte transport, likely by targeting ion transporters to their cellular compartments

    Retrograde signaling from functionally heterogeneous plastids

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    Structural and functional components of chloroplast are encoded by genes localized both to nuclear and plastid genomes of plant cell. Development from etioplasts to chloroplasts is triggered by light receptors that activate the expression of photosynthesis-associated nuclear genes (PhaNGs). In addition to photoreceptor-mediated pathways, retrograde signals from the chloroplast to the nucleus activate or repress the expression of nuclear genes involved in acclimatory or stress responses in plant leaves. A plant mesophyll cell contains up to 100 chloroplasts that function autonomously, raising intriguing questions about homogeneity and coordination of retrograde signals transmitted from chloroplast to nucleus. We have previously demonstrated that the knockout of the chloroplast regulatory protein, chloroplast NADPH-dependent thioredoxin reductase (NTRC) leads to a heterogeneous population of chloroplasts with a range of different functional states. The heterogeneous chloroplast population activates both redox-dependent and undifferentiated plastid-generated retrograde signaling pathways in the mutant leaves. Transcriptome data from the ntrc knockout lines suggest that the induction of the redox-dependent signaling pathway depends on light conditions and leads to activation of stress-responsive gene expression. Analysis of mutants in different developmental stages allows to dissect signals from normal and anomalous chloroplasts. Thus, the signals derived from anomalous chloroplasts repress expression of PhaNGs as well as genes associated with light receptor signaling and differentiation of stomata, implying interaction between retrograde pathways and plant development. Analysis of the nuclear gene expression in mutants of retrograde signaling pathways in ntrc background would reveal the components that mediate signals generated from heterogeneous plastids to nucleus.</p

    Two chloroplast thioredoxin systems differentially modulate photosynthesis in Arabidopsis depending on light intensity and leaf age

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    Various regulatory mechanisms have evolved in plants to optimize photosynthetic activity under fluctuating light. Thioredoxins (TRX) are members of the regulatory network balancing activities of light and carbon fixation reactions in chloroplasts. We have studied the impact of two chloroplast TRX systems, the ferredoxin-dependent TRX reductase (FTR) and the NADPH-dependent TRX reductase C (NTRC) on regulation of photosynthesis by mutants lacking or overexpressing a component of either system. Plants were subjected to image-based phenotyping and chlorophyll fluorescence measurements that allow long-term monitoring of the development and photosynthetic activity of the rosettes, respectively. Our experiments demonstrate that NTRC and FTR systems respond differently to variation of light intensity. NTRC was an indispensable regulator of photosynthesis in young leaves, at light-intensity transitions and under low light intensities limiting photosynthesis, whereas steady-state exposure of plants to growth or higher light intensities diminished the need of NTRC in regulation of photosynthesis. In fluctuating light, overexpression of NTRC increased the quantum yield of Photosystem II (YII) at low light and stimulated the relaxation of non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) after high light exposure, indicating that overexpression of NTRC improves leaf capacity to convert light energy to chemical energy under these conditions. Overexpression of chimeric protein (NTR-TRXf) containing both the thioredoxin reductase and TRXf activity on anntrcmutant background, did not completely recover either growth or steady-state photosynthetic activity, whereas OE-NTR-TRXf plants exposed to fluctuating light regained the wild-type level of Y(II) and NPQ

    Novel Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator Ameliorates Murine Colitis

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    Estrogen-receptor-mediated signaling has been suggested to decrease the inflammatory response in monocyte macrophages. Previously, we showed that a novel selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM2) promotes anti-inflammatory phenotype of monocytes in vitro. In this study, we demonstrate the potential of SERM2 in amelioration of colitis. We utilized a dextran sodium sulfate (DSS)-induced colitis model in FVB/n mice to demonstrate the effects of orally administered SERM2 on the clinical status of the mice and the histopathological changes in the colon, as well as proportion of Mrc-1 positive macrophages. SERM2 nuclear receptor affinities were measured by radioligand binding assays. Orally administered, this compound significantly alleviated DSS-induced colitis in male mice and induced local estrogen receptor activation in the inflamed colon, as well as promoting anti-inflammatory cytokine expression and infiltration of anti-inflammatory monocytes. We show that this novel drug candidate has an affinity to estrogen receptors alpha and beta and progesterone receptors, but not to glucocorticoid receptor, thus expressing unique binding properties compared to other sex steroid receptor ligands. These results indicate that novel drug candidates to alleviate inflammatory conditions of the colon could be found among sex steroid receptor activating compounds

    Overexpression of chloroplast NADPH-dependent thioredoxin reductase in Arabidopsis enhances leaf growth and elucidates in vivo function of reductase and thioredoxin domains

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    Plant chloroplasts have versatile thioredoxin systems including two thioredoxin reductases and multiple types of thioredoxins. Plastid-localized NADPH-dependent thioredoxin reductase (NTRC) contains both reductase (NTRd) and thioredoxin (TRXd) domains in a single polypeptide and forms homodimers. To study the action of NTRC and NTRC domains in vivo, we have complemented the ntrc knockout line of Arabidopsis with the wild type and full-length NTRC genes, in which 2-Cys motifs either in NTRd, or in TRXd were inactivated. The ntrc line was also transformed either with the truncated NTRd or TRXd alone. Overexpression of wild-type NTRC promoted plant growth by increasing leaf size and biomass yield of the rosettes. Complementation of the ntrc line with the full-length NTRC gene containing an active reductase but an inactive TRXd, or vice versa, recovered wild-type chloroplast phenotype and, partly, rosette biomass production, indicating that the NTRC domains are capable of interacting with other chloroplast thioredoxin systems. Overexpression of truncated NTRd or TRXd in ntrc background did not restore wild-type phenotype. Modeling of the three-dimensional structure of the NTRC dimer indicates extensive interactions between the NTR domains and the TRX domains further stabilize the dimeric structure. The long linker region between the NTRd and TRXd, however, allows flexibility for the position of the TRXd in the dimer. Supplementation of the TRXd in the NTRC homodimer model by free chloroplast thioredoxins indicated that TRXf is the most likely partner to interact with NTRC. We propose that overexpression of NTRC promotes plant biomass yield both directly by stimulation of chloroplast biosynthetic and protective pathways controlled by NTRC and indirectly via free chloroplast thioredoxins. Our data indicate that overexpression of chloroplast thiol redox-regulator has a potential to increase biofuel yield in plant and algal species suitable for sustainable bioenergy production

    Regulation of cyclic electron flow by chloroplast NADPH-dependent thioredoxin system

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    Linear electron transport in the thylakoid membrane drives photosynthetic NADPH and ATP production, while cyclic electron flow (CEF) around photosystem I only promotes the translocation of protons from stroma to thylakoid lumen. The chloroplast NADH dehydrogenase-like complex (NDH) participates in one CEF route transferring electrons from ferredoxin back to the plastoquinone pool with concomitant proton pumping to the lumen. CEF has been proposed to balance the ratio of ATP/NADPH production and to control the redox poise particularly in fluctuating light conditions, but the mechanisms regulating the NDH complex remain unknown. We have investigated potential regulation of the CEF pathways by the chloroplast NADPH-thioredoxin reductase (NTRC) in vivo by using an Arabidopsis knockout line of NTRC as well as lines overexpressing NTRC. Here, we present biochemical and biophysical evidence showing that NTRC stimulates the activity of NDH-dependent CEF and is involved in the regulation of generation of proton motive force, thylakoid conductivity to protons, and redox balance between the thylakoid electron transfer chain and the stroma during changes in light conditions. Furthermore, protein?protein interaction assays suggest a putative thioredoxin-target site in close proximity to the ferredoxin-binding domain of NDH, thus providing a plausible mechanism for redox regulation of the NDH ferredoxin:plastoquinone oxidoreductase activity
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