241 research outputs found

    Tunable Electron Interactions and Fractional Quantum Hall States in Graphene

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    The recent discovery of fractional quantum Hall states in graphene raises the question of whether the physics of graphene and its bilayer offers any advantages over GaAs-based materials in exploring strongly-correlated states of two-dimensional electrons. Here we propose a method to continuously tune the effective electron interactions in graphene and its bilayer by the dielectric environment of the sample. Using this method, the charge gaps of prominent FQH states, including \nu=1/3 or \nu=5/2 states, can be increased several times, or reduced all the way to zero. The tunability of the interactions can be used to realize and stabilize various strongly correlated phases in the FQH regime, and to explore the transitions between them.Comment: 4.2 pages, 5 figure

    Internal screening and dielectric engineering in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene

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    Magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene (MA-tBLG) has appeared as a tunable testing ground to investigate the conspiracy of electronic interactions, band structure, and lattice degrees of freedom to yield exotic quantum many-body ground states in a two-dimensional Dirac material framework. While the impact of external parameters such as doping or magnetic field can be conveniently modified and analyzed, the all-surface nature of the quasi-2D electron gas combined with its intricate internal properties pose a challenging task to characterize the quintessential nature of the different insulating and superconducting states found in experiments. We analyze the interplay of internal screening and dielectric environment on the intrinsic electronic interaction profile of MA-tBLG. We find that interlayer coupling generically enhances the internal screening. The influence of the dielectric environment on the effective interaction strength depends decisively on the electronic state of MA-tBLG. Thus, we propose the experimental tailoring of the dielectric environment, e.g. by varying the capping layer composition and thickness, as a promising pursuit to provide further evidence for resolving the hidden nature of the quantum many-body states in MA-tBLG.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, supplemental material included (8 figures

    Functional renormalization group study of an eight-band model for the iron arsenides

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    We investigate the superconducting pairing instabilities of eight-band models for the iron arsenides. Using a functional renormalization group treatment, we determine how the critical energy scale for superconductivity depends on the electronic band structure. Most importantly, if we vary the parameters from values corresponding to LaFeAsO to SmFeAsO, the pairing scale is strongly enhanced, in accordance with the experimental observation. We analyze the reasons for this trend and compare the results of the eight-band approach to those found using five-band models.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figure

    Thermal Hall Conductivity as a Probe of Gap Structure in Multi-band Superconductors: The Case of Ba1−xKxFe2As2\rm Ba_{1-x}K_xFe_2As_2

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    The sign and profile of the thermal Hall conductivity κxy\kappa_{xy} gives important insights into the gap structure of multi-band superconductors. With this perspective, we have investigated κxy\kappa_{xy} and the thermal conductivity κxx\kappa_{xx} in Ba1−xKxFe2As2\rm Ba_{1-x}K_xFe_2As_2 which display large peak anomalies in the superconducting state. The anomalies imply that a large hole-like quasiparticle (qp) population exists below the critical temperature TcT_c. We show that the qp mean-free-path inferred from κxx\kappa_{xx} reproduces the observed anomaly in κxy\kappa_{xy}, providing a consistent estimate of a large qp population. Further, we demonstrate that the hole-like signal is consistent with a theoretical scenario where despite potentially large gap variations on the electron pockets, the minimal homogeneous gap of the superconducting phase resides at a hole pocket. Implications for probing the gap structure in the broader class of pnictide superconductors are discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. Orientation significantly updated from previous (0811.4668v1) reflecting new theoretical understanding of experimental results and physical implications. Introduction, discussion, and figures updated including additional figure for model calculatio

    Bound states in two-dimensional spin systems near the Ising limit: A quantum finite-lattice study

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    We analyze the properties of low-energy bound states in the transverse-field Ising model and in the XXZ model on the square lattice. To this end, we develop an optimized implementation of perturbative continuous unitary transformations. The Ising model is studied in the small-field limit which is found to be a special case of the toric code model in a magnetic field. To analyze the XXZ model, we perform a perturbative expansion about the Ising limit in order to discuss the fate of the elementary magnon excitations when approaching the Heisenberg point.Comment: 21 pages, 18 figures, published versio

    Relevance of the Heisenberg-Kitaev model for the honeycomb lattice iridates A_2IrO_3

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    Combining thermodynamic measurements with theoretical density functional and thermodynamic calculations we demonstrate that the honeycomb lattice iridates A2IrO3 (A = Na, Li) are magnetically ordered Mott insulators where the magnetism of the effective spin-orbital S = 1/2 moments can be captured by a Heisenberg-Kitaev (HK) model with Heisenberg interactions beyond nearest-neighbor exchange. Experimentally, we observe an increase of the Curie-Weiss temperature from \theta = -125 K for Na2IrO3 to \theta = -33 K for Li2IrO3, while the antiferromagnetic ordering temperature remains roughly the same T_N = 15 K for both materials. Using finite-temperature functional renormalization group calculations we show that this evolution of \theta, T_N, the frustration parameter f = \theta/T_N, and the zig-zag magnetic ordering structure suggested for both materials by density functional theory can be captured within this extended HK model. Combining our experimental and theoretical results, we estimate that Na2IrO3 is deep in the magnetically ordered regime of the HK model (\alpha \approx 0.25), while Li2IrO3 appears to be close to a spin-liquid regime (0.6 < \alpha < 0.7).Comment: Version accepted for publication in PRL. Additional DFT and thermodynamic calculations have been included. 6 pages of supplementary material include

    Doping Evolution of Oxygen K-edge X-ray Absorption Spectra in Cuprate Superconductors

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    We study oxygen K-edge x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) and investigate the validity of the Zhang-Rice singlet (ZRS) picture in overdoped cuprate superconductors. Using large-scale exact diagonalization of the three-orbital Hubbard model, we observe the effect of strong correlations manifesting in a dynamical spectral weight transfer from the upper Hubbard band to the ZRS band. The quantitative agreement between theory and experiment highlights an additional spectral weight reshuffling due to core-hole interaction. Our results confirm the important correlated nature of the cuprates and elucidate the changing orbital character of the low-energy quasi-particles, but also demonstrate the continued relevance of the ZRS even in the overdoped region.Comment: Original: 5 pages, 4 figures. Replaced: 6 pages and 4 figures, with updated title and conten

    Signatures of a gearwheel quantum spin liquid in a spin-12\frac{1}{2} pyrochlore molybdate Heisenberg antiferromagnet

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    We theoretically investigate the low-temperature phase of the recently synthesized Lu2_2Mo2_2O5_5N2_2 material, an extraordinarily rare realization of a S=1/2S=1/2 three-dimensional pyrochlore Heisenberg antiferromagnet in which Mo5+^{5+} are the S=1/2S=1/2 magnetic species. Despite a Curie-Weiss temperature (ΘCW\Theta_{\rm CW}) of −121(1)-121(1) K, experiments have found no signature of magnetic ordering oror spin freezing down to T∗≈0.5T^*\approx0.5 K. Using density functional theory, we find that the compound is well described by a Heisenberg model with exchange parameters up to third nearest neighbors. The analysis of this model via the pseudofermion functional renormalization group method reveals paramagnetic behavior down to a temperature of at least T=∣ΘCW∣/100T=|\Theta_{\rm CW}|/100, in agreement with the experimental findings hinting at a possible three-dimensional quantum spin liquid. The spin susceptibility profile in reciprocal space shows momentum-dependent features forming a "gearwheel" pattern, characterizing what may be viewed as a molten version of a chiral noncoplanar incommensurate spiral order under the action of quantum fluctuations. Our calculated reciprocal space susceptibility maps provide benchmarks for future neutron scattering experiments on single crystals of Lu2_2Mo2_2O5_5N2_2.Comment: Published version. Main paper (6 pages, 3 figures) + Supplemental Material (4 pages, 3 figures, 1 table
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