490 research outputs found

    Will the Real Managerial Employees Please Stand up

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    Three-body recombination in a three-state Fermi gas with widely tunable interactions

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    We investigate the stability of a three spin state mixture of ultracold fermionic 6^6Li atoms over a range of magnetic fields encompassing three Feshbach resonances. For most field values, we attribute decay of the atomic population to three-body processes involving one atom from each spin state and find that the three-body loss coefficient varies by over four orders of magnitude. We observe high stability when at least two of the three scattering lengths are small, rapid loss near the Feshbach resonances, and two unexpected resonant loss features. At our highest fields, where all pairwise scattering lengths are approaching at=2140a0a_t = -2140 a_0, we measure a three-body loss coefficient L35×1022cm6/sL_3 \simeq 5\times 10^{-22} \mathrm{cm}^6/\mathrm{s} and a trend toward lower decay rates for higher fields indicating that future studies of color superfluidity and trion formation in a SU(3) symmetric Fermi gas may be feasible

    An Empirical Assessment Of The Determinants Of Bank Branch Manager Compensation

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    A model of branch-management compensation based on human capital and performance measures is tested using data on managers from eighty-two branches of a large, Eastern United States bank. Human capital factors such as managerial rank, gender, years of schooling, experience in the industry, and age are found to explain branch manager pay levels, after controlling for competition, and branch size

    The Impact of Women Managers on Firm Performance: Evidence from Large U.S. Firms

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    Drawing on arguments from the management and human resource economics literatures, we hypothesise that the percentage of women managers employed in firms will be positively related to the performance of firms. A correlational research design is employed, and 1992 employment and performance data for 183 U.S. firms is utilised in data analysis. The hypothesis is strongly supported

    An Exploratory Study Investigating Leader and Follower Characteristics at U.S. Healthcare Organizations

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    Leadership has been studied by a myriad of scholars in the 20th and 21st centuries. One recent stream of research focuses on the followers of leaders. Today, followership is recognized as a construct that has value, and there is a broad call for additional research in this area (Gardner et al., 2005; Howell and Shamir, 2005.) In this study, the authors propose hypotheses that focus on followers and on their adoption of characteristics that are leader-like. The central thesis in this study is that followers have the ability to share roles with leaders. To test that thesis, a model is presented of specific leader and follower behaviors that (a) are thought to be related and overlapping, and (b) are relevant to role-sharing. Borrowing from prior work in which role sharing has been discussed, this study presents hypotheses and findings from analysis of field survey data collected from employees in healthcare organizations

    Exploring the Hydration Levels of Malosma laurina at Different Elevations on a Man-made Trail

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the water potential of Malosma laurina at different elevations of a man made trail in the chapparal of the Santa Monica Mountains. Chaparral in the Santa Monica Mountains have been depleted because of human involvement effecting the chaparral ecosystem. Fire breaks and man made trails are a few of the major causes of the rapidly changing ecosystem and continues to cause stress among the plants. We are testing the effect that man made trails have on the water potential of Malosma laurina. This was measured by taking samples of Malosma laurina at different altitudes of the trail. Collecting samples and measuring the water potentials of Malosma laurina at different regions led to conclusions about which Malosma laurina plants have the most, least water potential

    eTextbook Exploration: Are Students Ready to Declare Their Independence From the Printed Text?

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    A team of faculty, library, IT, and bookstore staff collaborated on a longitudinal study to track how 50 students use e-textbooks and whether using them improves learning outcomes. The Fall 2010 pilot study, “Tracking Student Interest in e-Textbooks”, gathered both quantitative and qualitative data from students registered in online and physical sections of an upper level business course. Student participants accessed the e-textbook with their personal laptops, but several reported using a Kindle, iPad, and even an iPhone. Of particular interest to the researchers were the possible correlates of students’ successful use of the e-textbooks, e.g., their habits regarding the use of social network sites, electronic commerce, blogs, etc. Another purpose of the study was to discover the impact of assistive interventions offered students throughout the length of the study. These included: (1) e-textbook help sessions from both bookstore and IT staff; (2) e-textbook current event emails from a librarian with a reminder of help contacts, and (3) help consultations by phone, email, or in the Library. At the beginning and end of the study, participants completed pre- and post-surveys measuring their experience with and attitudes toward computers, the Internet, e-textbooks and print textbooks. Research findings indicate: (1) 65% of the students are willing to read another e-textbook and (2) cost savings is the most compelling reason to read the e-textbook. Students encountered technical difficulties (page/highlighting freezes, printing problems, and slow network) that were frustrating enough that 10% of the participants switched to print textbooks. Students acknowledge the need to focus when reading their e-textbook. Many students voiced a preference to read their next e-textbook on an e-reader because first, the reader was a physical object reminding the student to read and second, offered no distractions such as the ability to simultaneously access social networking sites. 10% of the students actively sought assistance and/or responded to email messages from the librarians. A review of recent literature indicates more needs to be learned about student digital reading comprehension, barriers to accepting e-textbooks, and the pedagogical implications for e-textbook use (as well as for online study). Bibliography available on request