230 research outputs found

    Mean jets, mesoscale variability and eddy momentum fluxes in the surface layer of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current in Drake Passage

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    High-resolution Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) observations of surface-layer velocities in Drake Passage, comprising 128 sections over a period of 5 years, are used to study the surface-layer circulation of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC). These observations resolve details of the mean flow including the topographic control of the mean Subantarctic Front (SAF) and the multiple filaments of the Polar Front (PF) and Southern ACC Front (SACCF) that converge into single mean jets as the ACC flows through Drake Passage. Subsurface definitions of the SAF and PF applied to expendable bathythermograph temperatures generally coincide with mean jets, while the SACCF is better defined in velocity than temperature. The mean transport in the top 250-m-deep surface layer, estimated from the cross-track transport along three repeat tracks, is 27.8 Ā± 1 Sv.Eddy momentum fluxes were estimated by ensemble averaging Reynolds stresses relative to gridded Eulerian mean currents. Eddy kinetic energy (EKE) is surface intensified in the mixed layer because of inertial currents and decreases poleward in Drake Passage, ranging from āˆ¼800 cm2 sāˆ’2 to āˆ¼200 cm2 sāˆ’2. ADCP EKE estimates are everywhere significantly higher than altimetric EKE estimates, although the pattern of poleward decrease is the same. Horizontal-wavenumber spectra of velocity fluctuations peak at wavelengths in the 250ā€“330 km range and are significantly anisotropic. Along-passage fluctuations dominate at wavelengths less than 250 km; cross-passage fluctuations dominate at wavelengths greater than 250 km. Mesoscale eddies dominate the variance in northern Drake Passage. Inertial variability is constant with latitude and together with baroclinic tides accounts for some but not all of the discrepancy between the ADCP surface-layer EKE and altimetry-inferred EKE

    Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Small-Scale Mixing in Drake Passage

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    Temperature and salinity profiles obtained with expendable CTD probes throughout Drake Passage between February 2002 and July 2005 are analyzed to estimate turbulent diapycnal eddy diffusivities to a depth of 1000 m. Diffusivity values are inferred from density/temperature inversions and internal wave vertical strain. Both methods reveal the same pattern of spatial variability across Drake Passage; diffusivity estimates from inversions exceed those from vertical strain by a factor of 3 over most of Drake Passage. The Polar Front (PF) separates two dynamically different regions. Strong thermohaline intrusions characterize profiles obtained north of the PF. South of the PF, stratification is determined largely by salinity, and temperature is typically unstably stratified between 100- and 600-m depth. In the upper 400 m, turbulent diapycnal diffusivities are O(10^(āˆ’3) m2 s^(āˆ’1)) north of the PF but decrease to O(10^(āˆ’4) m2 s^(āˆ’1)) or smaller south of the PF. Below 400 m diffusivities typically exceed 10^(āˆ’4) m^2 s^(āˆ’1). Diffusivities decay weakly with depth north of the PF, whereas diffusivities increase with depth and peak near the local temperature maximum south of the PF. The meridional pattern in near-surface mixing corresponds to local maxima and minima of both wind stress and wind stress variance. Near-surface diffusivities are also found to be larger during winter months north of the PF. Wind-driven near-inertial waves, strong mesoscale eddy activity, and double-diffusive convection are suggested as possible factors contributing to observed mixing pattern

    Water mass pathways to the North Atlantic oxygen minimum zone

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    23 pages, 14 figures, 1 table, supporting information http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/2014JC010557The water mass pathways to the North Atlantic Oxygen Minimum Zone (naOMZ) are traditionally sketched within the cyclonic tropical circulation via the poleward branching from the eastward flowing jets that lie south of 10Ā°N. However, our water mass analysis of historic hydrographic observations together with numerical Lagrangian experiments consistently reveal that the potential density level of ĻƒĪø = 26.8 kg m-3 (Ļƒ26.8, approximately 300 m depth) separates two distinct regimes of circulation within the Central Water (CW) stratum of the naOMZ. In the upper CW (above Ļƒ26.8), and in agreement with previous studies, the supply of water mainly comes from the south with a predominant contribution of South Atlantic CW. In the lower CW (below Ļƒ26.8), where minimal oxygen content is found, the tropical pathway is instead drastically weakened in favor of a subtropical pathway. More than two thirds of the total water supply to this lower layer takes place north of 10Ā°N, mainly via an eastward flow at 14Ā°N and northern recirculations from the northern subtropical gyre. The existence of these northern jets explains the greater contribution of North Atlantic CW observed in the lower CW, making up to 50% of the water mass at the naOMZ core. The equatorward transfer of mass from the well-ventilated northern subtropical gyre emerges as an essential part of the ventilation of the naOMZ. Ā© 2015. American Geophysical Union. All Rights ReservedThis research has been funded by the Spanish Ministerio de EconomĆ­a y Competitividad through projects MOC2 (CTM2008ā€“06438-C02-01) and TIC-MOC (CTM2011ā€“28867). J. PeƱa- Izquierdo has been supported through a FPI predoctoral grant linked to MOC2. E. van Sebille was supported by the Australian Research Council via grant DE130101336 and P. J. Llanillo was partly funded by CONICYT/FONDECYT de Postdoctorado through project 3150229. The authors acknowledge the NODC and Argo Program for making hydrographic data freely available (http://www.nodc.noaa.gov and http://www.coriolis.eu.org). We also thank the ECCO2/NASA program for providing the numerical assimilative simulation via their web page (http://ecco2.jpl.nasa.gov/products/)Peer Reviewe

    Best practice strategies for process studies designed to improve climate modeling

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    Author Posting. Ā© American Meteorological Society, 2020. This article is posted here by permission of American Meteorological Society for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 101(10), (2020): E1842-E1850, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-19-0263.1.Process studies are designed to improve our understanding of poorly described physical processes that are central to the behavior of the climate system. They typically include coordinated efforts of intensive field campaigns in the atmosphere and/or ocean to collect a carefully planned set of in situ observations. Ideally the observational portion of a process study is paired with numerical modeling efforts that lead to better representation of a poorly simulated or previously neglected physical process in operational and research models. This article provides a framework of best practices to help guide scientists in carrying out more productive, collaborative, and successful process studies. Topics include the planning and implementation of a process study and the associated web of logistical challenges; the development of focused science goals and testable hypotheses; and the importance of assembling an integrated and compatible team with a diversity of social identity, gender, career stage, and scientific background. Guidelines are also provided for scientific data management, dissemination, and stewardship. Above all, developing trust and continual communication within the science team during the field campaign and analysis phase are key for process studies. We consider a successful process study as one that ultimately will improve our quantitative understanding of the mechanisms responsible for climate variability and enhance our ability to represent them in climate models.We gratefully acknowledge U.S. CLIVAR for supporting the PSMI panel, as well as all the principal investigators that contributed to our PSMI panel webinars. JS was inspired by participation in the process studies funded by NASA NNH18ZDA001N-OSFC and NOAA NA17OAR4310257; GF was supported by base funds to NOAA/AOMLā€™s Physical Oceanography Division; and HS was supported by NOAA NA19OAR4310376 and NA17OAR4310255.2021-04-0
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