17 research outputs found

    Rapport III.14. Entraînement des pesticides par percolation et ruissellement. Influence particulière du drainage

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    To know pesticide movement in soils allows not only to study the way of action of these substances (the «location» has some incidence on efficiency) but also may help us to estimate with objectivity the contamination risks for run-off and subterranean waters in areas of intensive farming, i-e in areas where soils are supposed to be regularly treated. For this purpose experimentations or investigations are in progress. The leaching of different pesticides is studied on columns filled with homogeneous soils or in lysimeters. Under field conditions, a monitoring program has been settled. We are controlling the waters collected at the drain exit in beet growing area, and the surface waters from a draining basin of small river in Champagne. The first results obtained under field conditions prove the relatively constant presence of lindane traces in the surface and infiltration waters in fissured or drained soils.La connaissance du déplacement des pesticides dans les sols outre son intérêt dans l’étude du mode d’action (le «placement» n’est pas sans incidence sur l’efficacité), doit nous permettre de juger objectivement les risques de contamination concernant les eaux de ruissellement et les eaux souterraines dans les régions de grande culture, c’est-à-dire dans les zones où a priori les sols sont régulièrement traités. Dans ce but des expérimentations ou des enquêtes sont en cours de réalisation. Au laboratoire ou en station nous étudions la migration de divers pesticides sur des colonnes de sol homogène ou en cases lysimétriques. En plein champ, un programme de surveillance a été mis sur pied. Actuellement nous procédons à la surveillance des eaux collectées à la sortie des drains en régions betteravières et des eaux de surface issues d’un bassin versant en Champagne. Les premiers résultats de plein champ confirment la présence assez constante de traces de lindane dans les eaux de surface et les eaux d’infiltration en terrain fissuré ou drainé.Hascoet M., Jamet P., Piedallu Marie-Andrée, Snegaroff J., Dutil Pierre, Hebert J. Rapport III.14. Entraînement des pesticides par percolation et ruissellement. Influence particulière du drainage. In: Influence des activités de l'homme sur le cycle hydrométéorologique. Compte rendu des treizièmes journées de l'hydraulique. Paris, 16-18 septembre 1974. Tome 1, 1975

    Effects of prochloraz on DNA damage, lipid peroxidation and antioxidant system in vitro

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    Prochloraz is a broad-spectrum contact imidazol fungicide used against several diseases in wheat, barley and oleaginous plants but also for treatment of flower production. Although prochloraz has endocrine disrupting and hepatocarcinogenic effects, there is lack of data on toxic effects of prochloraz. Therefore, we aimed to investigate the DNA damage effects of prochloraz in NRK-52E cells by using Ames and Comet assay. By using a standard alkaline Comet assay procedure, there was no DNA damage observed after 24 h prochloraz exposure. It also showed that prochloraz caused neither base-pair substitution nor frame shift mutations by using TA98, TA100 strains, respectively, with/without metabolic activation in Ames assay. Both Comet and Ames assays, the exposure concentrations were 12.5, 25, 50 and 100 mu M. IC50 value of prochloraz was determined as 110.76 mu M in NRK-52E cells by MTT cytotoxicity test. Also, we evaluated possible effects of prochloraz on lipid peroxidation, reduced glutathione (GSH), oxidized glutathione (GSSG) and antioxidant enzymes such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) and glutathione reductase (GSH-Rd) in NRK-52E cells at 1-50 mu M concentrations. Prochloraz induced lipid peroxidation and altered glutathione contents and antioxidant enzyme activities in NRK-52E cells. Our results indicated that prochloraz showed no evidence of mutagenicity and DNA damage; however, some alterations were observed on lipid peroxidation and antioxidant systems in prochloraz treatment