1,466 research outputs found

    A Gauge Invariant Theory for Time Dependent Heat Current

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    Validation of GPS atmospheric water vapor with WVR data in satellite tracking mode

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    Slant-integrated water vapor (SIWV) data derived from GPS STDs (slant total delays), which provide the spatial information on tropospheric water vapor, have a high potential for assimilation to weather models or for nowcasting or reconstruction of the 3-D humidity field with tomographic techniques. Therefore, the accuracy of GPS STD is important, and independent observations are needed to estimate the quality of GPS STD. In 2012 the GFZ (German Research Centre for Geosciences) started to operate a microwave radiometer in the vicinity of the Potsdam GPS station. The water vapor content along the line of sight between a ground station and a GPS satellite can be derived from GPS data and directly measured by a water vapor radiometer (WVR) at the same time. In this study we present the validation results of SIWV observed by a ground-based GPS receiver and a WVR. The validation covers 184 days of data with dry and wet humidity conditions. SIWV data from GPS and WVR generally show good agreement with a mean bias of −0.4 kg m−2 and an rms (root mean square) of 3.15 kg m−2. The differences in SIWV show an elevation dependent on an rms of 7.13 kg m−2 below 15° but of 1.76 kg m−2 above 15°. Nevertheless, this elevation dependence is not observed regarding relative deviations. The relation between the differences and possible influencing factors (elevation angles, pressure, temperature and relative humidity) are analyzed in this study. Besides the elevation, dependencies between the atmospheric humidity conditions, temperature and the differences in SIWV are found

    Effect of disorder with long-range correlation on transport in graphene nanoribbon

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    Transport in disordered armchair graphene nanoribbons (AGR) with long-range correlation between quantum wire contact is investigated by transfer matrix combined with Landauer's formula. Metal-insulator transition is induced by disorder in neutral AGR. Thereinto, the conductance is one conductance quantum for metallic phase and exponentially decays otherwise when the length of AGR is infinity and far longer than its width. Similar to the case of long-range disorder, the conductance of neutral AGR first increases and then decreases while the conductance of doped AGR monotonically decreases, as the disorder strength increases. In the presence of strong disorder, the conductivity depends monotonically and non-monotonically on the aspect ratio for heavily doped and slightly doped AGR respectively.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figures; J. Phys: Condensed Matter (May 2012

    Conversion of Legal Agreements into Smart Legal Contracts using NLP

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    A Smart Legal Contract (SLC) is a specialized digital agreement comprising natural language and computable components. The Accord Project provides an open-source SLC framework containing three main modules: Cicero, Concerto, and Ergo. Currently, we need lawyers, programmers, and clients to work together with great effort to create a usable SLC using the Accord Project. This paper proposes a pipeline to automate the SLC creation process with several Natural Language Processing (NLP) models to convert law contracts to the Accord Project's Concerto model. After evaluating the proposed pipeline, we discovered that our NER pipeline accurately detects CiceroMark from Accord Project template text with an accuracy of 0.8. Additionally, our Question Answering method can extract one-third of the Concerto variables from the template text. We also delve into some limitations and possible future research for the proposed pipeline. Finally, we describe a web interface enabling users to build SLCs. This interface leverages the proposed pipeline to convert text documents to Smart Legal Contracts by using NLP models

    Diffusion-Weighted MR Imaging to Evaluate Immediate Response to Irreversible Electroporation in a Rabbit VX2 Liver Tumor Model

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    PURPOSE: To evaluate the feasibility of diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) in magnetic resonance imaging for quantitative measurement of responses following irreversible electroporation (IRE) in a rabbit liver tumor model. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twelve rabbits underwent ultrasound-guided VX2 tumor implantation in the left medial and left lateral liver lobes. The tumors in the left medial lobe were treated with IRE, whereas those in the left lateral lobe served as internal controls. DWI was performed before and immediately after IRE. Tumors were then harvested for histopathologic staining. The apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) and change in ADC (ΔADC) were calculated based on DWI. Tumor apoptosis index (AI) was assessed by terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick-end labeling. These measurements from DWI and histopathology were compared between untreated and treated tumors. RESULTS: The ADC values, ΔADC, and AI showed statistically significant differences between treated and untreated tumors (P < .05 for all). ADC values were higher in treated tumors than in untreated tumors (1.08 × 10-3 mm2/s ± 0.15 vs 0.88 × 10-3 mm2/s ± 0.19; P = .042). CONCLUSIONS: DWI can be used to quantitatively evaluate treatment response in liver tumors immediately after IRE
