477 research outputs found

    Iron clad wetlands: Soil iron-sulfur buffering determines coastal wetland response to salt water incursion

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    Coastal freshwater wetland chemistry is rapidly changing due to increased frequency of salt water incursion, a consequence of global change. Seasonal salt water incursion introduces sulfate, which microbially reduces to sulfide. Sulfide binds with reduced iron, producing iron sulfide (FeS), recognizable in wetland soils by its characteristic black color. The objective of this study is to document iron and sulfate reduction rates, as well as product formation (acid volatile sulfide (AVS) and chromium reducible sulfide (CRS)) in a coastal freshwater wetland undergoing seasonal salt water incursion. Understanding iron and sulfur cycling, as well as their reduction products, allows us to calculate the degree of sulfidization (DOS), from which we can estimate how long soil iron will buffer against chemical effects of sea level rise. We show that soil chloride, a direct indicator of the degree of incursion, best predicted iron and sulfate reduction rates. Correlations between soil chloride and iron or sulfur reduction rates were strongest in the surface layer (0–3 cm), indicative of surface water incursion, rather than groundwater intrusion at our site. The interaction between soil moisture and extractable chloride was significantly related to increased AVS, whereas increased soil chloride was a stronger predictor of CRS. The current DOS in this coastal plains wetland is very low, resulting from high soil iron content and relatively small degree of salt water incursion. However, with time and continuous salt water exposure, iron will bind with incoming sulfur, creating FeS complexes, and DOS will increase

    Iron clad wetlands: Soil iron-sulfur buffering determines coastal wetland response to salt water incursion

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    Coastal freshwater wetland chemistry is rapidly changing due to increased frequency of salt water incursion, a consequence of global change. Seasonal salt water incursion introduces sulfate, which microbially reduces to sulfide. Sulfide binds with reduced iron, producing iron sulfide (FeS), recognizable in wetland soils by its characteristic black color. The objective of this study is to document iron and sulfate reduction rates, as well as product formation (acid volatile sulfide (AVS) and chromium reducible sulfide (CRS)) in a coastal freshwater wetland undergoing seasonal salt water incursion. Understanding iron and sulfur cycling, as well as their reduction products, allows us to calculate the degree of sulfidization (DOS), from which we can estimate how long soil iron will buffer against chemical effects of sea level rise. We show that soil chloride, a direct indicator of the degree of incursion, best predicted iron and sulfate reduction rates. Correlations between soil chloride and iron or sulfur reduction rates were strongest in the surface layer (0–3 cm), indicative of surface water incursion, rather than groundwater intrusion at our site. The interaction between soil moisture and extractable chloride was significantly related to increased AVS, whereas increased soil chloride was a stronger predictor of CRS. The current DOS in this coastal plains wetland is very low, resulting from high soil iron content and relatively small degree of salt water incursion. However, with time and continuous salt water exposure, iron will bind with incoming sulfur, creating FeS complexes, and DOS will increase

    Seasonal Salinization Decreases Spatial Heterogeneity of Sulfate Reducing Activity

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    Evidence of sulfate input and reduction in coastal freshwater wetlands is often visible in the black iron monosulfide (FeS) complexes that form in iron rich reducing sediments. Using a modified Indicator of Reduction in Soils (IRIS) method, digital imaging, and geostatistics, we examine controls on the spatial properties of FeS in a coastal wetland fresh-to-brackish transition zone over a multi-month, drought-induced saltwater incursion event. PVC sheets (10 - 15 cm) were painted with an iron oxide paint and incubated vertically belowground and flush with the surface for 24 h along a salt-influenced to freshwater wetland transect in coastal North Carolina, USA. Along with collection of complementary water and soil chemistry data, the size and location of the FeS compounds on the plate were photographed and geostatistical techniques were employed to characterize FeS formation on the square cm scale. Herein, we describe how the saltwater incursion front is associated with increased sulfate loading and decreased aqueous Fe(II) content. This accompanies an increased number of individual FeS complexes that were more uniformly distributed as reflected in a lower Magnitude of Spatial Heterogeneity at all sites except furthest downstream. Future work should focus on streamlining the plate analysis procedure as well as developing a more robust statistical based approach to determine sulfide concentration

    Long-term outcome of surgery for perianal Crohn's fistula

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    Seasonal Salinization Decreases Spatial Heterogeneity of Sulfate Reducing Activity

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    This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.Evidence of sulfate input and reduction in coastal freshwater wetlands is often visible in the black iron monosulfide (FeS) complexes that form in iron rich reducing sediments. Using a modified Indicator of Reduction in Soils (IRIS) method, digital imaging, and geostatistics, we examine controls on the spatial properties of FeS in a coastal wetland fresh-to-brackish transition zone over a multi-month, drought-induced saltwater incursion event. PVC sheets (10 × 15 cm) were painted with an iron oxide paint and incubated vertically belowground and flush with the surface for 24 h along a salt-influenced to freshwater wetland transect in coastal North Carolina, USA. Along with collection of complementary water and soil chemistry data, the size and location of the FeS compounds on the plate were photographed and geostatistical techniques were employed to characterize FeS formation on the square cm scale. Herein, we describe how the saltwater incursion front is associated with increased sulfate loading and decreased aqueous Fe(II) content. This accompanies an increased number of individual FeS complexes that were more uniformly distributed as reflected in a lower Magnitude of Spatial Heterogeneity at all sites except furthest downstream. Future work should focus on streamlining the plate analysis procedure as well as developing a more robust statistical based approach to determine sulfide concentration

    Eosinophilic esophagitis: What can we learn from Crohn’s disease?

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    Eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) is an emerging esophageal inflammatory disorder affecting children and young adults. As a relatively new disease, EoE is still burdened by frequent diagnostic and therapeutic pitfalls in clinical practice. This manuscript posits a number of similarities with Crohn’s disease, which may help optimize EoE patient management. Commonalities include epidemiologic trends (Westernized diseases, rising incidence, early-life risk factors), diagnostic considerations (symptoms are poor predictors of disease activity, difficulties in disease activity assessment) and therapeutic issues (similar natural history and therapeutic goals, induction and maintenance phases, combination of drug and endoscopic treatment, potential drug interchangeability, long-term unsolved issues). Physicians devoted to EoE should learn from the extraordinary achievements fulfilled in Crohn’s disease: increased disease awareness, multidisciplinary specialized clinics, structured childhood and transition programs, and an ongoing roadmap for personalized treatments, including genetic susceptibility, risk factors for progression, genotype-phenotype correlation, drug monitoring and microbial data

    Identification of amino acid residues of the NR2A subunit that control glutamate potency in recombinant NR1/NR2A NMDA receptors

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    The NMDA type of ligand-gated glutamate receptor requires the presence of both glutamate and glycine for gating. These receptors are hetero-oligomers of NR1 and NR2 subunits. Previously it was thought that the binding sites for glycine and glutamate were formed by residues on the NR1 subunit. Indeed, it has been shown that the effects of glycine are controlled by residues on the NR1 subunit, and a “Venus flytrap” model for the glycine binding site has been suggested by analogy with bacterial periplasmic amino acid binding proteins. By analysis of 10 mutant NMDA receptors, we now show that residues on the NR2A subunit control glutamate potency in recombinant NR1/NR2A receptors, without affecting glycine potency. Furthermore, we provide evidence that, at least for some mutated residues, the reduced potency of glutamate cannot be explained by alteration of gating but has to be caused primarily by impairing the binding of the agonist to the resting state of the receptor. One NR2A mutant, NR2A(T671A), had anEC50for glutamate 1000-fold greater than wild type and a 255-fold reduced affinity for APV, yet it had single-channel openings very similar to those of wild type. Therefore we propose that the glutamate binding site is located on NR2 subunits and (taking our data together with previous work) is not on the NR1 subunit. Our data further imply that each NMDA receptor subunit possesses a binding site for an agonist (glutamate or glycine).</jats:p

    X-ray absorption spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction data for molybdenum minerals and compounds

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    Copyright © 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY license ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)This work was supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) CREATE to INSPIRE program and the Canadian Light Source, which is supported by the Canada Foundation for Innovation, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), the University of Saskatchewan, the Government of Saskatchewan, Western Economic Diversification Canada, the National Research Council Canada, and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research. This work was also supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) through a Discovery Grant (Grant No. RGPIN-2020-05172) held by MBJL.Peer ReviewedWe report Mo K- and LIII-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) data collected for 15 molybdenum minerals and compounds sourced from museum collections, mineral dealers, and chemical suppliers. The samples were finely ground and analyzed at the Canadian Light Source synchrotron (Saskatoon, Canada). The L III-edge XAS data were collected in fluorescence and total electron yield mode, while the K-edge XAS data were collected in transmission and fluorescence modes. Molybdenum L III-edge spectra cover the X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) region and Mo K-edge spectra cover the extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) region. Tabulated XAS data are provided to support analysis of XAS data obtained for geological or environmental research. Furthermore, Mo K-edge EXAFS and L III-edge XANES spectra, the k3 weighted oscillatory χ(k) functions, and the Fourier-transforms in χ(R) of these K-edge data are presented graphically. Corresponding XRD data were collected as two-dimensional images against an area detector and integrated to form line scans. The data were collected at a wavelength of 0.68866 Å (18 keV) and is tabulated and presented graphically over a 0-40 °2Q range. This dataset is intended to be used as reference material for a variety of rare and common Mo phases

    Molybdenum(VI) sequestration mechanisms during iron(II)-induced ferrihydrite transformation

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    Copyright © 2021 American Chemical SocietyFunding was provided by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) through a Discovery Grant (grant no. RGPIN-2020-05172) and Industrial Research Chair (grant no. IRCPJ-463568-13) held by M.B.J.L. A portion of the research described in this paper was performed at the Canadian Light Source, which is supported by the Canada Foundation for Innovation, NSERC, the University of Saskatchewan, the Government of Saskatchewan, Western Economic Diversification Canada, the National Research Council Canada, and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research.Peer ReviewedAdsorption and coprecipitation reactions with Fe(III) (oxyhydr)oxides contribute to Mo(VI) attenuation within geohydrologic systems. Redox transitions within these systems can promote transformation of metastable phases, including ferrihydrite, and repartitioning of associated Mo(VI). Recent studies show that Mo(VI) coordination shifts from tetrahedral to octahedral during Fe(II)-induced ferrihydrite transformation. However, effects of initial conditions including solution pH, the Mo(VI) uptake mechanism, and Mo(VI) loading on repartitioning are not known. We performed batch experiments using ferrihydrite suspensions prepared with adsorbed or coprecipitated Mo(VI) (0, 25, and 100 μmol g–1) at two initial pH values (pH0; 5.0 and 6.5). We catalyzed ferrihydrite transformation under anoxic conditions by adding Fe(II)(aq) (0.5 mM) and monitored pH, [Mo]T, and [Fe]T over time. After 168 h, we collected reacted solids for analysis by powder X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy-selected area electron diffraction (TEM-SAED), and Mo K-edge extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy. XRD data indicate that bulk ferrihydrite transformation was limited in all but the pH0 6.5 coprecipitated Mo(VI) experiments. The TEM-SAED results reveal that nanoscale lepidocrocite and goethite formed at ferrihydrite surfaces in all experiments, whereas nanoscale bamfordite [FeMo2O6(OH)3·H2O] crystallites were observed in pH0 6.5 experiments. EXAFS models reveal changes in Mo(VI) coordination and bonding consistent with bamfordite precipitation combined with structural incorporation into neoformed goethite and lepidocrocite. Our results improve the understanding of Mo(VI) retention pathways in geohydrologic systems