477 research outputs found

    Local electronic nematicity in the one-band Hubbard model

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    Nematicity is a well known property of liquid crystals and has been recently discussed in the context of strongly interacting electrons. An electronic nematic phase has been seen by many experiments in certain strongly correlated materials, in particular, in the pseudogap phase generic to many hole-doped cuprate superconductors. Recent measurements in high TcT_c superconductors has shown even if the lattice is perfectly rotationally symmetric, the ground state can still have strongly nematic local properties. Our study of the two-dimensional Hubbard model provides strong support of the recent experimental results on local rotational C4C_4 symmetry breaking. The variational cluster approach is used here to show the possibility of an electronic nematic state and the proximity of the underlying symmetry-breaking ground state within the Hubbard model. We identify this nematic phase in the overdoped region and show that the local nematicity decreases with increasing electron filling. Our results also indicate that strong Coulomb interaction may drive the nematic phase into a phase similar to the stripe structure. The calculated spin (magnetic) correlation function in momentum space shows the effects resulting from real-space nematicity

    Le nombre d’Avogadro en prend pour son rhume : l’homéopathie en question

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    Même si de plus en plus de psychoéducateurs utilisent des approches appuyées sur des données probantes, ils sont également confrontés dans leur pratique quotidienne à des approches dites alternatives dont la validité, dans la majorité des cas, reste à démontrer. Parmi celles-ci, l’homéopathie prétend traiter un ensemble de problèmes psychosociaux dont le TDAH, les troubles d’apprentissage, l’anxiété, la peur, etc. L’objectif de cet article est de considérer la pertinence de cette approche non seulement pour traiter les problèmes psychosociaux mais également l’ensemble des troubles qu’elle prétend soigner. Cet article comprend cinq parties. Dans la première, nous situons l’histoire de l’homéopathie dans le cadre de la chimie et de la pharmacologie modernes. La deuxième est consacrée à ce qu’il est convenu maintenant d’appeler « l’affaire de la mémoire de l’eau » que des homéopathes ont tenté de récupérer à leur profit pour justifier l’activité de leurs produits même lorsque la dilution de ceux-ci est telle qu’ils ne contiennent plus de molécule active. Au cours de la troisième partie, nous faisons état de la recherche concernant l’efficacité des traitements homéopathiques. Dans la quatrième partie, nous montrons brièvement que l’homéopathie vétérinaire n’est pas plus efficace que l’homéopathie appliquée aux humains. Dans la cinquième partie, nous soulevons quelques aspects éthiques en soulignant entre autres éléments que la prescription des produits homéopathiques et l’utilisation des « vaccins » de même nature ne sont pas sans conséquences.Although there is an increasing body of psychoeducators who rely on evidence-based approaches, it is also common for them to employ alternative methods in the context of their daily practice. More often than not, the validity of these theories has yet to be established. Among the complementary approaches, homeopathy is one that could supposedly treat various psychosocial problems, including ADHD, learning disorders, anxiety, fear, etc. The objective of this article is to determine whether or not such an alternative therapy should be considered an appropriate course of treatment for psychosocial issues as well as all of the other disorders allegedly treated by homeopathy. This article is divided into five parts. Firstly, we discuss the historical background of homeopathy in the context of modern chemistry and pharmacology. The second part of this text is dedicated to what is nowadays referred to as ‘’water memory’’, a concept seized by homeopaths in an attempt to justify their claims regarding the efficiency of products lacking active molecules due to over-dilution. Thirdly, we outline the current state of research concerning the effectiveness of homeopathic treatments. In part four, we briefly demonstrate that veterinary homeopathy isn’t more efficient than homeopathy applied to humans. Finally, in part five, we ponder the ethical issues surrounding the prescription of homeopathic products and the use of vaccines of the same nature in consideration of their potential consequences

    Interest as Damages

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    In this article, we posit that when arbitral tribunals decide international disputes, they typically fail to fully compensate claimants for the loss of the use of their money. This failure occurs because they do not acknowledge that businesses typically invest in opportunities that pose a significantly greater risk than the risk reflected in such commonly used standards as U.S. T-bills and LIBOR rates. Claimants also must share the blame when they do not set out a well-constructed claim for interest as damages. However, even when claimants do so, tribunals often award damages at a statutory rate or at rate reflecting a nearly risk-free investment because they are unfamiliar with modern economic and financial principles. We propose changing this practice. We set out a legal framework for allowing an award of interest as damages and then furnish a model for claimants and tribunals to use. Under this model, interest accrues at a risk-free interest rate plus a market risk premium with the interest award to be compounded on a yearly basis. This model would bring awards in line with modern economic realities and more accurately compensate injured parties

    Characteristics of oxygen isotope substitutions in the quasiparticle spectrum of Bi2_2Sr2_2CaCu2_2O8+δ_{8+\delta}

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    There is an ongoing debate about the nature of the bosonic excitations responsible for the quasiparticle self energy in high temperature superconductors -- are they phonons or spin fluctuations? We present a careful analysis of the bosonic excitations as revealed by the `kink' feature at 70 meV in angle resolved photoemission data using Eliashberg theory for a d-wave superconductor. Starting from the assumption that nodal quasiparticles are not coupled to the (π,π)(\pi,\pi) magnetic resonance, the sharp structure at 7070 meV can be assigned to phonons. We find that not only can we account for the shifts of the kink energy seen on oxygen isotope substitution but also get a quantitative estimate of the fraction of the area under the electron-boson spectral density which is due to phonons. We conclude that for optimally doped Bi2_2Sr2_2CaCu2_2O8+δ_{8+\delta} phonons contribute ∼10\sim 10% and non-phononic excitations ∼90\sim 90%.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Cluster Perturbation Theory for Hubbard models

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    Cluster perturbation theory is a technique for calculating the spectral weight of Hubbard models of strongly correlated electrons, which combines exact diagonalizations on small clusters with strong-coupling perturbation theory at leading order. It is exact in both the strong- and weak-coupling limits and provides a good approximation to the spectral function at any wavevector. Following the paper by S\'en\'echal et al. (Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 84}, 522 (2000)), we provide a more complete description and derivation of the method. We illustrate some of its capabilities, in particular regarding the effect of doping, the calculation of ground state energy and double occupancy, the disappearance of the Fermi surface in the t−t′t-t' Hubbard model, and so on. The method is applicable to any model with on-site repulsion only.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures (RevTeX 4

    Spectral functions for strongly correlated 5f-electrons

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    We calculate the spectral functions of model systems describing 5f-compounds adopting Cluster Perturbation Theory. The method allows for an accurate treatment of the short-range correlations. The calculated excitation spectra exhibit coherent 5f bands coexisting with features associated with local intra-atomic transitions. The findings provide a microscopic basis for partial localization. Results are presented for linear chains.Comment: 10 Page

    Semiclassical description of spin ladders

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    The Heisenberg spin ladder is studied in the semiclassical limit, via a mapping to the nonlinear σ\sigma model. Different treatments are needed if the inter-chain coupling KK is small, intermediate or large. For intermediate coupling a single nonlinear σ\sigma model is used for the ladder. Its predicts a spin gap for all nonzero values of KK if the sum s+s~s+\tilde s of the spins of the two chains is an integer, and no gap otherwise. For small KK, a better treatment proceeds by coupling two nonlinear sigma models, one for each chain. For integer s=s~s=\tilde s, the saddle-point approximation predicts a sharp drop in the gap as KK increases from zero. A Monte-Carlo simulation of a spin 1 ladder is presented which supports the analytical results.Comment: 8 pages, RevTeX 3.0, 4 PostScript figure
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