1,587 research outputs found

    Magnetization reversal in the anisotropy-dominated regime using time-dependent magnetic fields

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    We study magnetization reversal using various r.f. magnetic pulses. We show numerically that switching is possible with simple sinusoidal pulses; however the optimum approach is to use a frequency-swept (chirped) r.f. magnetic pulse, the shape of which can be derived analytically. Switching times of the order of nanoseconds can be achieved with relatively small r.f. fields, independent of the anisotropy's strength

    Evolution: Complexity, uncertainty and innovation

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    Complexity science provides a general mathematical basis for evolutionary thinking. It makes us face the inherent, irreducible nature of uncertainty and the limits to knowledge and prediction. Complex, evolutionary systems work on the basis of on-going, continuous internal processes of exploration, experimentation and innovation at their underlying levels. This is acted upon by the level above, leading to a selection process on the lower levels and a probing of the stability of the level above. This could either be an organizational level above, or the potential market place. Models aimed at predicting system behaviour therefore consist of assumptions of constraints on the micro-level – and because of inertia or conformity may be approximately true for some unspecified time. However, systems without strong mechanisms of repression and conformity will evolve, innovate and change, creating new emergent structures, capabilities and characteristics. Systems with no individual freedom at their lower levels will have predictable behaviour in the short term – but will not survive in the long term. Creative, innovative, evolving systems, on the other hand, will more probably survive over longer times, but will not have predictable characteristics or behaviour. These minimal mechanisms are all that are required to explain (though not predict) the co-evolutionary processes occurring in markets, organizations, and indeed in emergent, evolutionary communities of practice. Some examples will be presented briefly

    A Low Emittance Lattice for the CLIC Damping Ring

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    Damping rings with very small normalized equilibrium emittance and short damping times are required to deliver trains of bunches with a high repetition rate for the high-luminosity linear colliders. Using analytic expressions for the equilibrium emittance as a function of deflection angle per dipole, as well as the expression for the Twiss parameters providing the minimum emittance, a strategy to stay close to this mini-mum is described. In order to get as close as possible to the optimum Twiss parameters values, a quadruplet lattice with high horizontal phase advance is introduced. Finally, this approach is illustrated for the particular case of the CLIC damping ring and the resulting performance is described

    Resonant switching using spin valves

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    Using micromagnetics we demonstrate that the r.f. field produced by a spin valve can be used to reverse the magnetization in a magnetic nanoparticle. The r.f. field is generated using a current that specifically excites a uniform spin wave in the spin valve. This current is swept such that the chirped-frequency generated by the valve matches the angular dependent resonant frequency of the anisotropy-dominated magnetic nanoparticle, as a result of which the magnetization reversal occurs. The switching is fast, requires currents similar to those used in recent experiments with spin valves, and is stable with respect to small perturbations. This phenomenon can potentially be employed in magnetic information storage devices or recently discussed magnetic computing schemes

    Dynamic magnetic response of infinite arrays of ferromagnetic particles

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    Recently developed techniques to find the eigenmodes of a ferromagnetic particle of arbitrary shape, as well as the absorption in the presence of an inhomogeneous radio-frequency field, are extended to treat infinite lattices of such particles. The method is applied to analyze the results of recent FMR experiments, and yields substantially good agreement between theory and experiment

    Switching spin valves using r.f. currents

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    We show that magnetization reversal in spin-injection devices can be significantly faster when using a chirped r.f. rather than d.c current pulse. Alternatively one can use a simple sinusoidal r.f. pulse or an optimized series of alternating, equal-amplitude, square pulses of varying width (a digitized approximation to a chirped r.f. pulse) to produce switching using much smaller currents than with a d.c. pulse.Comment: please disregard the previous versio

    Larval culture of the calico scallop, Argopecten gibbus

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    Mature calico scallops, Argopecten gibbus, collected from the grounds off Cape Kennedy, Florida, were induced to spawn in the laboratory. Fertilized eggs were reared to postlarvae in sea water of 23° C ± 2.0° C at a salinity of 35 %o. The external morphology of eggs and developing larval stages are described
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