522 research outputs found

    New spectroscopic data for atomic tungsten XIV

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    The thirteen times ionized tungsten is isoelectronic with PmI. Wavelengths and transition probabilities for the 5s-5p and 5p-5d transitions of WXIV, identifying the ground state as 4f13 5s2 2F7/2 were calculated. Both, a relativistic Hartree Fock approach, including core-polarization effects, and a purely relativistic multiconfiguration Dirac-Fock method were used for the calculations. Particularly, 5s-5p transitions were compared with experimental results obtained with VUV electron beam ion trap (EBIT) spectroscopy583CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQCOORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESnão temnão tem17th International conference on the physics of highly charged ionsThis research was supported by the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), Argentina, by the Coordenaçăo de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) and by the Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa (CNPq), Brazil. The Comisión de Investigaciones Científcas de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (CIC), where J. G. Reyna Almandos and M. Raineri are researchers, is also gratefully acknowledge

    Field Localization and Enhancement of Phase Locked Second and Third Harmonic Generation in Absorbing Semiconductor Cavities

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    We predict and experimentally observe the enhancement by three orders of magnitude of phase mismatched second and third harmonic generation in a GaAs cavity at 650nm and 433nm, respectively, well above the absorption edge. Phase locking between the pump and the harmonics changes the effective dispersion of the medium and inhibits absorption. Despite hostile conditions the harmonics become localized inside the cavity leading to relatively large conversion efficiencies. Field localization plays a pivotal role and ushers in a new class of semiconductor-based devices in the visible and UV ranges

    Staphylococcal trafficking and infection-from 'nose to gut' and back

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    Staphylococcus aureus is an opportunistic human pathogen, which is a leading cause of infections worldwide. The challenge in treating S. aureus infection is linked to the development of multidrug-resistant strains and the mechanisms employed by this pathogen to evade the human immune defenses. In addition, S. aureus can hide asymptomatically in particular ‘protective’ niches of the human body for prolonged periods of time. In the present review, we highlight recently gained insights in the role of the human gut as an endogenous S. aureus reservoir next to the nasopharynx and oral cavity. In addition, we address the contribution of these ecological niches to staphylococcal transmission, including the roles of particular triggers as modulators of the bacterial dissemination. In this context, we present recent advances concerning the interactions between S. aureus and immune cells to understand their possible roles as vehicles of dissemination from the gut to other body sites. Lastly, we discuss the factors that contribute to the switch from colonization to infection. Altogether, we conclude that an important key to uncovering the pathogenesis of S. aureus infection lies hidden in the endogenous staphylococcal reservoirs, the trafficking of this bacterium through the human body and the subsequent immune responses

    Overview of the EU FP7-project HISTORIC

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    HISTORIC aims to develop and test complex photonic integrated circuits containing a relatively large number of digital photonic elements for use in e.g. all-optical packet switching. These photonic digital units are all-optical flip-flops based on ultra compact laser diodes, such as microdisk lasers and photonic crystal lasers. These lasers are fabricated making use of the heterogeneous integration of InP membranes on top of silicon on insulator (SOI) passive optical circuits. The very small dimensions of the lasers are, at least for some approaches, possible because of the high index contrast of the InP membranes and by making use of the extreme accuracy of CMOS processing. All-optical flip-flops based on heterogeneously integrated microdisk lasers with diameter of 7.5 mu m have already been demonstrated. They operate with a CW power consumption of a few mW and can switch in 60ps with switching energies as low as 1.8 fJ. Their operation as all-optical gate has also been demonstrated. Work is also on-going to fabricate heterogeneously integrated photonic crystal lasers and all-optical flip-flops based on such lasers. A lot of attention is given to the electrical pumping of the membrane InP-based photonic crystal lasers and to the coupling to SOI wire waveguides. Optically pumped photonic crystal lasers coupled to SOI wires have been demonstrated already. The all-optical flip-flops and gates will be combined into more complex photonic integrated circuits, implementing all-optical shift registers, D flip-flops, and other all-optical switching building blocks. The possibility to integrate a large number of photonic digital units together, but also to integrate them with compact passive optical routers such as AWGs, opens new perspectives for the design of integrated optical processors or optical buffers. The project therefore also focuses on designing new architectures for such optical processing or buffer chips

    Revised and extended analysis of five times ionized xenon, Xe Vi

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    A capillary discharge tube was used to record the Xe spectrum in the 400-5500 Å region. A set of 243 lines of the Xe VI spectrum was observed, and 146 of them were classified for the first time. For all known lines, we calculated the weighted oscillator strengths (gf) and weighted transition probabilities (gA) using the configuration interaction in a relativistic Hartree-Fock approach. The energy matrix was calculated using energy parameters adjusted to fit the experimental energy levels. Core polarization effects were taken into account in our calculations. Experimental energy values and calculated lifetimes are also presented for a set of 88 levels. From these levels, 32 were classified for the first time and 33 had their values revised. Our analysis of the 5s5p5d and 5s5p6s configurations was extended in order to clarify discrepancies among previous works216

    Time-resolved analysis of Staphylococcus aureus invading the endothelial barrier

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    Staphylococcus aureus is a leading cause of infections world-wide. Once this pathogen has reached the bloodstream, it can invade different parts of the human body by crossing the endothelial barrier. Infected endothelial cells may be lysed by bacterial products, but the bacteria may also persist intracellularly, where they are difficult to eradicate with antibiotics and cause relapses of infection. Our present study was aimed at investigating the fate of methicillin resistant S. aureus (MRSA) isolates of the USA300 lineage with different epidemiological origin inside endothelial cells. To this end, we established two in vitro infection models based on primary human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC), which mimic conditions of the endothelium when infection occurs. For comparison, the laboratory strain S. aureus HG001 was used. As shown by flow cytometry and fluorescence- or electron microscopy, differentiation of HUVEC into a cell barrier with cell-cell junctions sets limits to the rates of bacterial internalization, the numbers of internalized bacteria, the percentage of infected cells, and long-term intracellular bacterial survival. Clear strain-specific differences were observed with the HG001 strain infecting the highest numbers of HUVEC and displaying the longest intracellular persistence, whereas the MRSA strains reproduced faster intracellularly. Nonetheless, all internalized bacteria remained confined in membrane-enclosed LAMP-1-positive lysosomal or vacuolar compartments. Once internalized, the bacteria had a higher propensity to persist within the differentiated endothelial cell barrier, probably because internalization of lower numbers of bacteria was less toxic. Altogether, our findings imply that intact endothelial barriers are more likely to sustain persistent intracellular infection

    Theory of solvation in polar nematics

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    We develop a linear response theory of solvation of ionic and dipolar solutes in anisotropic, axially symmetric polar solvents. The theory is applied to solvation in polar nematic liquid crystals. The formal theory constructs the solvation response function from projections of the solvent dipolar susceptibility on rotational invariants. These projections are obtained from Monte Carlo simulations of a fluid of dipolar spherocylinders which can exist both in the isotropic and nematic phase. Based on the properties of the solvent susceptibility from simulations and the formal solution, we have obtained a formula for the solvation free energy which incorporates experimentally available properties of nematics and the length of correlation between the dipoles in the liquid crystal. Illustrative calculations are presented for the Stokes shift and Stokes shift correlation function of coumarin-153 in 4-n-pentyl-4'-cyanobiphenyl (5CB) and 4,4-n-heptyl-cyanopiphenyl (7CB) solvents as a function of temperature in both the nematic and isotropic phase.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figure