145 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Pelaksanaan Ujian Nasional Berbasis Komputer terhadap Motivasi Belajar Siswa Kelas XII

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    The purpose of this studywas to find out the effect of computer-based national examination toward students learning motivation at SMA N 9 Bandar Lampung of 2016/2017 academic year. The method of this research was quantitative descriptive. The subjects of this research were the third grade students of SMA N 9 Bandar Lampung of 2016/2017 Academic Year. For the data collection instrument, questionnaires were administered. The data were analyzed by using CheKuadrat. The result showed that there was significant effect of the implementation of computer-based national examination toward students learning motivation at SMA N 9 Bandar Lampung of 2016/2017 Academic Year.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengaruh pelaksanaan ujian nasional berbasis komputer terhadap motivasi belajar siswa kelas XII di SMA N 9 Bandar Lampung Tahun ajaran 2016/2017. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kuantitatif dengan subjek penelitian siswa kelas XII SMA Negeri 9 Bandar Lampung Tahun ajaran 2016/2017. Untuk mengumpulkan data menggunakan teknik angket. Data analisis menggunakan CheKuadrat. Hasil penelitian ini adalah terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara pelaksanaan ujian nasional berbasis komputer terhadap motivasi belajar siswa di SMA Negeri 9 Bandar Lampung Tahun ajaran 2016-2017

    Aplikasi Game Strategi Menggunakan Metode Algoritma Genetika Untuk Pembuatan Pasukan

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    One way that can be used to provide education in an interesting way is using game. A kind of game's genre that can be used to provide entertainment and educational to the player is a turn-based strategy game. As a turn-based strategy game, Battle of Batavia requires AI as opponent which can take good decision for making and controlling units to make the game become more attractive.To create AI that can think well, an AI system that can think properly in game is created. The system uses genetic algorithm method to take decision in making and controlling units. In this thesis, there are 2 component created for this thesis, the first is the genetic algorithm system and the second is Battle of Batavia game.The results show that the genetic algorithm system can be developed so the AI can think much better by determining fitness criteria that affect on taking decision in making and controlling units. The results also show that the genetic algorithm system can make a better decision than random method on some in-game conditions

    Sistem Informasi Pariwisata Kabupaten Karanganyar Menggunakan Google Maps

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    Karanganyar has many attractions that are worth to visit, but the presence of the object - attractions in Karanganyar is still little known by tourists, both domestic and abroad due to their socialization still using conventional media such as booklets or brochures.A system of Karanganyar tourism information using Google Maps has been built and developed as an alternative media promotion and dissemination. With the construction of this system, it is expected to help expand information on the whereabouts of attractions owned by Karanganyar and can help facilitate travelers to determine their route, and information about the distance between attractions travel services and the roads to impassable. The methods used in data collection are direct observation, interviews and questionnaires

    Rasio Modulus Penampang Elastik Balok Kayu Laminasi-Baut

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    . Laminated beam can be an alternative for solid timber, because it provides the advantage that it can be fabricated with a needed-span and a bigger cross section. The purpose of this research is to obtain an empirical equation of the bolt-laminated timber beam elastic section modulus ratio. Elastic section modulus ratio is elastic section modulus ratio between laminated and solid beams. Scope of this research are horizontally laminated system, Indonesian timber with specific grafity ranged 0.4-0.8 which are red meranti (shorea spp), keruing (dipterocarpus spp), and acacia mangium, prismatic beam section, experimental test in laboratorium and numerical simulation using nonlinear finite element method. The parameters discussed are timber type, bolt diameter, number of row, and spacing. Beam has a 3-meter span and arranged by 4 laminae. Timber stress-strain model for numerical simulation based on Hill plasticity, bolt stress-strain model is elasto-plastic. Results obtained are beam load-displacement curve trend is bilinear, the elastic section modulus ratio equation are the fuction of timber type, bolt diameter, and number of row against bolt spacing ratio. The elastic section modulus ratio can be used to predict the bending strength at the proportional limit

    Hubungan Malaria Dengan Tnf-α Dan Kadar Hemoglobin Pada Ibu Hamil Di Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow Utara

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    : As an infectious transmitted disease, malaria has been a tremendous health problem around the world. Indonesia is determined as one of the 104 malaria-endemic countries in the world. Pregnant women are easier infected by malaria compared with the general population. People suffered from malaria may have low haemoglobin and high TNF-α levels. The increased TNF α level may cause bad complication or mortality in malaria patient. This study aimed to determine the levels of hemoglobin and TNF-α among pregnant woman with malaria in Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow Utara. This was a cross-sectional study. Samples were obtained by using purposive sampling method. Besides using questionnaire, there were three laboratory tests conducted in this study: peripheral blood smear with Giemsa staining for detection of plasmodia; hemoglobin level with rapid test hemoglobin; and TNF-α level with ELISA. The bivariate analysis showed that of 72 pregnant women there was only one (1.4%) with positive malaria and increased TNF-α level. There was no pregnant woman with malaria had low hemoglobin level. The chi square test showed a P value 1,00 (α = 0,05). Conclusion: There was no relation between plasmodium infection and the levels of TNF α and hemoglobin among pregnant women in Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow Utara

    Rancang Bangun Robot Pelontar Shuttlecock

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    The design of robot launcher shuttlecock is done by researchers so that the robot produced can help human activity in the field of sports. This throwing robot can be used as a training medium for selftaught players, where practice can be done without a trainer / helpers. Players can practice at any time without being linked with others (trainers / feeders) so that training time can be maximized. The methodology of this tool includes the manufacture and design of hardware and software. The manufacture and design of mechanical hardware involves the construction of aluminum frames, with actuators in the form of motors and pneumatic systems while for the design and manufacture of electronics hardware includes the manufacture of control circuits. Preparation and design of software include programming mikrokontroler ATMega128. From the test results, the robot can throw shuttlecock. Robot can do 6 mode service ie service mode near, far, left, right, random and join with average success percentage equal to 93,35%


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    Salah satu mesin yang digunakan pada PLTD Poka adalah mesin dengan merk Anglo Belgian Corps (ABC). Apabila terjadi pada saat awal pengecekan sebelum dilakukan start ditemukan level oli yang meningkat dari batas normal dan ditemukan air pada stick penunjuk level. Setelah di lakukan blow up ternyata keluar air dari salah satu cylinder head, kemudian komponen Cylinder Head dilepas untuk di lakukan pengecekan namun tidak adanya alat untuk mengetes kebocoran sehingga pengecekan hanya dilakukan secara visual dan cylinder head yang bocor diganti dengan cylinder head yang baru untuk dipasang kembali agar mesin dapat beroperasi. Dengan adanya permasalahan perlu adanya sebuah alat yang dapat mengetahui kebocoran air pada cylinder head sehingga effisiensi waktu pemelihaaan lebih cepat dan biaya pemeliharaan lebih hemat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang n membuat sebuah alat agar kebocoran dalam saluran air pendingin cylinder head agar kerugian-kerugian karena kebocoran air pendingin dapat di hindari. Dengan diskusi dengan pegawai PLTD di dapatkan desain akhir yang sesuai dengan desain cylinder head mesin Anglo Belgian Corp. 12 VDCZ dan dengan biaya pembuatan sebesar Rp. 1.762.000 dapat menghemat biaya menghemat biaya akibat tidak masuknya mesin pada sistem sebesar Rp. 8.116.400 dan dapat menghemat penggunaan oli sebesar Rp. 28.238.000. karena manfaat yang sangat besar pada PLN maka hendaknya PLN dapat mengimplemtasikan kepada seluruh unit yang memiliki mesin Anglo Belgian Corp. Type 12VDZ

    Arthroscopic posterior-inferior capsular release in the treatment of overhead athlete with GHIRD: a case report

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    Glenohumeral internal rotation deficit (GHIRD) is one of most controversial joint diseases in terms of diagnosis and treatment. The use of arthroscopy has improved the recognition of pathologic findings in glenohumeral internal rotation deficit (GHIRD) and allowed a better understanding of the etiology of it and the correlation between symptoms and lesion patterns. We present our technique for arthroscopic posterior-inferior capsular release in athlete with symptomatic glenohumeral internal rotation deficit (GIRD) that was unresponsive to nonoperative treatment and was preventing him from returning to sport. By this technique resulted in a successful outcome. We evaluate a 28 years old male with right shoulder pain and limitation in abduction internanal rotation after 3 months conservative treatment. We performed Arthrospcopic posterior-inferior capsular release. After 2 months correspondingly, we performed follow-up assessments on shoulder function (using the ases and rowe score) and pain (using a visual analogue scale) were made. Arthroscopic posterior-inferior capsular release can be recommended as a reasonable operative solution for overhead athletes with symptomatic GIRD that has not responden to conservative management. Evaluation of patient in whom we performed arthroscopic repair base on ases and rowe score. Arthroscopic posterior-inferior capsular release showed satisfactory shoulder function after 2 months follow up correspondingly
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