823 research outputs found

    Two dimensional eye tracking: Sampling rate of forcing function

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    A study was conducted to determine the minimum update rate of a forcing function display required for the operator to approximate the tracking performance obtained on a continuous display. In this study, frequency analysis was used to determine whether there was an associated change in the transfer function characteristics of the operator. It was expected that as the forcing function display update rate was reduced, from 120 to 15 samples per second, the operator's response to the high frequency components of the forcing function would show a decrease in gain, an increase in phase lag, and a decrease in coherence

    Head tracking at large angles from the straight ahead position

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    One of the big advantages of a helmet sight in a high performance aircraft is its off-boresight capability in aiming a fire control system. However, tracking data using a target that is moving rapidly and randomly for an extended period of time is missing. This study is intended to provide data in this area that will be of value to engineers in designing head control systems

    A production planning system for plastic footwear in a seasonal market

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    Modern injection-moulding machinery which produces several, pairs of plastic footwear at a time brought increased production planning problems to a factory. The demand for its footwear is seasonal but the company's manning policy keeps a fairly constant production level thus determining the aggregate stock. Production planning must therefore be done within the limitations of a specified total stock. The thesis proposes a new production planning system with four subsystems. These are sales forecasting, resource planning, and two levels of production scheduling: (a) aggregate decisions concerning the 'manufacturing group' (group of products) to be produced in each machine each week, and (b) detailed decisions concerning the products within a manufacturing group to be scheduled into each mould-place. The detailed scheduling is least dependent on improvements elsewhere so the sub-systems were tackled in reverse order. The thesis concentrates on the production scheduling sub-systems which will provide most. of the benefits. The aggregate scheduling solution depends principally on the aggregate stocks of each manufacturing group and their division into 'safety stocks' (to prevent shortages) and 'freestocks' (to permit batch production). The problem is too complex for exact solution but a good heuristic solution, which has yet to be implemented, is provided by minimising graphically immediate plus expected future costs. The detailed problem splits into determining the optimal safety stocks and batch quantities given the appropriate aggregate stocks. It.is found that the optimal safety stocks are proportional to the demand. The ideal batch quantities are based on a modified, formula for the Economic Batch Quantity and the product schedule is created week by week using a priority system which schedules to minimise expected future costs. This algorithm performs almost optimally. The detailed scheduling solution was implemented and achieved the target savings for the whole project in favourable circumstances. Future plans include full implementation

    A comparison of head and manual control for a position-control pursuit tracking task

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    Head control was compared with manual control in a pursuit tracking task involving proportional controlled-element dynamics. An integrated control/display system was used to explore tracking effectiveness in horizontal and vertical axes tracked singly and concurrently. Compared with manual tracking, head tracking resulted in a 50 percent greater rms error score, lower pilot gain, greater high-frequency phase lag and greater low-frequency remnant. These differences were statistically significant, but differences between horizontal- and vertical-axis tracking and between 1- and 2-axis tracking were generally small and not highly significant. Manual tracking results were matched with the optimal control model using pilot-related parameters typical of those found in previous manual control studies. Head tracking performance was predicted with good accuracy using the manual tracking model plus a model for head/neck response dynamics obtained from the literature

    Going Global: Interest in Global Health among US Otolaryngology Residents

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    Background: To meet the rising interest in surgical global health, some surgical residency programs offer global health experiences. The level of interest in these programs, however, and their role in residency recruitment and career planning has not been systematically evaluated. Objective: (1) Define interest in global health among Otolaryngology residents in the USA. (2) Assess engagement of Otolaryngology residencies in global health training. (3) Determine barriers to global health training in residency. Methods: A survey questionnaire was developed and sent to all Otolaryngology Residency Program Directors for distribution to all current Otolaryngology residents in the US. Results: A total of 91 complete surveys were collected. A majority of respondents felt that global health was either very important or extremely important (67%). Two-thirds of respondents had prior global health experience (68%). While 56% of respondents would definitely participate in a global health elective and 78% would likely or definitely participate, only 37% of residency programs offered a global health experience. The availability of a global health elective significantly correlated with residency match choice in respondents with previous global health experience. The three most common barriers to participation were insufficient time, insufficient funding, and lack of program. Conclusion: Participation in bilateral and equitable international electives is a unique experience of personal and professional growth. There is an interest in these opportunities during residency training among Otolaryngology residents that is not reflected in availability within training programs. This suggests the need for development of humanitarian outreach exposure through global health experiences during surgical residency training