93 research outputs found

    Информационная технология выбора профессиональных компетенций при формировании образовательной программы вуза

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    Объектом исследования данной работы является система выбора профессиональных компетенций при формировании содержания образовательной программы вуза. Цель работы – сократить временные затраты руководителя образовательной ООП, с помощью информационной системы, позволяющей делать быструю выборку профессиональных компетенций. В процессе исследования проводились обзор процесса формирования учебных планов, существующий решений и методов разработки и проектирования ООП. В результате исследования бал разработана информационная система, позволяющая автоматизировать процесс выбора профессиональных компетенций, при формировании содержания образовательной программы вуза.The object of research of this work is a system of choosing professional competencies in the formation of the content of the educational program of the university. The purpose of the work is to submit the time costs of the head of the educational program , using an information system that allows you to sample professional competencies. In the process of the study, the process of curriculum formation, existing solutions and methods of program development and design were verified. As a result of the study ball. Information system that allows to automate the process of selecting professional competencies, while forming the content of the educational program of the university

    Comprehensive study of InAs/GaAs quantum dots by means of complementary methods

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    Structural, optical, and electronic properties of self-organized InAs/GaAs quantum dots (QDs) were studied by means of atomic force microscopy (AFM), photoluminescence measurements (PL), and deep level transient spectroscopy (DLTS). We found that a well defined group of QDs with low size dispersion as revealed by AFM maintains its properties in PL spectra even if the QDs are covered by GaAs. Two well separated emission lines attributed to the QD-related ground- and excited-state transitions. respectively are found in the PL spectra. Contrary to the optical picture of a characteristic simplicity, DLTS spectra are found with higher complexity. This is due to combined thermal/tunneling processes and multi-particle emission. Despite the relatively good understanding of optical and electrical properties of QDs in PL and DLTS, respectively, there are still discrepancies between electrical and optical data for the energy of the QD ground states, which need more investigations to be explained

    Aspects philosophico-scientifiques et implications politiques des ouvrages géographiques de Volney (1757-1820)

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    Vers la fin du XVIIIe siècle de grandes explorations sont officiellement et soigneusement préparées par des équipes de savants de toutes disciplines: elles sont conçues et organisées comme des entreprises de connaissance aptes à fournir une documentation copieuse sur la diversité des races et des sociétés humaines. En 1799 naît la "Société des observateurs de l’homme", dont le programme consiste à étudier la nature de l’homme sous tous ses aspects. Les enquêtes sur l’homme physique et ses variétés raciales se multiplient et dès lors différencient les études descriptives de caractère morphologique. En effet, en cette fin de siècle se précise l’exigence d’une analyse scientifique rigoureuse de la réalité humaine à l’intérieur d’une conception de l’homme considéré comme un être intégralement mondain, comme une espèce au même titre que les espèces animales. Dans ce même cadre s’inscrivent l’œuvre et les activités politiques et diplomatiques de Volney (1757-1820), et son ouvrage majeur "Voyage en Syrie et en Égypte", publié en 1787 après le voyage de l’auteur au Levant (janvier 1783 – avril 1785) et réédité plusieurs fois avant, pendant et après la Révolution et rapidement traduit en anglais, allemand et hollandais. Cette communication analyse certains aspects de cet ouvrage de Volney en considérant tout particulièrement ses descriptions des mœurs des peuples installés dans les régions où il a voyagé

    Low adherence to legislation regarding Do-Not-Attempt-Cardiopulmonary-Resuscitation orders in a Swedish University Hospital

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    Background The ethical principles of resuscitation have been incorporated into Swedish legislation so that a decision to not attempt cardiopulmonary resuscitation (DNACPR) entails (1) consultation with patient or relatives if consultation with patient was not possible and documentation of their attitudes; (2) consultation with other licensed caregivers; (3) documentation of the grounds for the DNACPR. Our aim was to evaluate adherence to this legislation, explore the grounds for the decision and the attitudes of patients and relatives towards DNACPR orders. Methods We included DNACPR forms issued after admission through the emergency department at Karolinska University Hospital between 1st January and 31st October, 2015. Quantitative analysis evaluated adherence to legislation and qualitative analysis of a random sample of 20% evaluated the grounds for the decision and the attitudes. Results The cohort consisted of 3583 DNACPR forms. In 40% of these it was impossible to consult the patient, and relatives were consulted in 46% of these cases. For competent patients, consultation occurred in 28% and the most common attitude was to wish to refrain from resuscitation. Relatives were consulted in 26% and they mainly agreed with the decision. Grounds for the DNAR decision was most commonly severe chronic comorbidity, malignancy or multimorbidity with or without an acute condition. All requirements of the legislation were fulfilled in 10% of the cases. Conclusion In 90% of the cases physicians failed to fulfil all requirements in the Swedish legislation regarding DNAR orders. The decision was mostly based on chronic, severe comorbidity or multimorbidity