267 research outputs found

    Information Length and Localization in One Dimension

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    The scaling properties of the wave functions in finite samples of the one dimensional Anderson model are analyzed. The states have been characterized using a new form of the information or entropic length, and compared with analytical results obtained by assuming an exponential envelope function. A perfect agreement is obtained already for systems of 10310^3--10410^4 sites over a very wide range of disorder parameter 104<W<10410^{-4}<W<10^4. Implications for higher dimensions are also presented.Comment: 11 pages (+3 Figures upon request), Plain TE

    On Renyi entropies characterizing the shape and the extension of the phase space representation of quantum wave functions in disordered systems

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    We discuss some properties of the generalized entropies, called Renyi entropies and their application to the case of continuous distributions. In particular it is shown that these measures of complexity can be divergent, however, their differences are free from these divergences thus enabling them to be good candidates for the description of the extension and the shape of continuous distributions. We apply this formalism to the projection of wave functions onto the coherent state basis, i.e. to the Husimi representation. We also show how the localization properties of the Husimi distribution on average can be reconstructed from its marginal distributions that are calculated in position and momentum space in the case when the phase space has no structure, i.e. no classical limit can be defined. Numerical simulations on a one dimensional disordered system corroborate our expectations.Comment: 8 pages with 2 embedded eps figures, RevTex4, AmsMath included, submitted to PR

    The generalized localization lengths in one dimensional systems with correlated disorder

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    The scale invariant properties of wave functions in finite samples of one dimensional random systems with correlated disorder are analyzed. The random dimer model and its generalizations are considered and the wave functions are compared. Generalized entropic localization lengths are introduced in order to characterize the states and compared with their behavior for exponential localization. An acceptable agreement is obtained, however, the exponential form seems to be an oversimplification in the presence of correlated disorder. According to our analysis in the case of the random dimer model and the two new models the presence of power-law localization cannot be ruled out.Comment: 7 pages, LaTeX (IOP style), 2 figure

    One-parameter Superscaling at the Metal-Insulator Transition in Three Dimensions

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    Based on the spectral statistics obtained in numerical simulations on three dimensional disordered systems within the tight--binding approximation, a new superuniversal scaling relation is presented that allows us to collapse data for the orthogonal, unitary and symplectic symmetry (β=1,2,4\beta=1,2,4) onto a single scaling curve. This relation provides a strong evidence for one-parameter scaling existing in these systems which exhibit a second order phase transition. As a result a possible one-parameter family of spacing distribution functions, Pg(s)P_g(s), is given for each symmetry class β\beta, where gg is the dimensionless conductance.Comment: 4 pages in PS including 3 figure

    A generalized skew information and uncertainty relation

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    A generalized skew information is defined and a generalized uncertainty relation is established with the help of a trace inequality which was recently proven by J.I.Fujii. In addition, we prove the trace inequality conjectured by S.Luo and Z.Zhang. Finally we point out that Theorem 1 in {\it S.Luo and Q.Zhang, IEEE Trans.IT, Vol.50, pp.1778-1782 (2004)} is incorrect in general, by giving a simple counter-example.Comment: to appear in IEEE TI

    Shape Analysis of the Level Spacing Distribution around the Metal Insulator Transition in the Three Dimensional Anderson Model

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    We present a new method for the numerical treatment of second order phase transitions using the level spacing distribution function P(s)P(s). We show that the quantities introduced originally for the shape analysis of eigenvectors can be properly applied for the description of the eigenvalues as well. The position of the metal--insulator transition (MIT) of the three dimensional Anderson model and the critical exponent are evaluated. The shape analysis of P(s)P(s) obtained numerically shows that near the MIT P(s)P(s) is clearly different from both the Brody distribution and from Izrailev's formula, and the best description is of the form P(s)=c1sexp(c2s1+β)P(s)=c_1\,s\exp(-c_2\,s^{1+\beta}), with β0.2\beta\approx 0.2. This is in good agreement with recent analytical results.Comment: 14 pages in plain TeX, 6 figures upon reques

    The Genome of the Chicken DT40 Bursal Lymphoma Cell Line

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    The chicken DT40 cell line is a widely used model system in the study of multiple cellular processes due to the efficiency of homologous gene targeting. The cell line was derived from a bursal lymphoma induced by avian leukosis virus infection. In this study we characterized the genome of the cell line using whole genome shotgun sequencing and single nucleotide polymorphism array hybridization. The results indicate that wild type DT40 has a relatively normal karyotype except for whole chromosome copy number gains, and no karyotype variability within stocks. In a comparison to two domestic chicken genomes and the Gallus gallus reference genome we found no unique mutational processes shaping the DT40 genome except for a mild increase in insertion and deletion events, particularly deletions at tandem repeats. We mapped coding sequence mutations that are unique to the DT40 genome; mutations inactivating the PIK3R1 and ATRX genes likely contributed to the oncogenic transformation. In addition to a known avian leukosis virus integration in the MYC gene we detected further integration sites that are likely to de-regulate gene expression. The new findings support the hypothesis that DT40 is a typical transformed cell line with a relatively intact genome, therefore it is well suited to the role of a model system for DNA repair and related processes. The sequence data generated by this study, including a searchable de novo genome assembly and annotated lists of mutated genes, will support future research using this cell line