1,001 research outputs found

    STM imaging of electronic waves on the surface of Bi2_2Te3_3: topologically protected surface states and hexagonal warping effects

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    Scanning tunneling spectroscopy studies on high-quality Bi2_2Te3_3 crystals exhibit perfect correspondence to ARPES data, hence enabling identification of different regimes measured in the local density of states (LDOS). Oscillations of LDOS near a step are analyzed. Within the main part of the surface band oscillations are strongly damped, supporting the hypothesis of topological protection. At higher energies, as the surface band becomes concave, oscillations appear which disperse with a particular wave-vector that may result from an unconventional hexagonal warping term.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. Revised manuscript with improved analysis and figure

    Neutron Stars with Hyperons subject to Strong Magnetic Field

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    Neutron stars are one of the most exotic objects in the universe and a unique laboratory to study the nuclear matter above the nuclear saturation density. In this work, we study the equation of state of the nuclear matter within a relativistic model subjected to a strong magnetic field. We then apply this EoS to study and describe some of the physical characteristics of neutron star, especially the mass-radius relation and chemical compositions. To study the influence of a the magnetic field and the hyperons in the stellar interior, we consider altogether four solutions: two different values of magnetic field to obtain a weak and a strong influence, and two configurations: a family of neutron stars formed only by protons, electrons and neutrons and a family formed by protons, electrons, neutrons, muons and hyperons. The limit and the validity of the results found are discussed with some care. In all cases the particles that constitute the neutron star are in β\beta equilibrium and zero total net charge. Our work indicates that the effect of a strong magnetic field has to be taken into account in the description of magnetars, mainly if we believe that there are hyperons in their interior, in which case, the influence of the magnetic field can increase the mass by more than 10%. We have also seen that although a magnetar can reach 2.48MM_{\odot}, a natural explanation of why we do not know pulsars with masses above 2.0MM_{\odot} arises. We also discuss how the magnetic field affects the strangeness fraction in some standard neutron star masses and, to conclude our paper, we revisit the direct URCA process related to the cooling of the neutron stars and show how it is affected by the hyperons and the magnetic field.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figure

    Global noise and oscillations in clustered excitable media

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    We study the effects of global noise on waves in heterogeneous, spatially clustered, reaction-diffusion systems with possible applications to calcium signaling. We first discuss how clustering of the excitability determines the dynamics by shifting bifurcation points and creating new oscillatory solutions. We then consider the specific situation, where intrinsic noise, due to the smallness of the excitable patches, destroys the global oscillatory state. We show that additional small global fluctuations, however, can partially restore temporal and spatial coherence of the oscillatory signal.U. S. National Science Foundation of China [IOS-0744798, 10775114

    A Multi-Code Analysis Toolkit for Astrophysical Simulation Data

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    The analysis of complex multiphysics astrophysical simulations presents a unique and rapidly growing set of challenges: reproducibility, parallelization, and vast increases in data size and complexity chief among them. In order to meet these challenges, and in order to open up new avenues for collaboration between users of multiple simulation platforms, we present yt (available at http://yt.enzotools.org/), an open source, community-developed astrophysical analysis and visualization toolkit. Analysis and visualization with yt are oriented around physically relevant quantities rather than quantities native to astrophysical simulation codes. While originally designed for handling Enzo's structure adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) data, yt has been extended to work with several different simulation methods and simulation codes including Orion, RAMSES, and FLASH. We report on its methods for reading, handling, and visualizing data, including projections, multivariate volume rendering, multi-dimensional histograms, halo finding, light cone generation and topologically-connected isocontour identification. Furthermore, we discuss the underlying algorithms yt uses for processing and visualizing data, and its mechanisms for parallelization of analysis tasks.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures, emulateapj format. Resubmitted to Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series with revisions from referee. yt can be found at http://yt.enzotools.org

    Imaging nonequilibrium atomic vibrations with x-ray diffuse scattering

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    For over a century, x-ray scattering has been the most powerful tool for determining the equilibrium structure of crystalline materials. Deviations from perfect periodicity, for example due to thermal motion of the atoms, reduces the intensity of the Bragg peaks as well as produces structure in the diffuse scattering background. Analysis of the thermal diffuse scattering (TDS) had been used to determine interatomic force constants and phonon dispersion in relatively simple cases before inelastic neutron scattering became the preferred technique to study lattice dynamics. With the advent of intense synchrotron x-ray sources, there was a renewed interest in TDS for measuring phonon dispersion. The relatively short x-ray pulses emanating from these sources also enables the measurement of phonon dynamics in the time domain. Prior experiments on nonequilibrium phonons were either limited by time-resolution and/or to relatively long wavelength excitations. Here we present the first images of nonequilibrium phonons throughout the Brillouin zone in photoexcited III-V semiconductors, indium-phosphide and indium-antimonide, using picosecond time-resolved diffuse scattering. In each case, we find that the lattice remain out of equilibrium for several hundred picoseconds up to nanoseconds after laser excitation. The non-equilibrium population is dominated by transverse acoustic phonons which in InP are directed along high-symmetry directions. The results have wide implications for the detailed study of electron-phonon and phonon-phonon coupling in solids.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Spatial Resolution of a Micromegas-TPC Using the Charge Dispersion Signal

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    The Time Projection Chamber (TPC) for the International Linear Collider will need to measure about 200 track points with a resolution close to 100 μ\mum. A Micro Pattern Gas Detector (MPGD) readout TPC could achieve the desired resolution with existing techniques using sub-millimeter width pads at the expense of a large increase in the detector cost and complexity. We have recently applied a new MPGD readout concept of charge dispersion to a prototype GEM-TPC and demonstrated the feasibility of achieving good resolution with pads similar in width to the ones used for the proportional wire TPC. The charge dispersion studies were repeated with a Micromegas TPC amplification stage. We present here our first results on the Micromegas-TPC resolution with charge dispersion. The TPC resolution with the Micromegas readout is compared to our earlier GEM results and to the resolution expected from electron statistics and transverse diffusion in a gaseous TPC.Comment: 5 pages, 8 figures, to appar in the Proceedings of the 2005 International Linear Collider Workshop (LCWS05), Stanford, 18-22 March 200

    Solving a Coupled Set of Truncated QCD Dyson-Schwinger Equations

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    Truncated Dyson-Schwinger equations represent finite subsets of the equations of motion for Green's functions. Solutions to these non-linear integral equations can account for non-perturbative correlations. A closed set of coupled Dyson-Schwinger equations for the propagators of gluons and ghosts in Landau gauge QCD is obtained by neglecting all contributions from irreducible 4-point correlations and by implementing the Slavnov-Taylor identities for the 3-point vertex functions. We solve this coupled set in an one-dimensional approximation which allows for an analytic infrared expansion necessary to obtain numerically stable results. This technique, which was also used in our previous solution of the gluon Dyson-Schwinger equation in the Mandelstam approximation, is here extended to solve the coupled set of integral equations for the propagators of gluons and ghosts simultaneously. In particular, the gluon propagator is shown to vanish for small spacelike momenta whereas the previoulsy neglected ghost propagator is found to be enhanced in the infrared. The running coupling of the non-perturbative subtraction scheme approaches an infrared stable fixed point at a critical value of the coupling, alpha_c approximately 9.5.Comment: 23 pages, 6 figures, LaTeX2

    Tuning magnetic chirality by dipolar interactions

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    Chiral magnetism has gained enormous interest in recent years because of the anticipated wealth of applications in nanoelectronics. The demonstrated stabilization of chiral magnetic domain walls and skyrmions has been attributed to the actively investigated Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction. Recently, however, predictions were made that suggest dipolar interactions can also stabilize chiral domain walls and skyrmions, but direct experimental evidence has been lacking. Here we show that dipolar interactions can indeed stabilize chiral domain walls by directly imaging the magnetic domain walls using scanning electron microscopy with polarization analysis. We further show that the competition between the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya and dipolar interactions can reverse the domain-wall chirality. Finally, we suggest that this competition can be tailored by a Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida interaction. Our work therefore reveals that dipolar interactions play a key role in the stabilization of chiral spin textures. This insight will open up new routes towards balancing interactions for the stabilization of chiral magnetism