641 research outputs found

    Endogenous local public good prices in decentralised economies with population mobility and inter-regional transfers

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    Economic models of regional economies with local public goods, corrective inter-regional transfers and population mobility assume decision-makers are small price takers. We argue this is reasonable for private goods but that local public good prices are in fact endogenous, varying with settlement patterns and hence regional/central policies. Decision-makers should therefore be modelled as having the power to distort policies in order to manipulate public good prices. We show that incentive equivalence in regional economies is sufficient to ensure that known efficiency results, whether the transfer is assigned to regions or the centre, are undisturbed by endogenous local public good prices. However, the corrective inter-regional transfer now includes input price externalities arising from migration which are not accounted for in price taking models. Hence, allowing for endogenous local public good prices extends what we know about the theory of corrective inter-regional transfers

    New ΔR for the southwest Pacific Ocean

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    ΔR results of known-age shells from the Solomon and Coral Seas and the northwest coast of New Ireland are presented. The results are too few to be conclusive but indicate that ΔR in this region is variable. An average ΔR value of 370 ± 25 yr is recorded for a range of shell species from Kavieng Harbor, New Ireland, and is primarily attributed to weak equatorial upwelling of depleted 14C due to seasonal current reversals. In contrast, values from the Solomon and Coral Seas are lower (average ΔR = 45 ± 19 yr). Higher ΔR values for some shellfish from these 2 seas is attributed to ingestion of 14Cdepleted sediment by deposit-feeding species

    Archaeology of Atafu, Tokelau: Some initial results from 2008

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    Surface survey, shovel testing, and stratigraphic excavations were done on Atafu Atoll in Tokelau during August 2008. Initial results suggest that Fale Islet has the most potential for further archaeological research. Dense cultural deposits on this islet are >1 m (39 in.) deep. Cultural material recovered includes food bone, fire-affected volcanic rock, tool-grade basalt flakes and tool fragments, Tridacna shell adzes, and pearl-shell fishhook fragments. Dog bone occurs from the earliest deposits through to the late prehistoric, while pig bone is found only in historic contexts. Fish bone is common throughout, and, with the exception of Tridacna, there are few edible mollusk remains. Initial EDXRF (Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence) analyses have found the basalt to be consistent with documented sources on Tutuila, Samoa. Basal radiocarbon dates from two excavation units are 660-540 cal. BP and 500-310 cal. BP (at 2σ)

    Transition to adult services for children and young people with palliative care needs: a systematic review.

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    Objective: To evaluate the evidence on the transition process from child to adult services for young people with palliative care needs. Design: Systematic review Setting: Child and adult services and interface between healthcare providers. Patients: Young people aged 13 to 24 years with palliative care conditions in the process of transition. Main outcome measures: Young people and their families’ experiences of transition, the process of transition between services and its impact on continuity of care, and models of good practice. Results: 92 studies included. Papers on transition services were of variable quality when applied to palliative care contexts. Most focused on common life threatening and life limiting conditions. No standardised transition programme identified and most guidelines used to develop transition services were not evidence based. Most studies on transition programmes were predominantly condition-specific (e.g. cystic fibrosis, cancer) services. Cystic fibrosis services offered high quality transition with the most robust empirical evaluation. There were differing condition-dependent viewpoints on when transition should occur but agreement on major principles guiding transition planning and probable barriers. There was evidence of poor continuity between child and adult providers with most originating from within child settings. Conclusions: Palliative care was not, in itself, a useful concept for locating transition-related evidence. It is not possible to evaluate the merits of the various transition models for palliative care contexts, or their effects on continuity of care, as there are no long-term outcome data to measure their effectiveness. Use of validated outcome measures would facilitate research and service development

    How to measure response diversity

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    The insurance effect of biodiversity—that diversity enhances and stabilises aggregate ecosystem properties—is mechanistically underlain by inter- and intraspecific trait variation in organismal responses to environmental change. This variation, termed response diversity, is therefore a potentially critical determinant of ecological stability. However, response diversity has yet to be widely quantified, possibly due to difficulties in its measurement. Even when it has been measured, approaches have varied.Here, we review methods for measuring response diversity and from them distil a methodological framework for quantifying response diversity from experimental and/or observational data, which can be practically applied in lab and field settings across a range of taxa.Previous empirical studies on response diversity most commonly invoke functional response traits as proxies aimed at capturing functional responses to the environment. Our approach, which is based on environment-dependent functional responses to any biotic or abiotic environmental variable, is conceptually simple and robust to any form of environmental response, including nonlinear responses. Given its derivation from empirical data on functional responses, this approach should more directly reflect response diversity than the trait-based approach dominant in the literature.By capturing even subtle inter- or intraspecific variation in environmental responses, and environment-dependencies in response diversity, we hope this framework will motivate tests of the diversity-stability relationship from a new perspective, and provide an approach for mapping, monitoring, and conserving this critical dimension of biodiversity

    How to measure response diversity

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    The insurance effect of biodiversity—that diversity stabilises aggregate ecosystem properties—is mechanistically underlain by inter‐ and intraspecific trait variation in organismal responses to the environment. This variation, termed response diversity, is therefore a potentially critical determinant of ecological stability. However, response diversity has yet to be widely quantified, possibly due to difficulties in its measurement. Even when it has been measured, approaches have varied. Here, we review methods for measuring response diversity and from them distil a methodological framework for quantifying response diversity from experimental and/or observational data, which can be practically applied in laboratory and field settings across a range of taxa. Previous empirical studies on response diversity most commonly invoke response traits as proxies aimed at capturing species' ecological responses to the environment. Our approach, which is based on environment‐dependent ecological responses to any biotic or abiotic environmental variable, is conceptually simple and robust to any form of environmental response, including nonlinear responses. Given its derivation from empirical data on species' ecological responses, this approach should more directly reflect response diversity than the trait‐based approach dominant in the literature. By capturing even subtle inter‐ or intraspecific variation in environmental responses, and environment dependencies in response diversity, we hope this framework will motivate tests of the diversity–stability relationship from a new perspective, and provide an approach for mapping, monitoring and conserving this critical dimension of biodiversity

    Maintenance of Positive Diversity-Stability Relations along a Gradient of Environmental Stress

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    Environmental stress is widely considered to be an important factor in regulating whether changes in diversity will affect the functioning and stability of ecological communities.We investigated the effects of a major environmental stressor (a decrease in water volume) on diversity-abundance and diversity-stability relations in laboratory microcosms composed of temperate multi-trophic rock pool communities to identify differences in community and functional group responses to increasing functional group richness along a gradient of environmental stress (low, medium, and high water volume). When a greater number of functional groups were present, communities were less temporally variable and achieved higher abundances. The stabilizing effect of increased functional group richness was observed regardless of the level of environmental stress the community was subjected too. Despite the strong consistent stabilizing effect of increased functional group richness on abundance, the way that individual functional groups were affected by functional group richness differed along the stress gradient. Under low stress, communities with more functional groups present were more productive and showed evidence of strong facilitative interactions. As stress increased, the positive effect of functional group richness on community abundance was no longer observed and compensatory responses became more common. Responses of individual functional groups to functional group richness became increasing heterogeneous are stress increased, prompting shifts from linear diversity-variability/abundance relations under low stress to a mix of linear and non-linear responses under medium and high stress. The strength of relations between functional group richness and both the abundances and temporal variability of functional groups also increased as stress increased.While stress did not affect the relation between functional group richness and stability per se, the way in which functional groups responded to changes in functional group richness differed as stress increased. These differences, which include increases in the heterogeneity of responses of individual functional groups, increases in compensatory dynamics, and increases in the strength of richness-abundance and richness-variability relations, may be critical to maintaining stability under increasingly stressful environmental conditions

    Dating Thach Lac: cryptic CaCO3 diagenesis in archaeological food shells and implications for C-14

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    In many locations around the world, shell radiocarbon dates underpin archaeological research. The dating of shell brings the chronological relationship between the sample and target event (e.g., hunting and food preparation) into congruence, while shells are valuable geochemical proxies for understanding past climate dynamics and environments. However, this information can be lost as the shell, composites of biopolymers and carbonate minerals (mostly calcite and or aragonite), undergo diagenetic alteration. While studies into Pleistocene-age carbonates are common in the radiocarbon literature, there has been little research into the impact of alteration on Holocene-age shells used to interpret recent societal developments. The limits of our understanding of these diagenetic changes became evident when dating Placuna placenta (naturally calcitic) and Tegillarca granosa (naturally aragonitic) shells from the site of Thach Lac in Vietnam. These shells returned ages significantly younger than associated charcoal and terrestrial bone at the site, but standard tests for secondary recrystallization (XRD and staining techniques) did not indicate any alteration. Further investigation revealed that cryptic recrystallization (i.e., of the same crystal structure) had occurred in both the calcite and aragonite shells. This finding suggests recrystallization may have an undetected impact on some shell radiocarbon dates

    The relationship between ecosystem services and human modification displays decoupling across global delta systems

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    The ties between a society and its local ecosystem can decouple as societies develop and replace ecosystem services such as food or water regulation via trade and technology. River deltas have developed into important, yet threatened, urban, agricultural and industrial centres. Here, we use global spatial datasets to explore how 49 ecosystem services respond to four human modification indicators, e.g. population density, across 235 large deltas. We formed bundles of statistically correlated ecosystem services and examined if their relationship with modification changed. Decoupling of all robust ecosystem service bundles from at least one modification indicator was indicated in 34% of deltas, while 53% displayed decoupling for at least one bundle. Food-related ecosystem services increased with modification, while the other bundles declined. Our findings suggest two developmental pathways for deltas: as coupled agricultural systems risking irreversible local biodiversity loss; and as decoupled urban centres externalising the impact of their growing demands