93 research outputs found

    Ti3SiC2-Cf composites by spark plasma sintering: Processing, microstructure and thermo-mechanical properties

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    MAX phases, and particularly Ti3SiC2, are interesting for high temperature applications. The addition of carbon fibers can be used to reduce the density and to modify the properties of the matrix. This work presents the densification and characterization of Ti3SiC2 based composites with short carbon fibers using a fast and simple fabrication approach: dry mixing and densification by Spark Plasma Sintering. Good densification level was obtained below 1400 °C even with a high amount of fibers. The reaction of the fibers with the matrix is limited thanks to the fast processing time and depends on the amount of fibers in the composite. Bending strength at room temperature, between 437 and 120 MPa, is in the range of conventional CMCs with short fibers and according to the resistance of the matrix and the presence of residual porosity. Thermo-mechanical properties of the composites up to 1500 °C are also presented.This work has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon2020 “Research and innovation programme” under grant agreement No 685594 (C3HARME

    An Experimental Investigation of Colonel Blotto Games

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    "This article examines behavior in the two-player, constant-sum Colonel Blotto game with asymmetric resources in which players maximize the expected number of battlefields won. The experimental results support all major theoretical predictions. In the auction treatment, where winning a battlefield is deterministic, disadvantaged players use a 'guerilla warfare' strategy which stochastically allocates zero resources to a subset of battlefields. Advantaged players employ a 'stochastic complete coverage' strategy, allocating random, but positive, resource levels across the battlefields. In the lottery treatment, where winning a battlefield is probabilistic, both players divide their resources equally across all battlefields." (author's abstract)"Dieser Artikel untersucht das Verhalten von Individuen in einem 'constant-sum Colonel Blotto'-Spiel zwischen zwei Spielern, bei dem die Spieler mit unterschiedlichen Ressourcen ausgestattet sind und die erwartete Anzahl gewonnener Schlachtfelder maximieren. Die experimentellen Ergebnisse bestätigen alle wichtigen theoretischen Vorhersagen. Im Durchgang, in dem wie in einer Auktion der Sieg in einem Schlachtfeld deterministisch ist, wenden die Spieler, die sich im Nachteil befinden, eine 'Guerillataktik' an, und verteilen ihre Ressourcen stochastisch auf eine Teilmenge der Schlachtfelder. Spieler mit einem Vorteil verwenden eine Strategie der 'stochastischen vollständigen Abdeckung', indem sie zufällig eine positive Ressourcenmenge auf allen Schlachtfeldern positionieren. Im Durchgang, in dem sich der Gewinn eines Schlachtfeldes probabilistisch wie in einer Lotterie bestimmt, teilen beide Spieler ihre Ressourcen gleichmäßig auf alle Schlachtfelder auf." (Autorenreferat

    Best-of-Three Contests: Experimental Evidence

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    We conduct an experimental analysis of a best-of-three Tullock contest. Intermediate prizes lead to higher efforts, while increasing the role of luck (as opposed to effort) leads to lower efforts. Both intermediate prizes and luck reduce the probability of contest ending in two rounds. The patterns of players‟ efforts and the probability that a contest ends in two rounds is consistent with „strategic momentum‟, i.e. momentum generated due to strategic incentives inherent in the contest. We do not find evidence for „psychological momentum‟, i.e. momentum which emerges when winning affects players‟ confidence. Similar to previous studies of contests, we find significantly higher efforts than predicted and strong heterogeneity in effort between subjects

    Comparison of Physical-chemical and Mechanical Properties of Chlorapatite and Hydroxyapatite Plasma Sprayed Coatings

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    Chlorapatite can be considered a potential biomaterial for orthopaedic applications. Its use as plasma-sprayed coating could be of interest considering its thermal properties and particularly its ability to melt without decomposition unlike hydroxyapatite. Chlorapatite (ClA) was synthesized by a high-temperature ion exchange reaction starting from commercial stoichiometric hydroxyapatites (HA). The ClA powder showed similar characteristics as the original industrial HA powder, and was obtained in the monoclinic form. The HA and ClA powders were plasma-sprayed using a low-energy plasma spraying system with identical processing parameters. The coatings were characterized by physical-chemical methods, i.e. X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and Raman spectroscopy, including distribution mapping of the main phases detected such as amorphous calcium phosphate (ACP), oxyapatite (OA), and HA or ClA. The unexpected formation of oxyapatite in ClA coatings was assigned to a side reaction with contaminating oxygenated species (O2, H2O). ClA coatings exhibited characteristics different from HA, showing a lower content of oxyapatite and amorphous phase. Although their adhesion strength was found to be lower than that of HA coatings, their application could be an interesting alternative, offering, in particular, a larger range of spraying conditions without formation of massive impurities.This study was carried out under a MNT ERA-Net Project named NANOMED. The authors gratefully thank the Midi-Pyrénées region (MNT ERA Net Midi-Pyrénées Région, NANOMED2 project) and the Institute National Polytechnique de Toulouse (BQR INPT 2011, BIOREVE project) for supporting this research work, especially the financial support for research carried out in the CIRIMAT and the LGP laboratories (France), and the Basque government and Tratamientos Superficiales Iontech, S.A. for their financial and technical support under the IG-2007/0000381 grant for the development of the LEPS device and deposition of the coatings carried out in Inasmet-Tecnalia. The French industrial collaborators (TEKNIMED SA and 2PS SA) were financed by the OSEO programs

    Essays on Experimental Investigation of Lottery Contests

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    A Survey of Experimental Research on Contests, All-Pay Auctions and Tournaments

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    Many economic, political and social environments can be described as contests in which agents exert costly efforts while competing over the distribution of a scarce resource. These environments have been studied using Tullock contests, all-pay auctions and rankorder tournaments. This survey provides a review of experimental research on these three canonical contests. First, we review studies investigating the basic structure of contests, including the contest success function, number of players and prizes, spillovers and externalities, heterogeneity, and incomplete information. Second, we discuss dynamic contests and multi-battle contests. Then we review research on sabotage, feedback, bias, collusion, alliances, and contests between groups, as well as real-effort and field experiments. Finally, we discuss applications of contests to the study of legal systems, political competition, war, conflict avoidance, sales, and charities, and suggest directions for future research. (author's abstract

    Role of free fatty acids in endothelial dysfunction

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