17 research outputs found

    Dissolved matter fluxes in the inner delta of the River Niger

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    Abstract This study is part of the EQUANIS programme, the objectives of which are (a) estimating inputs from the River Niger to the inner Delta; (b) computing the hydrological balance; and (c) monitoring the quality of water in the central lacustrine basin. Eleven sampling locations were selected near gauging stations, both on the Niger River and its main tributary, the Bani River. Those sites have been sampled weekly since July 1990. The inner delta of the Niger River is a system particularly subject to sahelian and sub-desert climatic conditions and characterized by large flood plains. Time series of input water volumes in the inner delta, and of the water losses within it, show that the water losses are high, due to the intense evaporation, and vary from 6 to 40 km3. The water .losses reach their maximum during the wettest years-up to 47%, and minimum during the driest years-only 32%, due to the reduction of the flooded area. The surface of the flooded area is inferred from the hydrological balance. The preliminary results of this study indicate that the Niger and Bani rivers have low levels of dissolved element concentrations. The mean conductivity values, ranging from 50-80 pS cm-', increase regularly during the low water stage and decrease drastically with rising water. The pH values are slightly basic, ranging from 7.1 to 8. Silica and bicarbonates are the main dissolved species; they always represent more than 75% of TDS. In May, when the rising water stage begins, the waters are poorly mineralized at the input of the delta, while they have been enriched during the dry season in the delta. A good mass balance is found between inputs and outputs through the delta. However, a disequilibrium appears at the sampling sites within the basin, which could be partially linked to poor mixing between the Niger and Bani river waters. The first results from the upper basin and below the inner delta, show low concentrations of matter. The specific dissolved loads vary between 10-12 t km-' year-' for the Niger River and 2.5 t km-2 year-' for the Bani River. The annual input in the inner delta was about 2.2 X lo6 t in 1992-1993. Chemical budgets show a saline deposit of 0.3 x lo6 t in the inner delta. Seasonal variations of the dissolved matter fluxes are very different between the upper and lower parts of the inner delta, due to the breaking of the annual flood and to the more important flood plains in the upper delta. Los flujos de materiales disueltos en el delta inerior del Niger Resumen Es presente estudio forma parte del programa EQUANIS, cuyos objetivos son (a) estimación de los aportes del río Niger al delta interior, (b) cómputo del balance gídrico, y (c) monitoreo de la calidad del agua en la cuenca lacustre central. Se seleccionaron once sitios de muestre0 próximos a las estaciones de aforo tanto en el Niger como en su principal afluente, el Bani. Desde julio de 1990 se llevaron a cabo allí muestreos semanales. EI delta interior del Niger is us sistema particular sometido a condiciones interior, y de pérdidas de agua en is mismo, muestran que las pérdidas son elevadas debido a la evaporación intensa, y fluctúan entre 40 y 6 km3. Las pérdidas de agua son máximas durante los años más húmedos (hasta un 47%) y mínimas durante los años más socos (solo 32%) debido a la reducción de las Breas inundadas. La superficie inundada se deduce del balance hídrico. Los resultados preliminares del estudio indican que los ríos Niger y Bani tienen un bajo nivel de concentración de elementos en disolución. Los valores medios de conductividad que van de 50 a 80 pS cm" se incrementan regularmente durante el período de estiaje y disminuyen drásticamente en períodos de avenidas y variacíon de niveles. Los valores de pH son ligeramente básicos, de 7.1 a 8. Los principales materiales dusueltos son el sílice y los bicarbonatos; siempre representan más del 75% del TDS. En mayo, cuando se inicia el período de crecida, las aguas contienen pocos minerales en la entrada del delta mientras que se han concentrado durante la estación seca del delta. Se observa un buen balance de masa en el delta entre los aportes y descargas, pero aparece un desequilibrio en los sitios de muestre0 dentro de la cuenca, que puede atribuirse parcialmente a una mala mezcla entre las aguals del Niger y del Bani. Los primeros resultados en la cuenca superior y baja del delta interior muestran bajas concentraciones de material. Las cargas disueltas específicas fluctúan entre 10 y 12 t km-2 año-' para el río Niger y 2.5 t km-* año-' para el río Bani. El aporte anual en el delta interior fue de unos 2.2 X lo6 t en 1992-1993. Los balances químicos presentan un depósito salino de 0.3 X lo6 t en el delta interior. Las variaciones estacionales de los flujos de materiales son muy diferentes entre las partes alta y baja del delta interior, debido al inicio de la crecida anual y a las más importantes planicies de inundación en la parte superior del delta

    Soil Erosion under Land Use Change from Three Catchments in Laos, Thailand and Vietnam

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    Abstract: The systems often identified as "traditional" undergo rapid changes as a response to demographic, economic, political and cultural drivers. These transitional periods are often most critical for soil erosion. The on-site impacts of soil erosion reduce the soil chemical fertility through nutrient and organic depletion, and acid subsoil exposure. Erosion also damages the physical fertility by removing surface soil, reducing the soil depth and water holding capacity, and exposing gravel and rocks. These combined processes result in less productive soils, hence lower farm income. To obtain the initial crop yield prior to erosion, increased amounts of inputs are needed, which is most often beyond the economic capacity of the small holders. To study the impact of land use change upon erosion, concurrent case studies, as seen with a dynamic perspective, can compensate for long-term monitoring studies. This approach provides data, which can be used for prediction soil erosion based on global change scenarios. The main objective of this study was to assess the influence of the rapid change of cropping systems on water erosion from three small catchments in three countries of South-East Asia (Laos, Thailand, Vietnam), using a multidisciplinary approach. These three catchments were selected because of their similar biophysical components (very steep slopes on shales; Janeau et al., submitted) and their land use intensification gradient. This investigation was conducted under the auspices the Management of Soil Erosion Consortium (MSEC) started in 1998 (Amado et al., 2002). Water discharge and soil erosion were monitored during three years at the outlet of each catchment using weirs. These data were used to calibrate and validate the PCARES model (Predicting Catchment Runoff and Soil Erosion for Sustainability) in each cachment. This GISbased model was developed in the Philippines for very steep slope condition

    Biogéochimie de la matière organique des suspensions du Congo et de ses affluents : approche par les marqueurs moléculaires.

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    Sterol, pigment and elemental carbon and nitrogen compositions are reported for surface suspended particulate materials collected dong 1200 Km reach of the Ubangui and Congo rivers from Bangui to Brazzaville during the high flood period of 1989. Rock-Eval pyrolysis and amino-acid datas of monthly sampling at Brazzaville are also related. Particulate organic matter associated to surface suspended particles transported in the mainstem is mainly originated from soils and characterized by a low content of algal carbon (< 2 % of POC) evaluated by measurements of chlorophyll g concentrations. The ratios of cuticular plant sterols ( stigmastérol/sitostérol) of surface particles indicate rather homogenous input of organic matter from soils in the Ubangui river, whereas this ratio point out complese and heterogenous input of detritical organic matter in the Congo river. Some tributaries: Lobaye, Motaba and Sangha, Likouala, Alima, have been characterized by extreme acidic waters and by particulate organic matter almost esclusively from allochtonous origin

    Development and validation of the PLER (Predict and Localize Erosion and Runoff) Model

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    In Maglinao, Amado R.; Valentin, Christian; Penning de Vries, Frits (Eds.), From soil research to land and water management: Harmonizing people and nature ? Proceedings of the IWMI-ADB Project Annual Meeting and 7th MSEC Assembly. Bangkok, Thailand: IWM

    Catchment approach to combating soil erosion in Thailand

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    In Annual report 2003. IWMI Southeast Asia Regional Office, Bangkok, Thailan