896 research outputs found

    Twee ismes in die moderne onderwys.

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    (Uittreksel van Toespraak gehou voor die T.O.-Saamtrek teRustenburg). Die onderwerp wat u bestuur aan iny voorgelê het en waaroor en vandag ’n paar woorde wil spreek, is in die vorm van die vraag: Wat skort aan ons onderwys

    Verpligte koreferensie in Afrikaans: 'n Minimalistiese verkenning

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    Manifestasies van Marxisme in die Suid-Afrikaanse samelewingsverband

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    The question is often asked why Marxism is so credible still for people of the Third World. The author maintains that this is often so because Marx's description of the position of the worker in a capitalist society has consistently appealed to workers in developed industrial countries, and has helped them to define their position within society for themselves. He goes to explain how Marx's definition of the worker's position in nineteenth century England can be made applicable to the position of the worker in most Third World countries - and in particular also to the position of the Non-White worker in South Africa . He points out a few of the most striking similarities, and comes to the conclusion that there is no doubt that most Non-Whites in South Africa find a socialist/communist dispensation more appealing than a capitalist one. The only way that he can see to change the definition that the Non-White has of changing his definition of his sociopolitical situation is to change South African society. He then outlines certain changes which should enjoy a very high priority in South Africa

    Algemene tugmaatreëls in primêre skole van die Transvaalse Onderwysdepartement1

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    Amidst a worldwide trend of undisciplined behaviour, discipline in the classroom is regarded as crucial for pupils to learn effectively. In this article empirical data are analysed to determine the reasons for undisciplined behaviour among pupils and what point o f view motivates teachers when applying general disciplinary methods. Apart from this, the article determines, by means o f an analysis o f empirical research, which o f the general methods o f control are favoured by teachers in the maintaining o f order in the educative environment. It also analyses the pupil's responses to the administration o f general methods o f control at school

    Paediatric Blunt Laryngeal Trauma: A Review

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    Paediatric blunt laryngeal trauma is infrequently encountered; however, it can have fatal consequences if managed inappropriately. This paper provides an overview of the relatively limited literature available on the subject and highlights current controversies and recent advances in the management of these injuries

    The in loco parentis role of the teacher: A relationship perspective

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    The parent (as the primary educator) as well as the teacher (as the secondary' educator) functions from independent societal units in their respective roles o f educating the educand The teacher as an in loco parents person has the right on the one hand to maintain order by means of school rules and the punishment o f transgressors and on the other hand has a duty to care for the safety o f the educands. The parent and the teacher share a common goal: the maturing and the development o f the educand. Whilst the nature o f this parent-teacher co-operation is defined as a partnership, it is - taking the technical essentials o f a partnership into account - more o f a voluntary association. This generates the question whether the whole system o f parEnt-teacher co-operation should not be reorganised on the basis o f a true partnership


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    On the syntax of the se-construction in Afrikaans

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    On accounting for problems demonstrated by children with SLI in the interpretation and production of passive construction

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    Die struktuur van die linker-sinsgrens in Afrikaans

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