11 research outputs found

    Feasibility and Acceptability of a Pilot Knowledge Translation Telementoring Program for Allied Health Professionals

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    Purpose: Knowledge translation (KT) in the health system is critical for the delivery of evidence-based practice. Supporting allied health professionals to plan and implement KT, using strategies that broadly reach across multiple geographical locations of the workforce, are needed. We piloted KT group telementoring via videoconference as an innovative solution to support and empower a vastly dispersed workforce. Methods: The 6-month Knowledge Translation Support Service (KTSS) involved monthly, one-hour, virtual group-based support of clinician-led KT projects within state-run hospital and health services. Supported by an independent facilitator, a panel of KT experts and health service leaders provided constructive critique and KT support for four projects from various disciplines (dietetics, nursing, occupational therapy, physiotherapy and social work) and health districts. Process evaluation included an assessment of program fidelity, dose delivered and engagement. Program acceptability (participants and panel members) was assessed after each session through online surveys. Effectiveness was captured by survey of KT confidence and qualitative interviews of participants perceived benefits of participation. Results: All project leads attended each meeting, with 1-2 specific projects discussed each month. On completion, participants reported high program satisfaction and felt that the KTSS met their expectations and learning needs. Overall the participants described beneficial gains with confidence in KT skills. Conclusions: The telementoring offered exposure to a breadth of expertise not normally accessible, successfully built a team environment in the virtual space and had a positive impact on project progression. Future directions include investing in scalability and sustainability of telementoring strategies for KT support

    Унификация статистических метаданных в рамках Таможенного союза и Единого экономического пространства

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    The authors analyze principles and structure of the Eurostat metadata formation system from the perspective of the possibility of its adaptation to modern development conditions and implementing international statistical standards essential for countries of the Customs Union (CU) and the emerging Common Economic Space (CES). More specifically, is given the characteristic of the level of metadata unification for the following areas: concepts and definitions, classifications, standard codes of indicators, legislation and methodological standards. Questions of creating statistical glossary and international database of national metadata are considered; conclusions on the implementation of the process of metadata unification the for CU and CES member countries is formulated.Авторы проанализировали принципы и структуру формирования системы метаданных Евростата с позиций возможности ее адаптации к современным условиям развития и внедрения международных статистических стандартов, необходимых странам Таможенного союза (ТС) и формирующегося Единого экономического пространства (ЕЭП). В частности, дана характеристика уровня унификации метаданных по таким направлениям, как концепции и определения, классификации, стандартные коды показателей, законодательные акты и методологические стандарты. Рассмотрены вопросы создания статистического глоссария и международной базы национальных метаданных и сформулированы выводы по реализации процесса унификации метаданных для государств - членов ТС и ЕЭП