3,305 research outputs found

    Comment on "Mechanical analog of temperature for the description of force distribution in static granular packings"

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    It has been proposed by Ngan [Phys. Rev. E 68, 011301 (2003)] that the granular contact force distribution may be analytically derived by minimizing the analog of a thermodynamic free energy, in this case consisting of the total potential energy stored in the compressed contacts minus a particular form of entropy weighted by a parameter. The parameter is identified as a mechanical temperature. I argue that the particular form of entropy cannot be correct and as a result the proposed method produces increasingly errant results for increasing grain rigidity. This trend is evidenced in Ngan's published results and in other numerical simulations and experiments.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, minor editorial correction

    Tracing selection signatures in the pig genome gives evidence for selective pressures on a unique curly hair phenotype in Mangalitza

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    Selection for desirable traits and breed-specific phenotypes has left distinctive footprints in the genome of pigs. As representative of a breed with strong selective traces aiming for robustness, health and performance, the Mangalitza pig, a native curly-haired pig breed from Hungary, was investigated in this study. Whole genome sequencing and SNP chip genotyping was performed to detect runs of homozygosity (ROH) in Mangalitza and Mangalitza-crossbreeds. We identified breed specific ROH regions harboring genes associated with the development of the curly hair type and further characteristics of this breed. Further analysis of two matings of Mangalitza with straight-coated pig breeds confirmed an autosomal dominant inheritance of curly hair. Subsequent scanning of the genome for variant effects on this trait revealed two variants potentially affecting hair follicle development and differentiation. Validation in a large sample set as well as in imputed SNP data confirmed these variants to be Mangalitza-specific. Herein, we demonstrated how strong artificial selection has shaped the genome in Mangalitza pigs and left traces in the form of selection signatures. This knowledge on genomic variation promoting unique phenotypes like curly hair provides an important resource for futures studies unraveling genetic effects for special characteristics in livestock

    Nonexistence of Generalized Apparent Horizons in Minkowski Space

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    We establish a Positive Mass Theorem for initial data sets of the Einstein equations having generalized trapped surface boundary. In particular we answer a question posed by R. Wald concerning the existence of generalized apparent horizons in Minkowski space

    Magnetism, X-rays, and Accretion Rates in WD 1145+017 and other Polluted White Dwarf Systems

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    This paper reports circular spectropolarimetry and X-ray observations of several polluted white dwarfs including WD 1145+017, with the aim to constrain the behavior of disk material and instantaneous accretion rates in these evolved planetary systems. Two stars with previously observed Zeeman splitting, WD 0322-019 and WD 2105-820, are detected above 5 sigma and > 1 kG, while WD 1145+017, WD 1929+011, and WD 2326+049 yield (null) detections below this minimum level of confidence. For these latter three stars, high-resolution spectra and atmospheric modeling are used to obtain limits on magnetic field strengths via the absence of Zeeman splitting, finding B* < 20 kG based on data with resolving power R near 40 000. An analytical framework is presented for bulk Earth composition material falling onto the magnetic polar regions of white dwarfs, where X-rays and cyclotron radiation may contribute to accretion luminosity. This analysis is applied to X-ray data for WD 1145+017, WD 1729+371, and WD 2326+049, and the upper bound count rates are modeled with spectra for a range of plasma kT = 1 - 10 keV in both the magnetic and non-magnetic accretion regimes. The results for all three stars are consistent with a typical dusty white dwarf in a steady-state at 1e8 - 1e9 g/s. In particular, the non-magnetic limits for WD 1145+017 are found to be well below previous estimates of up to 1e12 g/s, and likely below 1e10 g/s, thus suggesting the star-disk system may be average in its evolutionary state, and only special in viewing geometry.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, 3 tables; accepted to MNRA

    Structural and magnetic properties of an InGaAs/Fe3_3Si superlattice in cylindrical geometry

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    The structure and the magnetic properties of an InGaAs/Fe3Si superlattice in a cylindrical geometry are investigated by electron microscopy techniques, x-ray diffraction and magnetometry. To form a radial superlattice, a pseudomorphic InGaAs/Fe3As bilayer has been released from its substrate self-forming into a rolled-up microtube. Oxide-free interfaces as well as areas of crystalline bonding are observed and an overall lattice mismatch between succeeding layers is determined. The cylindrical symmetry of the final radial superlattice shows a significant effect on the magnetization behavior of the rolled-up layers

    Malignancies, Particularly B-Cell Lymphomas, Are a Frequent Cause of Mortality in Human Immunodeficiency Virus-1 Patients Despite Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy

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    Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-1-infected individuals are affected by diseases at rates above those of their HIV-negative peers despite the increased life expectancy of the highly active antiretroviral therapy era. We followed a cohort of approximately 2000 HIV-1-infected patients for 5 years. The most frequent cause of death in this HIV-1-infected cohort was malignancy, with 39% of all classified deaths due to cancer. Among the cancer deaths, B-cell lymphomas were the most commonly seen malignancy, representing 34% of all cancer deaths. These lymphomas were very aggressive with a median survival ofdiagnosis

    Order enhancement and coarsening of self-organized silicon nanodot patterns induced by ion-beam sputtering

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    3 pages, 3 figures.-- PACS nrs.: 81.05.Cy, 81.07.-b, 68.47.Fg, 81.16.Rf, 79.20.Rf, 68.35.Bs.The temporal evolution of the characteristic wavelength (λ) and ordering range (Ο) of self-organized nanodot patterns induced during Ar+ ion beam sputtering on Si(001) and Si(111) surfaces is studied by atomic force microscopy and grazing incidence x-ray diffraction. The patterns exhibit initial coarsening of λ (up to 54–60 nm) and increase in Ο (up to 400–500 nm) after which both features stabilize. The pattern formation is only weakly controlled by the crystallographic surface orientation, Si(111) surfaces showing a faster evolution into a proper stationary state. This trend is attributed to a higher sputtering rate at this orientation, as confirmed by theoretical simulations.This work has been supported by grants BFM2003- 07749-C05-01, BFM2003-07749-C05-02, and BFM2003- 07749-C05-05 from the Spanish Ministerio de EducaciĂłn y Ciencia (MEC). Two of the authors (R.G. and J.M.-G.) acknowledge financial support from MEC through the “RamĂłn y Cajal” and FPU programs, respectively.Publicad

    Observation of Spontaneous Brillouin Cooling

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    While radiation-pressure cooling is well known, the Brillouin scattering of light from sound is considered an acousto-optical amplification-only process. It was suggested that cooling could be possible in multi-resonance Brillouin systems when phonons experience lower damping than light. However, this regime was not accessible in traditional Brillouin systems since backscattering enforces high acoustical frequencies associated with high mechanical damping. Recently, forward Brillouin scattering in microcavities has allowed access to low-frequency acoustical modes where mechanical dissipation is lower than optical dissipation, in accordance with the requirements for cooling. Here we experimentally demonstrate cooling via such a forward Brillouin process in a microresonator. We show two regimes of operation for the Brillouin process: acoustical amplification as is traditional, but also for the first time, a Brillouin cooling regime. Cooling is mediated by an optical pump, and scattered light, that beat and electrostrictively attenuate the Brownian motion of the mechanical mode.Comment: Supplementary material include

    Quantum dots in magnetic fields: thermal response of broken symmetry phases

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    We investigate the thermal properties of circular semiconductor quantum dots in high magnetic fields using finite temperature Hartree-Fock techniques. We demonstrate that for a given magnetic field strength quantum dots undergo various shape phase transitions as a function of temperature, and we outline possible observable consequences.Comment: In Press, Phys. Rev. B (2001
