52 research outputs found

    The dynamic cilium in human diseases

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    Cilia are specialized organelles protruding from the cell surface of almost all mammalian cells. They consist of a basal body, composed of two centrioles, and a protruding body, named the axoneme. Although the basic structure of all cilia is the same, numerous differences emerge in different cell types, suggesting diverse functions. In recent years many studies have elucidated the function of 9+0 primary cilia. The primary cilium acts as an antenna for the cell, and several important pathways such as Hedgehog, Wnt and planar cell polarity (PCP) are transduced through it. Many studies on animal models have revealed that during embryogenesis the primary cilium has an essential role in defining the correct patterning of the body. Cilia are composed of hundreds of proteins and the impairment or dysfunction of one protein alone can cause complete loss of cilia or the formation of abnormal cilia. Mutations in ciliary proteins cause ciliopathies which can affect many organs at different levels of severity and are characterized by a wide spectrum of phenotypes. Ciliary proteins can be mutated in more than one ciliopathy, suggesting an interaction between proteins. To date, little is known about the role of primary cilia in adult life and it is tempting to speculate about their role in the maintenance of adult organs. The state of the art in primary cilia studies reveals a very intricate role. Analysis of cilia-related pathways and of the different clinical phenotypes of ciliopathies helps to shed light on the function of these sophisticated organelles. The aim of this review is to evaluate the recent advances in cilia function and the molecular mechanisms at the basis of their activity

    Isolierung und Charakterisierung von Genen fuer Spermienschwanzproteinen und Mutationsanalyse bei Patienten mit gestoerter Spermienmotilitaet (z.B. mit Kartagener-Syndrom) Schlussbericht

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    The aim of the project was the identification and characterization of human and mouse genes which are important for the motility of the spermatozoa flagella. By the establishment of an animal model, the significance of the genes for male fertility should be proven. cDNA fragments encoding the conserved ATP binding region of dynein heavy chains were amplified, using the polymerase chain reaction and reverse-transcribed human and mouse testis RNA. By Northern-blot analysis, RT-PCR and in situ hybridization experiments, the expression patterns of two of the identified genes (MDHC1 and MDHC7) were determined. While MDHC1 is testis specific expressed, transcripts of the MDHC7 gene were also detected in other tissues. After isolation and characterization of corresponding genomic clones for both genes, knock-out constructs were designed. For the MDHC7 gene heterozygote mice were produced. We hope that homozygote offsprings will give us important hints for the function of dynein genes and also for their clinical significance. During the last period of the project we started to establish a procedure for the diagnostic of infertile men. (orig.)SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: DtF QN1(70,12) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekBundesministerium fuer Bildung, Wissenschaft, Forschung und Technologie, Bonn (Germany)DEGerman

    Genomic organization and chromosomal assignment of Odf2 (outer dense fiber 2), encoding the main component of sperm tail outer dense fibers and a centrosomal scaffold protein

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    ODF2 (outer dense fiber 2) was first described as the main protein component of the sperm tail cytoskeleton, the outer dense fibers, but was shown recently to be a component of the centrosomal scaffold in chicken. In mouse two related ODF2 cDNA clones were isolated which have been suggested to be most likely the result of alternative splicing. We show here the exon/intron organisation of mouse ODF2 and demonstrate that alternative splicing results in related cDNA sequences and most likely explains, at least partially, the highly complex protein pattern detected on Western blots. ODF2 was mapped to rat chromosome 3 and more specifically by FISH analysis at bands 3q11-->3q12. In addition, we demonstrate that ODF2 is indeed a component of the centrosome and the mitotic spindle poles in mammals.Journal ArticleResearch Support, Non-U.S. Gov'tinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Human cyritestin genes (CYRN1 and CYRN2) are non-functional.

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    The mouse cyritestin gene is a member of the ADAM (a disintegrin and metalloprotease) gene family and codes for a membrane-anchored sperm protein. Recently, it was shown that cyritestin is critical for male fertility in the mouse. Spermatozoa of cyritestin-deficient mice are not able to bind to the zona pellucida of the oocyte and therefore unable to fertilize the egg. However, zona-free oocytes can be fertilized and the resulting embryos show normal development. In contrast to the mouse, where only one gene for cyritestin (Cyrn) is reported, two cyritestin genes (CYRN1 and CYRN2) are known in humans. The human CYRN1 and CYRN2 genes are located on chromosomes 8 and 16, respectively. We report that 27% of fertile men are deficient for the CYRN1 gene but that all have a CYRN2 gene, suggesting that the CYRN2 gene is the orthologous mouse cyritestin gene in humans and might be involved in sperm-egg interactions. However, the characterization of CYRN2 transcripts from testicular RNA of CYRN1-deficient men demonstrated many termination codons in the synthesized cyritestin cDNA. Furthermore, Western-blot analysis with human testicular protein extracts using an anti-cyritestin antibody failed to detect any cyritestin protein. These results demonstrate clearly that both cyritestin genes are non-functional in humans

    Human cyritestin genes (CYRN1 and CYRN2) are non-functional

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    P. Grzmil P, Kim Y, Shamsadin R, et al. Human cyritestin genes (CYRN1 and CYRN2) are non-functional. Biochem J. 2001;357(Pt 2):551-556
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