16 research outputs found

    Adapting integrated agriculture aquaculture for HIV and AIDS-affected households: the case of Malawi

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    The WorldFish Center in conjunction with World Vision Malawi carried out a project to improve income and nutrition status of households affected by HIV and AIDS with funding from the World Bank. The project was implemented in Southern Malawi particularly in the West of Zomba District from July 2005 to June 2006. Through participatory approaches, the project identified constraints that limit HIV and AIDS affected households’ realisation of the benefits from fish farming and adapted technologies and practices for the affected beneficiaries to boost fish production and utilization. Specifically, the project sought (1) to identify the constraints that limit HIV and AIDS affected households to realise the benefits from fish farming and based on the constraints, (2) to adapt technologies and practices for use by the affected beneficiaries to boost fish production and utilization. (PDF cotains 17 pages

    Malawi / Mozambique implementation partners planning meeting, 15-16 Oct 2007. Workshop report

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    The WorldFish Center and FAO are implementing a regional programme entitled "Fisheries and HIV/AIDS in Africa; investing in sustainable solutions", funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) and the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The WorldFish Center organized a stakeholder workshop for planning of the activities. under the project Fisheries and HIV/AIDS in Africa for Malawi and Mozambique focusing on the Nacala corridor. The meeting was expected to generate ideas on the strategy of the program toward its implementation in both countries and come up with the list of potential partners from both countries as well as defining their roles and responsibilities in the project. The objectives of the workshop are to: 1) Create a shared understanding of programme objectives and processes 2) Develop an understanding of the technical programme focus and approaches (value chain, gender, pilot project, action research) 3) Agree on national programme outputs and targets, building on contributions by components, partners 4) Develop work plans and budget for the national componentFisheries, AIDS, Public health, HIV, Nutritive value

    Adapting integrated agriculture aquaculture for HIV and AIDS-affected households: the case of Malawi

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    The WorldFish Center in conjunction with World Vision Malawi carried out a project to improve income and nutrition status of households affected by HIV and AIDS with funding from the World Bank. The project was implemented in Southern Malawi particularly in the West of Zomba District from July 2005 to June 2006. Through participatory approaches, the project identified constraints that limit HIV and AIDS affected householdsÆ realisation of the benefits from fish farming and adapted technologies and practices for the affected beneficiaries to boost fish production and utilization. Specifically, the project sought (1) to identify the constraints that limit HIV and AIDS affected households to realise the benefits from fish farming and based on the constraints, (2) to adapt technologies and practices for use by the affected beneficiaries to boost fish production and utilization.Public health, Agropisciculture, Economic benefits, Malawi,

    A governance analysis of the Barotse floodplain system, Zambia: identifying obstacles and opportunities

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    The Barotse floodplain is an ecosystem characterized by a paradox of widespread poverty amidst high ecological and agricultural potential. The CGIAR Research Program on Aquatic Agricultural Systems (AAS) seeks to address this paradox on the assumption that the rural poor have the potential to transform their lives using the aquatic resources in their environment. Understanding the conditions for natural resources use and management is critical for a program that seeks to transform the livelihoods of households dependent on natural resources. The purpose of this report is to identify and analyze key governance variables influencing the livelihood outcomes of AAS program interventions in the Barotse floodplain system

    Children and wild foods in the context of deforestation in rural Malawi

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    There is growing recognition of the contribution of wild foods to local diets, nutrition, and culture. Yet disaggregation of understanding of wild food use by gender and age is limited. We used a mixed methods approach to determine the types, frequencies, and perceptions of wild foods used and sold by children in four villages in southern Malawi that have different levels of deforestation. Household and individual dietary diversity scores are low at all sites. All households consume one or more wild foods. Across the four sites, children listed 119 wild foods, with a wider variety at the least deforested sites than the most deforested ones. Older children can name more wild foods than younger ones. More children from poor households sell wild foods than from well-off households. Several reasons were provided for the consumption or avoidance of wild foods (most commonly taste, contribution to health, limited alternatives, hunger, availability, local taboos)

    The structure and margins of the Lake Chilwa fisheries in Malawi: a value chain analysis

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    Small freshwater pelagic fisheries in closed lakes are very important to millions of people in sub-Saharan Africa providing livelihoods and nutritional security. However, returns from these fisheries have been shown to �uctuate in response to climatic variability. In order to understand the impact of these fluctuations on the livelihoods of people dependant on these fisheries, there is a need for information on how the fish value chain is organized and how it functions in response to variation in supplies. The results will feed into strategies that build resilience in fishing households against the uncertainties arising from unstable ecosystems. The Lake Chilwa fishery value chain is composed of fishers, processors, traders, fish transporters, boat owners, owners of fish processing shades, fisheries associations, gear owners, gear makers, firewood sellers, and traders of fishing gear and equipment. The value chain employs many people and local authorities can consider using this information in the design of rural development strategies for employment generation in small-scale fishing communities. The findings from this study have a number of implications for the improvement of the livelihood of fishers and enhancing their capacity to mitigate against the effects of climate change

    Relationships between pond water and tilapia skin microbiomes in aquaculture ponds in Malawi

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Elsevier via the DOI in this recordData availability: Raw sequencing reads were deposited in the European Nucleotide Archive under the accession PRJEB46984. Data processing, analysis scripts and final ASV tables are accessible at https://github.com/jamiemcm/Malawi_Tilapia_MicrobiomesIntensification of fish farming practices is being driven by the demand for increased food production to support a rapidly growing global human population, particularly in lower-middle income countries. Intensification of production, however, increases the risk of disease outbreaks and thus the likelihood for crop losses. The microbial communities that colonise the skin mucosal surface of fish are poorly understood, but are important in maintaining fish health and resistance against disease. This skin microbial community is susceptible to disruption through stressors associated with transport, handling and the environment of intensive practices, and this risks the propagation of disease-causing pathogens. In this study, we characterised the microbial assemblages found on tilapia skin — the most widely farmed finfish globally — and in the surrounding water of seven earthen aquaculture ponds from two pond systems in distinct geographic regions in Malawi. Metabarcoding approaches were used to sequence the prokaryotic and microeukaryotic communities. We found 92% of prokaryotic amplicon sequence variants were common to both skin and water samples. Differentially enriched and core taxa, however, differed between the skin and water samples. In tilapia skin, Cetobacterium, Paucibacter, Pseudomonas and Comamonadaceae were enriched, whereas, the cyanobacteria Cyanobium, Microcystis and/or Synechocystis, and the diatom Cyclotella, were most prevalent in pond water. Ponds that clustered together according to their water prokaryotic communities also had similar microeukaryotic communities indicating strong environmental influences on prokaryotic and microeukaryotic community structures. While strong site-specific clustering was observed in pond water, the grouping of tilapia skin prokaryotes by pond site was less distinct, suggesting fish microbiota have a greater buffering capacity against environmental influences. The characterised diversity, structure and variance of microbial communities associated with tilapia culture in Malawi provide the baseline for studies on how future intensification practices may lead to microbial dysbiosis and disease onset.Biotechnology & Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC)Newton FundWorldFis

    Barriers to economic growth in Malawi: reflections on smallholders

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    The contribution of smallholders to the economic growth in developing countries and Malawi in particular may be a well know fact. Malawi's economy is agro-based where the agriculture sector contributes 42% of national GDP. Despite the smallholder agriculture's contribution to the economy (30% of GDP), their everyday challenges have tended to be obscured by problems at the macro level and, thus they are often not well understood and documented. This chapter reflects on the everyday production, marketing and socioeconomic challenges facing smallholders. The paper concludes that whereas Malawi's prospects for economic growth will continue to be driven by the agriculture sector, sustained growth will depend on whether smallholders can overcome their barrier