905 research outputs found

    Dynamic correlations in stochastic rotation dynamics

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    The dynamic structure factor, vorticity and entropy density dynamic correlation functions are measured for Stochastic Rotation Dynamics (SRD), a particle based algorithm for fluctuating fluids. This allows us to obtain unbiased values for the longitudinal transport coefficients such as thermal diffusivity and bulk viscosity. The results are in good agreement with earlier numerical and theoretical results, and it is shown for the first time that the bulk viscosity is indeed zero for this algorithm. In addition, corrections to the self-diffusion coefficient and shear viscosity arising from the breakdown of the molecular chaos approximation at small mean free paths are analyzed. In addition to deriving the form of the leading correlation corrections to these transport coefficients, the probabilities that two and three particles remain collision partners for consecutive time steps are derived analytically in the limit of small mean free path. The results of this paper verify that we have an excellent understanding of the SRD algorithm at the kinetic level and that analytic expressions for the transport coefficients derived elsewhere do indeed provide a very accurate description of the SRD fluid.Comment: 33 pages including 16 figure

    Trophoblast stem cells rescue placental defect in SOCS3-deficient mice

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    Stem cells have important clinical and experimental potentials. Trophoblast stem (TS) cells possess the ability to differentiate into trophoblast subtypes in vitro and contribute to the trophoblast lineage in vivo. Suppressor of cytokine signaling 3 (SOCS3) is a negative regulator of cytokine signaling. Targeted disruption of SOCS3 revealed embryonic lethality on E12.5; it was caused by placental defect with enhanced leukemia inhibitory factor receptor signaling. A complementation of the wild-type (WT) placenta by using tetraploid rescue technique showed that the embryonic lethality in SOCS3-deficient embryo was due to the placental defect. Here we demonstrate that TS cells supplementation rescues placental defect in SOCS3-deficient embryos. In the rescued placenta, TS cells were integrated into the placental structure, and a substantial structural improvement was observed in the labyrinthine layer that was disrupted in the SOCS3-deficient placenta. Importantly, by supplying TS cells, living SOCS3-deficient embryos were detected at term. These results indicate a functional contribution of TS cells in the placenta and their potential application

    The J_1-J_2 antiferromagnet with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction on the square lattice: An exact diagonalization study

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    We examine the influence of an anisotropic interaction term of Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya (DM) type on the groundstate ordering of the J_1-J_2 spin-1/2-Heisenberg antiferromagnet on the square lattice. For the DM term we consider several symmetries corresponding to different crystal structures. For the pure J_1-J_2 model there are strong indications for a quantum spin liquid in the region of 0.4 < J_2/J_1 < 0.65. We find that a DM interaction influences the breakdown of the conventional antiferromagnetic order by i) shifting the spin liquid region, ii) changing the isotropic character of the groundstate towards anisotropic correlations and iii) creating for certain symmetries a net ferromagnetic moment.Comment: 7 pages, RevTeX, 6 ps-figures, to appear in J. Phys.: Cond. Ma

    Identification, cDNA cloning, and targeted deletion of p70, a novel, ubiquitously expressed SH3 domain-containing protein

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    In a screen for proteins that interact with Jak2, we identified a previously uncharacterized 70-kDa protein and cloned the corresponding cDNA. The predicated sequence indicates that p70 contains an SH3 domain and a C-terminal domain with similarities to the catalytic motif of phosphoglycerate mutase. p70 transcripts were found in all tissues examined. Similarly, when an antibody raised against a C-terminal peptide to analyze p70 protein expression was used, all murine tissues examined were found to express p70. To investigate the in vivo role of p70, we generated a p70-deficient mouse strain. Mice lacking p70 are viable, develop normally, and do not display any obvious abnormalities. No differences were detected in various hematological parameters, including bone marrow colony-forming ability, in response to cytokines that utilize Jak2. In addition, no impairment in B- and T-cell development and proliferative ability was detected

    Particle-Based Mesoscale Hydrodynamic Techniques

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    Dissipative particle dynamics (DPD) and multi-particle collision (MPC) dynamics are powerful tools to study mesoscale hydrodynamic phenomena accompanied by thermal fluctuations. To understand the advantages of these types of mesoscale simulation techniques in more detail, we propose new two methods, which are intermediate between DPD and MPC -- DPD with a multibody thermostat (DPD-MT), and MPC-Langevin dynamics (MPC-LD). The key features are applying a Langevin thermostat to the relative velocities of pairs of particles or multi-particle collisions, and whether or not to employ collision cells. The viscosity of MPC-LD is derived analytically, in very good agreement with the results of numerical simulations.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, 1 tabl

    High-energy photoemission on Fe3O4: Small polaron physics and the Verwey transition

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    We have studied the electronic structure and charge ordering (Verwey) transition of magnetite (Fe3O4) by soft x-ray photoemission. Due to the enhanced probing depth and the use of different surface preparations we are able to distinguish surface and volume effects in the spectra. The pseudogap behavior of the intrinsic spectra and its temperature dependence give evidence for the existence of strongly bound small polarons consistent with both dc and optical conductivity. Together with other recent structural and theoretical results our findings support a picture in which the Verwey transition contains elements of a cooperative Jahn-Teller effect, stabilized by local Coulomb interaction

    17. H. Vikis, unpublished results

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    growth factor stimulation, and ROS is known to activate Src and Jak family kinases (11, 23, 24). Thus, Rac1 may both localize STAT3 to kinase complexes and contribute to the activation of the kinases themselves. References and Notes 1. J. E. Darnell Jr., Science 277, 1630 (1997). 2. J. N. Ihle et al., Trends Biochem. Sci. 19, 222 (1994). 3. K. Shuai et al., Cell 76, 821 (1994). 4. T. E. Hayes, A. M. Kitchen, B. H. Cochran, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 84, 1272 To define the cell type(s) from which the daf-2 insulinlike signaling pathway functions to control C. elegans life-span, metabolism, and development, we restored daf-2 pathway function to restricted cell types by using distinct promoters to express daf-2 or age-1 cDNAs in either neurons, intestine, or muscle cells of a daf-2 or age-1 mutant (16 -22). Long life-span, metabolic changes, and dauer arrest were tested in these transgenic animals The long life-span of daf-2 and age-1 mutants was rescued by neuronal expression of daf-2 or age-1, respectively, with the panneuronal unc-14 promoter (16, 24). Neuronally restricted age-1 expression fully restored wild-type adult life-span to an age-1(mg44) null mutan