4,359 research outputs found

    Supersymmetry on Graphs and Networks

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    We show that graphs, networks and other related discrete model systems carry a natural supersymmetric structure, which, apart from its conceptual importance as to possible physical applications, allows to derive a series of spectral properties for a class of graph operators which typically encode relevant graph characteristics.Comment: 11 pages, Latex, no figures, remark 4.1 added, slight alterations in lemma 5.3, a more detailed discussion at beginning of sect.6 (zero eigenspace

    The 1982 ASEE-NASA Faculty Fellowship program (Aeronautics and Research)

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    The NASA/ASEE Summer Faculty Fellowship Program (Aeronautics and Research) conducted at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center during the summer of 1982 is described. Abstracts of the Final Reports submitted by the Fellows detailing the results of their research are also presented

    Structure and Mass of a Young Globular Cluster in NGC 6946

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    Using the Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 on board the Hubble Space Telescope, we have imaged a luminous young star cluster in the nearby spiral galaxy NGC 6946. The cluster has an absolute visual magnitude M(V)=-13.2, comparable to the brightest young `super-star clusters' in the Antennae merger galaxy. UBV colors indicate an age of about 15 Myr. The cluster has a compact core (core radius = 1.3 pc), surrounded by an extended envelope. We estimate that the effective radius (Reff) = 13 pc, but this number is uncertain because the outer parts of the cluster profile gradually merge with the general field. Combined with population synthesis models, the luminosity and age of the cluster imply a mass of 8.2x10^5 Msun for a Salpeter IMF extending down to 0.1 Msun, or 5.5x10^5 Msun if the IMF is log-normal below 0.4 Msun. Depending on model assumptions, the central density of the cluster is between 5300 Msun pc^-3 and 17000 Msun pc^-3, comparable to other high-density star forming regions. We also estimate a dynamical mass for the cluster, using high-dispersion spectra from the HIRES spectrograph on the Keck I telescope. The velocity dispersion is 10.0 +/- 2.7 km/s, implying a total cluster mass within 65 pc of (1.7 +/- 0.9) x 10^6 Msun. Comparing the dynamical mass with the mass estimates based on the photometry and population synthesis models, the mass-to-light ratio is at least as high as for a Salpeter IMF extending down to 0.1 Msun, although a turn-over in the IMF at 0.4 Msun is still possible within the errors. The cluster will presumably remain bound, evolving into a globular cluster-like object.Comment: 33 pages, including 10 figures and 3 tables. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Critical research and advanced technology (CRT) support project

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    A critical technology base for utility and industrial gas turbines by planning the use of coal-derived fuels was studied. Development tasks were included in the following areas: (1) Combustion - investigate the combustion of coal-derived fuels and methods to minimize the conversion of fuel-bound nitrogen to NOx; (2) materials - understand and minimize hot corrosion; (3) system studies - integrate and focus the technological efforts. A literature survey of coal-derived fuels was completed and a NOx emissions model was developed. Flametube tests of a two-stage (rich-lean) combustor defined optimum equivalence ratios for minimizing NOx emissions. Sector combustor tests demonstrated variable air control to optimize equivalence ratios over a wide load range and steam cooling of the primary zone liner. The catalytic combustion of coal-derived fuels was demonstrated. The combustion of coal-derived gases is very promising. A hot-corrosion life prediction model was formulated and verified with laboratory testing of doped fuels. Fuel additives to control sulfur corrosion were studied. The intermittent application of barium proved effective. Advanced thermal barrier coatings were developed and tested. Coating failure modes were identified and new material formulations and fabrication parameters were specified. System studies in support of the thermal barrier coating development were accomplished

    The yeast integral membrane protein Apq12 potentially links membrane dynamics to assembly of nuclear pore complexes

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    Although the structure and function of components of the nuclear pore complex (NPC) have been the focus of many studies, relatively little is known about NPC biogenesis. In this study, we report that Apq12 is required for efficient NPC biogenesis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Apq12 is an integral membrane protein of the nuclear envelope (NE) and endoplasmic reticulum. Cells lacking Apq12 are cold sensitive for growth, and a subset of their nucleoporins (Nups), those that are primarily components of the cytoplasmic fibrils of the NPC, mislocalize to the cytoplasm. APQ12 deletion also causes defects in NE morphology. In the absence of Apq12, most NPCs appear to be associated with the inner but not the outer nuclear membrane. Low levels of benzyl alcohol, which increases membrane fluidity, prevented Nup mislocalization and restored the proper localization of Nups that had accumulated in cytoplasmic foci upon a shift to lower temperature. Thus, Apq12p connects nuclear pore biogenesis to the dynamics of the NE

    Occupational (Im)mobility in the Global Care Economy: The Case of Foreign-Trained Nurses in the Canadian Context

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    The twenty-first century has witnessed a number of significant demographic and political shifts that have resulted in a care crisis. Addressing the deficit of care provision has led many nations to actively recruit migrant care labour, often under temporary forms of migration. The emergence of this phenomenon has resulted in a rich field of analysis using the lens of care, including the idea of the Global Care Chain. Revisions to this conceptualization have pushed for its extension beyond domestic workers in the home to include skilled workers in other institutional settings, particularly nurses in hospitals and long-term care settings. Reviewing relevant literature on migrant nurses, this article explores the labour market experiences of internationally educated nurses in Canada. The article reviews research on the barriers facing migrant nurses as they transfer their credentials to the Canadian context. Analysis of this literature suggests that internationally trained nurses experience a form of occupational (im)mobility, paradoxical, ambiguous and contingent processes that exploit global mobility, and results in the stratified incorporation of skilled migrant women into healthcare workplaces

    Ionized and neutral gas in the peculiar star/cluster complex in NGC 6946

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    The characteristics of ionized and HI gas in the peculiar star/cluster complex in NGC 6946, obtained with the 6-m telescope (BTA) SAO RAS, the Gemini North telescope, and the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope (WSRT), are presented. The complex is unusual as hosting a super star cluster, the most massive known in an apparently non-interacting giant galaxy. It contains a number of smaller clusters and is bordered by a sharp C-shaped rim. We found that the complex is additionally unusual in having peculiar gas kinematics. The velocity field of the ionized gas reveals a deep oval minimum, ~300 pc in size, centered 7" east of the supercluster. The Vr of the ionized gas in the dip center is 100 km/s lower than in its surroundings, and emission lines within the dip appear to be shock excited. This dip is near the center of an HI hole and a semi-ring of HII regions. The HI (and less certainly, HII) velocity fields reveal expansion, with the velocity reaching ~30 km/s at a distance about 300 pc from the center of expansion, which is near the deep minimum position. The super star cluster is at the western rim of the minimum. The sharp western rim of the whole complex is plausibly a manifestation of a regular dust arc along the complex edge. Different hypotheses about the complex and the Vr depression origins are discussed, including a HVC/dark mini-halo impact, a BCD galaxy merging, and a gas outflow due to release of energy from the supercluster stars.Comment: MN RAS, accepte

    On preparing for the great gift of community that climate disasters can give us

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    There is a widespread (if rarely voiced) assumption, among those who dare to understand the future which climate chaos is likely to yield, that civility will give way and a Hobbesian war of all against all will be unleashed. Thankfully, this assumption is highly questionable. The field of ‘Disaster Studies’, as shown in Rebecca Solnit’s A Paradise Built in Hell, makes clear that it is at least as likely that, tested in the crucible of back-to-back disasters, humanity will rise to the challenge, and we will find ourselves manifesting a truer humanity than we currently think ourselves to have. Thus the post-sustainability world will offer us a tremendous gift amidst the carnage. But how well we realise this gift depends on our preparing the way for it. In order to prepare, the fantasy of sustainable development needs to be jettisoned, along with the bargain-making mentality underpinning it. Instead, the inter-personal virtues of generosity, fraternity and care-taking need fostering. One role a philosophically informed deep reframing can play in this process of virtuous preparation for disaster is in helping people to understand that, in order to care for their children, they need to care for their children in turn, and so on, ad infinitum

    Collisional Dark Matter and the Origin of Massive Black Holes

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    If the cosmological dark matter is primarily in the form of an elementary particle which has cross section and mass for self-interaction having a ratio similar to that of ordinary nuclear matter, then seed black holes (formed in stellar collapse) will grow in a Hubble time, due to accretion of the dark matter, to a mass range 10^6 - 10^9 solar masses. Furthermore, the dependence of the final black hole mass on the galaxy velocity dispersion will be approximately as observed and the growth rate will show a time dependence consistent with observations. Other astrophysical consequences of collisional dark matter and tests of the idea are noted.Comment: 7 pages, no figures, LaTeX2e, Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Lett. Changed conten
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