12,349 research outputs found

    Conceptual study of an advanced supersonic technology transport (AST-107) for transpacific range using low-bypass-ratio turbofan engines

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    An advanced supersonic technology configuration concept designated the AST-107, using a low bypass ratio turbofan engine, is described and analyzed. The aircraft had provisions for 273 passengers arranged five abreast. The cruise Mach number was 2.62. The mission range for the AST-107 was 8.48 Mm (4576 n.mi.) and an average lift drag ratio of 9.15 during cruise was achieved. The available lateral control was not sufficient for the required 15.4 m/s (30 kt) crosswind landing condition, and a crosswind landing gear or a significant reduction in dihedral effect would be necessary to meet this requirement. The lowest computed noise levels, including a mechanical suppressor noise reduction of 3 EPNdB at the flyover and sideline monitoring stations, were 110.3 EPNdB (sideline noise), 113.1 EPNdB (centerline noise) and 110.5 EPNdB (approach noise)

    A review of the NASA V-G/VGH general aviation program

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    The V-G and VGH data collected from a wide variety of general aviation airplanes since the inception of the NASA V-G/VGH General Aviation Program in 1962 are presented. These data were analyzed to obtain information on the gust and maneuver loads, on the operating practices, and on the effects of different types of operations on these parameters

    Intensities of backscatter Mössbauer spectra

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    The intensities of γ‐ray and x‐ray backscatter Mössbauer spectra of ^(57)Fe nuclei in different matrix materials were studied theoretically and experimentally. A previous analysis by J. J. Bara [Phys. Status Solidi A 58, 349 (1980] showed that negative peak intensities occur in backscatter γ‐ray spectra when the ^(57)Fe nuclei are in a matrix of light elements. We report a confirmation of this work and offer a simple explanation of the phenomenon. The present paper extends Bara’s analysis to the case of conversion x‐ray spectra; expressions for the intensity of conversion x‐ray spectra as a function of absorber thickness and absorber material parameters are presented. We show that negative peak intensities are expected in conversion x‐ray spectra when the ^(57)Fe nuclei are in a matrix of heavy elements

    INTERP3: A computer routine for linear interpolation of trivariate functions defined by nondistinct unequally spaced variables

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    A report on the computer routine INTERP3 is presented. The routine is designed to linearly interpolate a variable which is a function of three independent variables. The variables within the parameter arrays do not have to be distinct, or equally spaced, and the array variables can be in increasing or decreasing order

    The design of an Fe-12Mn-O.2Ti alloy steel for low temperature use

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    An investigation was made to improve the low temperature mechanical properties of Fe-8 approximately 12% Mn-O 2Ti alloy steels. A two-phase(alpha + gamma) tempering in combination with cold working or hot working was identified as an effective treatment. A potential application as a Ni-free cryogenic steel was shown for this alloy. It was also shown that an Fe-8Mn steel could be grain-refined by a purely thermal treatment because of its dislocated martensitic structure and absence of epsilon phase. A significant reduction of the ductile-brittle transition temperature was obtained in this alloy. The nature and origin of brittle fracture in Fe-Mn alloys were also investigated. Two embrittling regions were found in a cooling curve of an Fe-12Mn-O 2Ti steel which was shown to be responsible for intergranular fracture. Auger electron spectroscopy identified no segregation during solution-annealing treatment. Avoiding the embrittling zones by controlled cooling led to a high cryogenic toughness in a solution-annealed condition

    Development and evaluation of a prototype in-flight instrument flight rules (IFR) procedures trainer

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    An in-flight instrument flight rules (IFR) procedures trainer capable of providing simulated indications of instrument flight in a typical general aviation aircraft independent of ground based navigation aids was developed. The IFR navaid related instruments and circuits from an ATC 610J table top simulator were installed in a Cessna 172 aircraft and connected to its electrical power and pitot static systems. The benefits expected from this hybridization concept include increased safety by reducing the number of general aviation aircraft conducting IFR training flights in congested terminal areas, and reduced fuel use and instruction costs by lessening the need to fly to and from navaid equipped airports and by increased efficiency of the required in-flight training. Technical feasibility was demonstrated and the operational feasibility of the concept was evaluated. Results indicated that the in-flight simulator is an effective training device for teaching IFR procedural skills

    The challenges and opportunities of supersonic transport propulsion technology

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    The major challenges confronting the propulsion community for civil supersonic transport applications are identified: high propulsion system efficiency at both supersonic and subsonic cruise conditions, low-cost fuel with adequate thermal stability at high temperatures, low noise cycles and exhaust systems, low emission combustion systems, and low drag installations. Both past progress and future opportunities are discussed in relation to perceived technology shortfalls for an economically successful airplane that satisfies environmental constraints

    Ranking the Risks: The 10 Pathogen-Food Combinations With the Greatest Burden on Public Health

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    Examines food-borne pathogens with the highest disease burdens and the top ten foods most commonly contaminated by them, such as salmonella in poultry, toxoplasma in pork, and listeria in deli meats. Makes policy recommendations for improving prevention

    Field Guide to Nonindigenous Marine Fishes of Florida

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    The purpose of this field guide is to provide information on nonindigenous (i.e., non-native) fishes that have been observed in Florida’s marine waters. Introductions of non-native marine fishes into Florida’s waters could be intentional or unintentional, and are likely from a variety of sources, including aquarium releases, escape from aquaculture, loss due to extreme weather events (e.g., flooding from hurricanes), and possibly transfer with ballast water or hull-fouling. Presently the lionfishes (Pterois volitans and P. miles) are the only non-native marine fish species known to be established along the coast of Florida. All other marine fishes in this guide (except the euryhaline species, see below) have infrequent occurrences, occur singly or in small groups, and have not yet become self-sustaining populations. Aquarium releases are one of the major pathways whereby nonindigenous fishes gain access to new environments (Ruiz et al. 1997; Fuller et al. 1999). Most of the nonindigenous marine fishes found in Florida’s waters are thought to be aquarium fishes that either were illegally released into the ocean or escaped captivity (e.g., during severe storm/flooding events). Indeed, south Florida is a hotspot for nonindigenous marine aquarium fishes (Semmens et al. 2004). Increased public awareness of the problems caused by released or escaped aquarium fishes may aid in stemming the frequency of releases. For example, HabitattitudeTM (www.habitattitude.net) is a national public awareness and partnership campaign that encourages aquarists and water gardeners to prevent the release of unwanted aquarium plants, fish and other animals. It prompts hobbyists to adopt alternative actions when dealing with these aquatic plants and animals. (PDF file contains 133 pages.

    A simplified analysis of propulsion installation losses for computerized aircraft design

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    A simplified method is presented for computing the installation losses of aircraft gas turbine propulsion systems. The method has been programmed for use in computer aided conceptual aircraft design studies that cover a broad range of Mach numbers and altitudes. The items computed are: inlet size, pressure recovery, additive drag, subsonic spillage drag, bleed and bypass drags, auxiliary air systems drag, boundary-layer diverter drag, nozzle boattail drag, and the interference drag on the region adjacent to multiple nozzle installations. The methods for computing each of these installation effects are described and computer codes for the calculation of these effects are furnished. The results of these methods are compared with selected data for the F-5A and other aircraft. The computer program can be used with uninstalled engine performance information which is currently supplied by a cycle analysis program. The program, including comments, is about 600 FORTRAN statements long, and uses both theoretical and empirical techniques