826 research outputs found

    Accurate determination of the scattering length of metastable Helium atoms using dark resonances between atoms and exotic molecules

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    We present a new measurement of the s-wave scattering length a of spin-polarized helium atoms in the 2^3S_1 metastable state. Using two-photon photoassociation spectroscopy and dark resonances we measure the energy E_{v=14}= -91.35 +/- 0.06 MHz of the least bound state v=14 in the interaction potential of the two atoms. We deduce a value of a = 7.512 +/- 0.005 nm, which is at least one hundred times more precise than the best previous determinations and is in disagreement with some of them. This experiment also demonstrates the possibility to create exotic molecules binding two metastable atoms with a lifetime of the order of 1 microsecond.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Locomotor activity in relation to dopamine and noradrenaline in the nucleus accumbens, septal and frontalk areas: a 6-hydroxydopamine study

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    The Study and the Method: The locomotor activity of adult male Sprague-Dawley was automatically recorded in a circular corridor - circadian changes are described as well as the response to the novel situation and its habituation over three hours. Four groups of animals were compared, - those with sham/vehicle operations and those with 6-OHDA dopamine (DA) depleting lesions in - the frontal cortex, the limbic septum, and the ventral tegmental area (VTA - A10). Results: 1/ Lesions of the VTA resulted in increased dark-phase activity, - and a large response to an apomorphine challenge in comparison to other lesion and control groups: 2/ Septal 6-OHDA lesions did not alter locomotion: 3/ After frontal DA depletion there was a small increase of locomotion after the apomorphine challenge, that might reflect increased receptor sensitivity in cortical or sub-cortical areas: (Table 1: HPLC measures of NA, DA and DOPAC for each group in the prefrontal cortex, septum and N. accumbens) Figure 1 illustrates the cumulative photocell counts per hour over 24 hours for the 4 groups:. Figure 2 illustrates the cumulative photocell counts every 10 minutes over 90 minutes post-apomorphine treatment - maximal at 20-30 minutes and habituating over 60 minutes (90 minutes for the VTA group): overall activity VTA >> Frontal > Septal > Controls. Conclusions: Along with correlations found for motor activity with cortical levels of DA and NA, these results are interpreted to support a role for DA, NA and the region of the frontal cortex in modulating locomotion that is primarily mediated by mesolimbic VTA - accumbens - DA activity

    Frequency shifts of photoassociative spectra of ultracold metastable Helium atoms : a new measurement of the s-wave scattering length

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    We observe light-induced frequency shifts in one-color photoassociative spectra of magnetically trapped 4^4He^* atoms in the metastable 23S12^3S_1 state. A pair of ultracold spin-polarized 23S12^3S_1 helium atoms is excited into a molecular bound state in the purely long range 0u+0_u^+ potential connected to the 23S123P02^3S_1 - 2^3P_0 asymptote. The shift arises from the optical coupling of the molecular excited bound state with the scattering states and the bound states of two colliding 23S12^3S_1 atoms. We measure the frequency-shifts for several ro-vibrational levels in the 0u+0^+_u potential and find a linear dependence on the photoassociation laser intensity. Comparison with a theoretical analysis provides a good indication for the s-wave scattering length aa of the quintet (5Σg+^5\Sigma_g^+) potential, a=7.2±0.6a=7.2\pm 0.6 nm, which is significantly lower than most previous results obtained by non-spectroscopic methods.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Construindo a identidade agroecológica através de trocas de experiências entre assentamentos da reforma agrária no estado de São Paulo.

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    Resumo: Este trabalho faz parte do projeto ?Capacitação sócio-ambiental para construção de projetos de desenvolvimento sustentável em assentamentos rurais no estado de São Paulo?, uma parceria da Embrapa Meio Ambiente com o INCRA, MST e outras organizações de agricultores assentados. Assim, propomos apresentar uma etapa dos trabalhos que vem sendo desenvolvido nos assentamentos Itapeva e Sepé Tiaraju, nos respectivos municípios de Itapeva/SP e Ribeirão Preto/SP. Iniciado em 2009, este trabalho visa a assessorar e potencializar os trabalhos de transição agroecológica através da aproximação de agricultores assentados com processos diferentes de ocupação da terra, porém com mesmos objetivos de diversificação do sistema produtivo de forma sustentável. Abstract: This work is part of the project "Capacity building for social and environmental projects for sustainable development in rural settlements in the state of São Paulo, a partnership withEmbrapa Environment INCRA, MST and other organizations offarmers settled.Therefore, we propose to present a step in the work being donein the settlements and Itapeva Sepe Tiaraju, in their municipality of Itapeva / SP, Ribeirao Preto / SP. Started in 2009, this work aims to assist and enhance the work through the transitionalagro- ecological approach to resettled farmers with different processes acupaçao of the earth, but with the same objectivesof diversification of the productive system in a sustainable manner

    Toxicological study and efficacy of blank and paclitaxel-loaded lipid nanocapsules after i.v. administration in mice

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    PURPOSE: Lipid nanocapsules (LNCs) are solvent-free drug nanocarriers permitting entrapment of paclitaxel and increasing its antitumoural effect in animal models after i.v. injection. The tolerance and efficacy of LNCs after repeated dose i.v. administration were assessed in mice. The maximum tolerated dose (MTD) and 50 percent lethal dose (LD50) were studied.METHODS: Paclitaxel-loaded LNC formulation was given i.v. at the dose of 12 mg/kg per day for 5 consecutive days in comparison with blank LNCs and saline. Histological examination, complete blood counts and biochemical quantification were performed after a recovery of 7 days. Growth of NCI-H460 subcutaneous xenografts in nude mice receiving one of the aforementioned schedules was assessed. MTD and LD50 were determined by Irwin test. RESULTS: No mortality was observed in repeated injections studies. Histological studies revealed no lesions and no accumulation of lipids. Blood studies were normal. The tumoural growth was significantly reduced in the group treated by paclitaxel-loaded LNCs. The MTDs/LD50s of Taxol, paclitaxel-loaded LNCs and blank LNCs were 12/19.5, 96/216 and above 288/288 mg/kg, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates that a five-day i.v. injection schedule of paclitaxel-loaded LNC dispersions induces no histological or biochemical abnormalities in mice and improves paclitaxel efficacy and therapeutic index in comparison with Taxol

    Hum. Reprod. Advance

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    what is known already: A global decrease in human sperm quality is still debated as geographical differences have been shown, and many criticisms have risen concerning studies with small and biased study populations or inappropriate statistical methodology. However, growing biological, toxicological, experimental and human exposure data support the endocrine disruptors' hypothesis assuming that fetal exposure to endocrine disruptors could impair reproductive outcomes. study design, size, duration: This was a retrospective and descriptive study using data registered by Fivnat, the professional association in charge of statistics for ART in France during the 1989-2005 study period. Data were provided by 126 main ART centres over the whole metropolitan territory. The source population included 154 712 men, aged 18-70, who were partners of couples undergoing their first ART cycle and for whom semen quality indicators (concentration, total motility and percentage of morphologically normal forms), measured on fresh ejaculated semen, were available. participants/materials, setting, methods: The study population was 26 609 partners of women who had both tubes either absent or blocked. The temporal trends for each indicator of semen quality were modelled using a generalized additive model that allowed for nonlinear relationships between variables and were adjusted for season and age. In-depth sensitivity analyses included the reiteration of the analysis on data from a second spermiogram available for each man and on another subsample of men diagnosed as fertile. Variables such as centre, technique (standard in vitro fertilization or intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection) and an interaction factor between technique and time were also included in the model. main results and the role of chance: There was a significant and continuous decrease in sperm concentration of 32.2% [26.3-36.3] during the study period. Projections indicate that concentration for a 35-year-old man went from an average of 73.6 million/ml [69.0-78.4] in 1989 to 49.9 million/ml [43.5-54.7] in 2005. A significant, but not quantifiable, decrease in the percentage of sperm with morphologically normal forms along the 17-year period was also observed. There was no global trend but a slight, significant increase in total motility between 1994 and 1998 was observed. The results were robust after sensitivity analysis. limitations, reasons for caution: Socioeconomic status could not be controlled for. Despite universal access to medical services in France, couples undergoing ART are expected to have a higher educational level on average compared with those of the general population. Therefore, the real values in the general population could be slightly lower than those presented and the decrease possibly stronger, as the population study is less likely to smoke or be overweight, two factors known to impair semen quality. wider implications of the findings: As the men were selected without a priori knowledge regarding their semen quality characteristics, the results are expected to be close to the values in the general French population. The very large sample size and the robustness of the results confer great statistical power and credibility to the results. To our knowledge, it is the first study concluding a severe and general decrease in sperm concentration and morphology at the scale of a whole country over a substantial period. This constitutes a serious public health warning. The link with the environment particularly needs to be determined

    Hemodynamic and antifibrotic effects of a selective liver nitric oxide donor V-PYRRO/NO in bile duct ligated rats.

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    AIM: To assess whether a liver specific nitric oxide (NO) donor (V-PYRRO/NO) would prevent the development of portal hypertension and liver fibrosis in rats with bile duct ligation (BDL). METHODS: Treatment (placebo or V-PYRRO/NO 0.53 micromol/kg per hour) was administered i.v. to rats 2 d before BDL (D-2) and maintained until the day of hemodynamic measurement (D26). Intra-hepatic NO level was estimated by measuring liver cGMP level. Effects of V-PYRRO/NO on liver fibrosis and lipid peroxidation were also assessed. RESULTS: Compared to placebo treatment, V-PYRRO/NO improved splanchnic hemodynamics in BDL rats: portal pressure was significantly reduced by 27% (P<0.0001) and collateral circulation development was almost completely blocked (splenorenal shunt blood flow by 74%, P=0.007). Moreover, V-PYRRO/NO significantly prevented liver fibrosis development in BDL rats (by 30% in hepatic hydroxyproline content and 31% in the area of fibrosis, P<0.0001 respectively), this effect being probably due to a decrease in lipid peroxidation by 44% in the hepatic malondialdehyde level (P=0.007). Interestingly, we observed a significant and expected increase in liver cGMP, without any systemic hemodynamic effects (mean arterial pressure, vascular systemic resistance and cardiac output) in both sham-operated and BDL rats treated with V-PYRRO/NO. This result is in accordance with studies on V-PYRRO/NO metabolism showing a specific release of NO in the liver. CONCLUSION: Continuous administrations of V-PYRRO/NO in BDL rats improved liver fibrosis and splanchnic hemodynamics without any noxious systemic hemo-dynamic effects