7 research outputs found

    Studies on acute appendicitis with a special reference to appendicoliths and periappendicular abscesses

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    Abstract Epidemiological and clinical data suggest that acute appendicitis might have two different forms with different disease severities. Uncomplicated and complicated acute appendicitis appear to be distinct entities instead of consecutive events. Appendicitis does not always inevitably progress to perforation and most cases are uncomplicated by nature. This supports the importance of an accurate differential diagnosis between uncomplicated and complicated acute appendicitis enabling treatment optimization. This thesis consists of three studies. The first study evaluated the possibility to differentiate between uncomplicated and complicated appendicitis using only clinical symptoms and laboratory markers with a special focus on predicting the presence of an appendicolith without the use of modern imaging. We found neither sufficiently reliable to accurately estimate the severity of acute appendicitis or to determine the presence of an appendicolith, supporting the use of computed tomography imaging to assess the disease. The second study focused on clarifying the histopathological differences between uncomplicated acute appendicitis and acute appendicitis presenting with an appendicolith; a calcified deposit of faecal material in the appendiceal lumen. It’s presence has been shown to predict perforation and failure of conservative treatment. This study evaluated the histopathological findings of computed tomography diagnosed uncomplicated acute appendicitis and appendicolith appendicitis without perforation. Acute appendicitis presenting with an appendicolith was histopathologically different from uncomplicated acute appendicitis on all the assessed histological parameters, indicating the potentially complicated nature of appendicolith appendicitis. The third study was a randomized, multicentre clinical trial comparing interval appendectomy with follow-up with magnetic resonance imaging after successful initial non-operative treatment of complicated acute appendicitis presenting with a periappendicular abscess. The study hypothesis was that an interval appendectomy might not be necessary based on the previously reported low appendicitis recurrence rate after a periappendicular abscess. The original study hypothesis was left unresolved, as an unexpectedly high rate of appendiceal neoplasms was detected in the study population and the study was prematurely terminated. The neoplasm rate after a periappendicular abscess in this prematurely terminated study was high (20%). All the neoplasms were detected in patients over 40 years of age, strongly supporting an interval appendectomy for all patients over 40 years of age if this rate of neoplasms is validated in future studies.Tiivistelmä Aiemmat tutkimukset viittaavat siihen, että on olemassa kaksi erillistä akuutin umpilisäkkeen tulehduksen muotoa: komplisoitumaton ja komplisoitunut. Nämä muodot eivät ole toistensa jatkumo: umpilisäkkeen tulehdus ei aina johda umpilisäkkeen puhkeamiseen, vaan valtaosa umpilisäkkeen tulehdustapauksista on komplisoitumattomia. Oikean hoitotavan valinta edellyttää tarkkaa erotusdiagnostiikkaa tautimuotojen välillä Tämä väitöskirjatyö koostuu kolmesta osatyöstä. Ensimmäisen osatyö selvitti, onko komplisoitumaton ja komplisoitunut umpilisäkkeen tulehdus mahdollista erottaa ilman kuvantamista kliinisin löydöksin ja laboratoriokokein painottaen ulostekiven olemassaolon ennustamista. Umpilisäkkeen tulehduksen vaikeusasteen tai ulostekiven olemassaolon ennustaminen ei ollut mahdollista pelkästään kliinisten löydösten tai laboratoriokokeiden perusteella. Tämä korostaa tietokonetomografian merkitystä taudin vaikeusasteen arvioinnissa. Toinen osatyö selvitti histologisia eroja komplisoitumattoman umpilisäkkeen tulehduksen ja ulostekiven sisältävän äkillisen umpilisäkkeen tulehduksen välillä. Ulostekiven tiedetään ennustavan umpilisäkkeen puhkeamaa ja konservatiivisen hoidon epäonnistumista. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin histologisia löydöksiä potilailla, joilla oli tietokonetomografiatutkimuksella varmistettu komplisoitumaton äkillinen umpilisäkkeen tulehdus tai ulostekiven sisältävä äkillinen umpilisäkkeen tulehdus ilman puhkeamaa. Tutkimuksessa todettiin, että ulostekiven sisältävät tulehtuneet umpilisäkkeet poikkeavat kaikkien tutkittujen parametrien osalta komplisoitumattomasta umpilisäkkeen tulehduksesta. Tämä tukee käsitystä ulostekiven sisältävän umpilisäkkeen tulehduksen komplisoituneesta luonteesta. Kolmas osatyö oli randomoitu monikeskustutkimus, jossa verrattiin toisiinsa rauhallisessa vaiheessa tehtyä umpilisäkkeen poistoa ja seurantaa magneettiresonanssikuvauksella potilailla, joilla oli onnistuneesti hoidettu konservatiivisesti umpilisäkkeen ympäryskudoksen paise. Hypoteesina oli, että myöhempi umpilisäkkeen poisto ei ole tarpeen, koska tulehduksen uusiutumisen riski umpilisäkkeen vieruskudoksen paiseen hoidon jälkeen on aiemmin raportoitu matalaksi. Tutkimushypoteesi jäi avoimeksi, koska tutkimuksen aikana havaittiin runsaasti umpilisäkkeen kasvaimia, mikä johti tutkimuksen ennenaikaiseen keskeyttämiseen. Umpilisäkkeen kasvainten ilmaantuvuus oli 20 %, kaikki yli 40-vuotiailla potilailla. Mikäli tutkimuksen tulokset vahvistuvat tulevissa tutkimuksissa, kaikille yli 40-vuotiaille potilaille tulisi suositella umpilisäkkeen poistoa sairastetun umpilisäkkeen vieruskudoksen paiseen jälkeen

    Appendicolith appendicitis is clinically complicated acute appendicitis:is it histopathologically different from uncomplicated acute appendicitis

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    Abstract Purpose: Acute appendicitis may present as uncomplicated and complicated and these disease forms differ both epidemiologically and clinically. Complicated acute appendicitis has traditionally been defined as an appendicitis complicated by perforation or a periappendicular abscess, and an appendicolith represents a predisposing factor of complicated disease. There are histopathological differences between uncomplicated acute appendicitis and the previously established traditional forms of complicated acute appendicitis, but to our knowledge, the histopathological differences between uncomplicated acute appendicitis and complicated acute appendicitis presenting with an appendicolith have not yet been reported. The study purpose was to assess these differences with two prospective patient cohorts: (1) computed tomography (CT) confirmed uncomplicated acute appendicitis patients enrolled in the surgical treatment arm of the randomized APPAC trial comparing appendectomy with antibiotics for the treatment of uncomplicated acute appendicitis and (2) patients with CT-verified acute appendicitis presenting with an appendicolith excluded from the APPAC trial. Methods: The following histopathological parameters were assessed: appendiceal diameter, depth of inflammation, micro-abscesses, density of eosinophils, and neutrophils in appendiceal wall and surface epithelium degeneration. Results: Using multivariable logistic regression models adjusted for age, gender, and symptom duration, statistically significant differences were detected in the depth of inflammation ≤ 2.8 mm (adjusted OR 2.18 (95%CI: 1.29–3.71, p = 0.004), micro-abscesses (adjusted OR 2.16 (95%CI: 1.22–3.83, p = 0.008), the number of eosinophils and neutrophils ≥ 150/mm² (adjusted OR 0.97 (95%CI: 0.95–0.99, p = 0.013), adjusted OR 3.04 (95%CI: 1.82–5.09, p < 0.001, respectively). Conclusions: These results corroborate the known clinical association of an appendicolith to complicated acute appendicitis

    Possibilities and challenges for TEL from a student perspective through the uptake and use of digital technologies in a 1:1 initiative

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    The uptake and use of digital technologies in the classroom is studied in Unos Umea°, a jointOne-to-One (1:1) project between Umea° University and the Municipality of Umea° in Sweden. Thispaper presents the results of a survey completed by upper secondary students (N923), focusgroup interviews (N7) and classroom observations (N22). Students see possibilities inaccessing information, text skills, and work variation, while the challenges they see are difficultiesin focusing on the task at hand, technical problems, and the lack of alignment between students’and teachers’ skills in Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Using the Ecology ofResources Model (Luckin 2010), these challenges can be interpreted as the manifestation of filtersin the learning environment. How collaborative learning environments are created, the lack ofalignment between teachers’ and students’ ICT skills and how everyday use of computers in theclassroom develops will hold implications for Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) in theclassroom