667 research outputs found

    Accuracy Assessment of the 2006 National Land Cover Database Percent Impervious Dataset

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    An impervious surface is any surface that prevents water from infiltrating the ground. As impervious surface area increases within watersheds, stream networks and water quality are negatively impacted. The Multi-Resolution Land Characteristic Consortium developed a percent impervious dataset using Landsat imagery as part of the 2006 National Land Cover Database. This percent impervious dataset estimates imperviousness for each 30-meter cell in the land cover database. The percent impervious dataset permits study of impervious surfaces, can be used to identify impacted or critical areas, and allows for development of impact mitigation plans; however, the accuracy of this dataset is unknown. To determine the accuracy of the 2006 percent impervious dataset, reference data were digitized from one-foot digital aerial imagery for three study areas in Arkansas, USA. Digitized reference data were compared to percent impervious dataset estimates of imperviousness at multiple 900m2 , 8,100m2 , and 22,500m2 sample grids to determine if accuracy varied by ground area. Analyses showed percent impervious estimates and digitized reference data differ modestly; however, as ground area increases, percent impervious estimates and reference data match more closely. These findings suggest that the percent impervious dataset is useful for planning purposes for ground areas of at least 2.25ha

    Extension of a Kinetic-Theory Approach for Computing Chemical-Reaction Rates to Reactions with Charged Particles

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    Recently introduced molecular-level chemistry models that predict equilibrium and nonequilibrium reaction rates using only kinetic theory and fundamental molecular properties (i.e., no macroscopic reaction rate information) are extended to include reactions involving charged particles and electronic energy levels. The proposed extensions include ionization reactions, exothermic associative ionization reactions, endothermic and exothermic charge exchange reactions, and other exchange reactions involving ionized species. The extensions are shown to agree favorably with the measured Arrhenius rates for near-equilibrium conditions

    Comparison of CFD and DSMC Using Calibrated Transport Parameters

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    Hypersonic re-entry flows span a wide range of length scales where regions of both rarefied and continuum flow exist. Traditional computational fluid dynamics (CFD) techniques do not provide an accurate solution for the rarefied regions of such mixed flow fields. Although direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) can be used to accurately capture both the continuum and rarefied features of mixed flow fields, they are computationally expensive when employed to simulate the low Knudsen number continuum regimes. Thus, a hybrid framework for seamlessly combining the two methodologies, CFD and DSMC, continues to be a topic of significant research effort. Ensuring consistency in the reaction kinetics and transport models employed within CFD and DSMC is a crucial requirement for obtaining a reliable solution from a hybrid framework for combined continuum/rarefied high speed flows. This paper represents one of the first studies to utilize the calibrated transport parameters developed to ensure consistency between CFD and DSMC solvers. The new variable soft sphere (VSS) parameters are compared to both previous standard variable hard sphere (VHS) parameters and also to solutions from the CFD transport properties that the new parameters were developed to reproduce

    Comparison of DSMC and CFD Solutions of Fire II Including Radiative Heating

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    The ability to compute rarefied, ionized hypersonic flows is becoming more important as missions such as Earth reentry, landing high mass payloads on Mars, and the exploration of the outer planets and their satellites are being considered. These flows may also contain significant radiative heating. To prepare for these missions, NASA is developing the capability to simulate rarefied, ionized flows and to then calculate the resulting radiative heating to the vehicle's surface. In this study, the DSMC codes DAC and DS2V are used to obtain charge-neutral ionization solutions. NASA s direct simulation Monte Carlo code DAC is currently being updated to include the ability to simulate charge-neutral ionized flows, take advantage of the recently introduced Quantum-Kinetic chemistry model, and to include electronic energy levels as an additional internal energy mode. The Fire II flight test is used in this study to assess these new capabilities. The 1634 second data point was chosen for comparisons to be made in order to include comparisons to computational fluid dynamics solutions. The Knudsen number at this point in time is such that the DSMC simulations are still tractable and the CFD computations are at the edge of what is considered valid. It is shown that there can be quite a bit of variability in the vibrational temperature inferred from DSMC solutions and that, from how radiative heating is computed, the electronic temperature is much better suited for radiative calculations. To include the radiative portion of heating, the flow-field solutions are post-processed by the non-equilibrium radiation code HARA. Acceptable agreement between CFD and DSMC flow field solutions is demonstrated and the progress of the updates to DAC, along with an appropriate radiative heating solution, are discussed. In addition, future plans to generate more high fidelity radiative heat transfer solutions are discussed

    On the joint distribution of the maximum and its position of the Airy2 process minus a parabola

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    The maximal point of the Airy2 process minus a parabola is believed to describe the scaling limit of the end-point of the directed polymer in a random medium, which was proved to be true for a few specific cases. Recently two different formulas for the joint distribution of the location and the height of this maximal point were obtained, one by Moreno Flores, Quastel and Remenik, and the other by Schehr. The first formula is given in terms of the Airy function and an associated operator, and the second formula is expressed in terms of the Lax pair equations of the Painleve II equation. We give a direct proof that these two formulas are the same.Comment: 15 pages, no figure, minor revision, to appear in J.Math.Phy

    Shuttle Return To Flight Experimental Results: Protuberance Effects on Boundary Layer Transition

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    The effect of isolated roughness elements on the windward boundary layer of the Shuttle Orbiter has been experimentally examined in the Langley Aerothermodynamic Laboratory in support of an agency-wide effort to prepare the Shuttle Orbiter for return to flight. This experimental effort was initiated to provide a roughness effects database for developing transition criteria to support on-orbit decisions to repair damage to the thermal protection system. Boundary layer transition results were obtained using trips of varying heights and locations along the centerline and attachment lines of 0.0075-scale models. Global heat transfer images using phosphor thermography of the Orbiter windward surface and the corresponding heating distributions were used to infer the state of the boundary layer (laminar, transitional, or turbulent). The database contained within this report will be used to formulate protuberance-induced transition correlations using predicted boundary layer edge parameters

    Characterizing the Features of Mitotic Figures Using a Conditional Diffusion Probabilistic Model

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    Mitotic figure detection in histology images is a hard-to-define, yet clinically significant task, where labels are generated with pathologist interpretations and where there is no ``gold-standard'' independent ground-truth. However, it is well-established that these interpretation based labels are often unreliable, in part, due to differences in expertise levels and human subjectivity. In this paper, our goal is to shed light on the inherent uncertainty of mitosis labels and characterize the mitotic figure classification task in a human interpretable manner. We train a probabilistic diffusion model to synthesize patches of cell nuclei for a given mitosis label condition. Using this model, we can then generate a sequence of synthetic images that correspond to the same nucleus transitioning into the mitotic state. This allows us to identify different image features associated with mitosis, such as cytoplasm granularity, nuclear density, nuclear irregularity and high contrast between the nucleus and the cell body. Our approach offers a new tool for pathologists to interpret and communicate the features driving the decision to recognize a mitotic figure.Comment: Accepted for Deep Generative Models Workshop at Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI) 202

    Spontaneous Bile Duct Rupture in Pregnancy

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    Spontaneous bile duct rupture occurred in a 23-year-old who required emergency Cesarean section for fetal distress. This condition has not been reported in association with pregnancy. Only forty cases of spontaneous bile duct perforation in adults have been previously reported. Seventy percent of these perforations were related to biliary calculi. Sites of perforation were evenly distributed between common hepatic duct and common bile duct. Recommended treatment includes cholecystectomy, common bile duct exploration, T-tube placement, and Roux-En-Y ductal anastomosis if disruption is extensive

    Real-Time Temperature and Heat Flux Measurements for Lyophilization Process Design and Monitoring: Part 1

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    Lyophilization is a common method used to preserve pharmaceutical and biological products. Accurately measuring temperature during the three stages of lyophilization: freezing, primary drying, and secondary drying, is important to ensure product consistency and to reduce operating costs. Wireless temperature sensors were evaluated to determine if temperature is monitored accurately and to determine if wireless temperature sensors offer advantages over traditional temperature measurement technologies. These sensors contain three capacitors to monitor temperature as the solvent is sublimated. A Millrock Technology REVO lyophilizer was used for testing. Water and 5% w/v sucrose solution were distributed in 3 mL fill volume increments into Wheaton 6R vials. Wireless temperature sensor measurements were compared with thermocouple measurements. Differences in temperature measurements between the top, middle, and bottom capacitors in each wireless temperature sensing unit demonstrates the sublimation pattern of the solvent in the primary drying stage. These sensors allow for heat flux through the product to be computed during the primary drying phase. Our goal is to assess the limitations and benefits of using wireless temperature sensors compared to commonly used thermocouples and other process monitoring technologies for lyophilization processes as well as to determine methods to further improve the wireless temperature sensors
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