29 research outputs found

    On spectral minimal partitions: the case of the sphere

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    We consider spectral minimal partitions. Continuing work of the the present authors about problems for planar domains, [23], we focus on the sphere and obtain a sharp result for 3-partitions which is related to questions from harmonic analysis, in particular to a conjecture of Bishop

    Adaptive independent sticky MCMC algorithms

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    Monte Carlo methods have become essential tools to solve complex Bayesian inference problems in different fields, such as computational statistics, machine learning, and statistical signal processing. In this work, we introduce a novel class of adaptive Monte Carlo methods, called adaptive independent sticky Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms, to sample efficiently from any bounded target probability density function (pdf). The new class of algorithms employs adaptive non-parametric proposal densities, which become closer and closer to the target as the number of iterations increases. The proposal pdf is built using interpolation procedures based on a set of support points which is constructed iteratively from previously drawn samples. The algorithm’s efficiency is ensured by a test that supervises the evolution of the set of support points. This extra stage controls the computational cost and the convergence of the proposal density to the target. Each part of the novel family of algorithms is discussed and several examples of specific methods are provided. Although the novel algorithms are presented for univariate target densities, we show how they can be easily extended to the multivariate context by embedding them within a Gibbs-type sampler or the hit and run algorithm. The ergodicity is ensured and discussed. An overview of the related works in the literature is also provided, emphasizing that several well-known existing methods (like the adaptive rejection Metropolis sampling (ARMS) scheme) are encompassed by the new class of algorithms proposed here. Eight numerical examples (including the inference of the hyper-parameters of Gaussian processes, widely used in machine learning for signal processing applications) illustrate the efficiency of sticky schemes, both as stand-alone methods to sample from complicated one-dimensional pdfs and within Gibbs samplers in order to draw from multi-dimensional target distributions

    A Faber-Krahn-type inequality for regular trees

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    Automatic Random Variate Generation For Simulation Input

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    We develop and evaluate algorithms for generating random variates for simulation input. One group called automatic, or black-box algorithms can be used to sample from distributions with known density. They are based on the rejection principle. The hat function is generated automatically in a setup step using the idea of transformed density rejection. There the density is transformed into a concave function and the minimum of several tangents is used to construct the hat function. The resulting algorithms are not too complicated and are quite fast. The principle is also applicable to random vectors. A second group of algorithms is presented that generate random variates directly from a given sample by implicitly estimating the unknown distribution. The best of these algorithms are based on the idea of naive resampling plus added noise. These algorithms can be interpreted as sampling from the kernel density estimates. This method can be also applied to random vectors. There it can be interpreted as a mixture of naive resampling and sampling from the multi-normal distribution that has the same covariance matrix as the data. The algorithms described in this paper have been implemented in ANSI C in a library called UNURAN which is available via anonymous ftp