992 research outputs found

    Bestrijding van weekhuidmijten in gerbera

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    Nine species of Phytoseiidae were evaluated as predators of Tarsonemus violae (Schaarschmidt) and the broad mite Polyphagotarsonemus latus (Banks) on gerbera plants in experimental and commercial greenhouses. Amblyseius cucumeris, Amblyseius swirskii, Typhlodromips montdorensis and Amblyseius andersoni appeared to possess the best abilities to control tarsonemids in this crop. These species showed good survival and reduced mite densities at low levels directly after their releases. However, curative releases did not effectively eliminate tarsonemids and the predators could not keep pests density below economic damage threshold year round without further releases. The importance of repeated introductions of suitable predators at an early stage of infestation was demonstrated in the experiments. We recommend releases of A. swirskii, A. cucumeris and T. montdorensis

    Moral decision-making in real life: <br /> factors affecting moral orientation and behaviour justification

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    The study addresses two separate but related issues in connection with people"s real-life moral decisions and judgements. First, the notion of moral orientation is examined in terms of its consistency across varying contexts, its relation to gender and to gender role. Secondly, a new aspect of moral reasoning is explored—the influence on moral decision-making of considering the consequences of an action. Fifty-eight undergraduate students were asked to discuss two personal and two impersonal real-life moral dilemmas. The results reveal a significant interaction between gender role and type of dilemma. However, moral orientation was not consistent across various dilemmas and gender was not related to any particular orientation. Also the results indicate a significant difference between the reasoning of consequences of personal-antisocial conflicts and impersonal-antisocial conflicts. These findings suggest that different moral orientations may be embedded in life experience and connect with an individual"s sense of his or her moral identity in real-life situations

    GeĂŻntegreerde bestrijding van trips in roos: Evaluatie van nieuwe roofmijten

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    Abstract Predatory bugs (Anthocorids) and predatory mites (Phytoseiids) are the most effective beneficials against thrips. If predatory bugs have low affinity to the rose crop, there is a series of predatory mites which is suitable for this crop, including Amblyseius swirskii, Euseius ovalis, Typhlodromalus limonicus, Amblyseius degenerans, Amblyseius andersoni and Amblyseius aurescens. The low humidity in the leaf microclimate by prolonged periods of heat can be a limiting factor. Therefore, drought-resistant mites (‘desert species’) were selected in this study and tested for their affinity for thrips and roses. Euseius stipulatus and Typhlodromus exhilaratus were found to be drought-resistant species and to predate on thrips. Euseius stipulatus settled on roses. Due to a shortage of rearing, the affinity of Typhlodromus exhilaratus for roses was not tested

    The role of feedback in young people’s academic choices

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    Women are underrepresented in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics subjects with more girls leaving these subjects at every stage in education. The current research used a scenario methodology to examine the impact of teacher feedback on girls’ and boys’ choices to study a specific science subject, engineering. British participants aged 13 (N = 479) were given scenarios where a new teacher encouraged them to take engineering using person feedback which focussed on their abilities, process feedback which focussed on their effort levels or gave them no reason. Results suggested that both boys and girls were more likely to select to study engineering when they received person feedback rather than process or no feedback. Young people also thought that ability was more important to being successful in science than in non-science subjects.This suggests young people feel that ability is needed to succeed in science subjects and person feedback can lead them to believe that they have this ability. Therefore, teacher feedback which gives ability attributions for possible success could be used to encourage more young people to persist in science. However, the potentially negative longer term outcomes of ability attributions and how they may be negated are also discussed

    Biologische bestrijding van wittevlieg in de sierteelt

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    In de glastuinbouw vormen wittevliegen een oprukkend probleem. Naast de bekende kaswittevlieg, Trialeurodes vaporariorum, wordt ook tabakswittevlieg, Bemisia tabaci, steeds belangrijker. In de vruchtgroenteteelten wordt veel gebruik gemaakt van natuurlijke vijanden: de roofwants Macrolophus caliginosus en de sluipwespen Encarsia formosa en Eretmocerus eremicus. In de sierteelt stoelt de beheersing van deze plaag voornamelijk op het gebruik van insecticiden. In 2006 moesten zelfs geĂŻntegreerde telers veelvuldig corrigeren met Admiral, Applaud, Actara, Calypso, Gazelle en Admire. Het Productschap Tuinbouw financiert in 2007 onderzoek bij Wageningen UR Glastuinbouw naar de biologische bestrijding van wittevlieg. Via internationale contacten en producenten van natuurlijke vijanden werden natuurlijke vijanden opgespoord. In insectendichte kassen van de nieuwe vestiging te Bleiswijk werd de interactie tussen de verzamelde natuurlijke vijanden en wittevlieg bestudeerd. Predatoren zijn getest op gerbera, roos en poinsettia zowel op afzonderlijke planten in kooien als in een gewas. Er werd gewerkt met “haardopruimers” en “onderhoudsagenten”. Onderzocht werd in hoeverre geselecteerde natuurlijke vijanden bestand zijn tegen moderne chemische middelen, en hoe zij zich handhaven bij korter wordende dag. Uiteindelijk werden bestrijdingsstrategieĂ«n getoetst bij drie telers

    Inventarisatie van muggenlarven in de sierteelt onder glas

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    Verschillende soorten muggenlarven kunnen een plaag vormen in de sierteelt. Ze leven op of in de bodem en in rottende plantenresten. Daar voeden ze zich voornamelijk met dood organisch materiaal en de schimmels die daarop groeien. Sommige soorten doen schade door aan jonge wortels en zachte plantendelen te eten. In de sierteelt treden de laatste jaren problemen op met muggenlarven van het geslacht Lyprauta, die men in de wandelgangen “potworm” heeft gedoopt. Deze worden tot de familie van de langhoornmuggen gerekend. Hun larven veroorzaken problemen in met name potorchideeĂ«n, maar worden ook gemeld in Anthurium, gerbera en enkele groene potplanten
