601 research outputs found

    Description of Drip-Line Nuclei within Relativistic Mean-Field Plus BCS Approach

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    Recently it has been demonstrated, considering Ni and Ca isotopes as prototypes, that the relativistic mean-field plus BCS (RMF+BCS) approach wherein the single particle continuum corresponding to the RMF is replaced by a set of discrete positive energy states for the calculation of pairing energy provides a good approximation to the full relativistic Hartree-Bogoliubov (RHB) description of the ground state properties of the drip-line neutron rich nuclei. The applicability of RMF+BCS is essentially due to the fact that the main contribution to the pairing correlations is provided by the low-lying resonant states. General validity of this approach is demonstrated by the detailed calculations for the ground state properties of the chains of isotopes of O, Ca, Ni, Zr, Sn and Pb nuclei. The TMA and NL-SH force parameter sets have been used for the effective mean-field Lagrangian. Comprehensive results for the two neutron separation energy, rms radii, single particle pairing gaps and pairing energies etc. are presented. The Ca isotopes are found to exhibit distinct features near the neutron drip line whereby it is found that further addition of neutrons causes a rapid increase in the neutron rms radius with almost no increase in the binding energy, indicating the occurrence of halos. A comparison of these results with the available experimental data and with the recent continuum relativistic Hartree-Bogoliubov (RCHB) calculations amply demonstrates the validity and usefulness of this fast RMF+BCS approach.Comment: 59 pages, 40 figure

    PS16dtm: A Tidal Disruption Event in a Narrow-line Seyfert 1 Galaxy

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    [Abridged] We present observations of PS16dtm, a luminous transient that occurred at the nucleus of a known Narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy hosting a 106^6 M_\odot black hole. The transient was previously claimed to be a Type IIn SLSN due to its luminosity and hydrogen emission lines. The light curve shows that PS16dtm brightened by about two magnitudes in ~50 days relative to the archival host brightness and then exhibited a plateau phase for about 100 days followed by the onset of fading in the UV. During the plateau PS16dtm showed no color evolution, maintained a blackbody temperature of 1.7 x 104^4 K, and radiated at approximately LEddL_{Edd} of the SMBH. The spectra exhibit multi-component hydrogen emission lines and strong FeII emission, show little evolution with time, and closely resemble the spectra of NLS1s while being distinct from those of Type IIn SNe. Moreover, PS16dtm is undetected in the X-rays to a limit an order of magnitude below an archival X-ray detection of its host galaxy. These observations strongly link PS16dtm to activity associated with the SMBH and are difficult to reconcile with a SN origin or any known form of AGN variability, and therefore we argue that it is a TDE in which the accretion of the stellar debris powers the rise in the continuum and excitation of the pre-existing broad line region, while providing material that obscures the X-ray emitting region of the pre-existing AGN accretion disk. A detailed TDE model fit to the light curve indicates that PS16dtm will remain bright for several years; we further predict that the X-ray emission will reappear on a similar timescale as the accretion rate declines. Finally, we place PS16dtm in the context of other TDEs and find that TDEs in AGN galaxies are an order of magnitude more efficient and reach Eddington luminosities, likely due to interaction of the stellar debris with the pre-existing accretion disk.Comment: 19 pages, 17 figures, Submitted to Ap

    Evidence for non-stellar rest-frame near-IR emission associated with increased star formation in galaxies at z1z \sim 1

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    We explore the presence of non-stellar rest-frame near-IR (25 μm2-5 \ \mu \mathrm{m}) emission in galaxies at z1z \sim 1. Previous studies identified this excess in relatively small samples and suggested that such non-stellar emission, which could be linked to the 3.3 μm3.3 \ \mu \mathrm{m} polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons feature or hot dust emission, is associated with an increased star formation rate (SFR). In this Letter, we confirm and quantify the presence of an IR excess in a significant fraction of galaxies in the 3D-HST GOODS catalogs. By constructing a matched sample of galaxies with and without strong non-stellar near-IR emission, we find that galaxies with such emission are predominantly star-forming galaxies. Moreover, star-forming galaxies with an excess show increased mid- and far-IR and Hα\alpha emission compared to other star-forming galaxies without. While galaxies with a near-IR excess show a larger fraction of individually detected X-ray active galactic nuclei (AGNs), an X-ray stacking analysis, together with the IR-colors and Hα\alpha profiles, shows that AGNs are unlikely to be the dominant source of the excess in the majority of galaxies. Our results suggest that non-stellar near-IR emission is linked to increased SFRs and is ubiquitous among star-forming galaxies. As such, the near-IR emission might be a powerful tool to measure SFRs in the era of the James Webb Space Telescope.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ

    ZFOURGE: Extreme 5007A˚\AA emission may be a common early-lifetime phase for star-forming galaxies at z>2.5z > 2.5

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    Using the \prospector\ spectral energy distribution (SED) fitting code, we analyze the properties of 19 Extreme Emission Line Galaxies (EELGs) identified in the bluest composite SED in the \zfourge\ survey at 2.5z42.5 \leq z \leq 4. \prospector\ includes a physical model for nebular emission and returns probability distributions for stellar mass, stellar metallicity, dust attenuation, and nonparametric star formation history (SFH). The EELGs show evidence for a starburst in the most recent 50 Myr, with the median EELG having a specific star formation rate (sSFR) of 4.6 Gyr1^{-1} and forming 15\% of its mass in this short time. For a sample of more typical star-forming galaxies (SFGs) at the same redshifts, the median SFG has a sSFR of 1.1 Gyr1^{-1} and forms only 4%4\% of its mass in the last 50 Myr. We find that virtually all of our EELGs have rising SFHs, while most of our SFGs do not. From our analysis, we hypothesize that many, if not most, star-forming galaxies at z2.5z \geq 2.5 undergo an extreme Hβ\beta+[\hbox{{\rm O}\kern 0.1em{\sc iii}}] emission line phase early in their lifetimes. In a companion paper, we obtain spectroscopic confirmation of the EELGs as part of our {\sc MOSEL} survey. In the future, explorations of uncertainties in modeling the UV slope for galaxies at z>2z>2 are needed to better constrain their properties, e.g. stellar metallicities.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures (main figure is fig 5), accepted for publication in Ap

    SPECULATOR: Emulating stellar population synthesis for fast and accurate galaxy spectra and photometry

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    We present SPECULATOR - a fast, accurate, and flexible framework for emulating stellar population synthesis (SPS) models for predicting galaxy spectra and photometry. For emulating spectra, we use principal component analysis to construct a set of basis functions, and neural networks to learn the basis coefficients as a function of the SPS model parameters. For photometry, we parameterize the magnitudes (for the filters of interest) as a function of SPS parameters by a neural network. The resulting emulators are able to predict spectra and photometry under both simple and complicated SPS model parameterizations to percent-level accuracy, giving a factor of 10310^3-10410^4 speed up over direct SPS computation. They have readily-computable derivatives, making them amenable to gradient-based inference and optimization methods. The emulators are also straightforward to call from a GPU, giving an additional order-of-magnitude speed-up. Rapid SPS computations delivered by emulation offers a massive reduction in the computational resources required to infer the physical properties of galaxies from observed spectra or photometry and simulate galaxy populations under SPS models, whilst maintaining the accuracy required for a range of applications

    Investigating the Star Formation Rates of AGN Hosts Relative to the Star-Forming Main Sequence

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    A fundamental question in galaxy and black-hole evolution remains how galaxies and their supermassive black holes have evolved together over cosmic time. Specifically, it is still unclear how the position of X-ray active galactic nucleus (AGN) host galaxies with respect to the star-forming main sequence (MS) may change with the X-ray luminosity (LXL_\mathrm{X}) of the AGN or the stellar mass (MM_\star) of the host galaxy. We use data from XMM-SERVS to probe this issue. XMM-SERVS is covered by the largest medium-depth X-ray survey (with superb supporting multiwavelength data) and thus contains the largest sample to date for study. To ensure consistency, we locally derive the MS from a large reference galaxy sample. In our analysis, we demonstrate that the turnover of the galaxy MS does not allow reliable conclusions to be drawn for high-mass AGNs, and we establish a robust safe regime where the results do not depend upon the choice of MS definition. Under this framework, our results indicate that less-massive AGN host-galaxies (logM9.510.5\log M_\star\sim9.5-10.5 MM_\odot) generally possess enhanced SFRs compared to their normal-galaxy counterparts while the more-massive AGN host galaxies (logM10.511.5\log M_\star\sim10.5-11.5 MM_\odot) lie on or below the star-forming MS. Further, we propose an empirical model for how the placement of an AGN with respect to the MS (SFRnorm_{norm}) evolves as a function of both MM_\star and LXL_\mathrm{X}.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in Ap

    Hierarchical Bayesian inference of photometric redshifts with stellar population synthesis models

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    We present a Bayesian hierarchical framework to analyze photometric galaxy survey data with stellar population synthesis (SPS) models. Our method couples robust modeling of spectral energy distributions with a population model and a noise model to characterize the statistical properties of the galaxy populations and real observations, respectively. By self-consistently inferring all model parameters, from high-level hyperparameters to SPS parameters of individual galaxies, one can separate sources of bias and uncertainty in the data. We demonstrate the strengths and flexibility of this approach by deriving accurate photometric redshifts for a sample of spectroscopically confirmed galaxies in the COSMOS field, all with 26-band photometry and spectroscopic redshifts. We achieve a performance competitive with publicly released photometric redshift catalogs based on the same data. Prior to this work, this approach was computationally intractable in practice due to the heavy computational load of SPS model calls; we overcome this challenge by the addition of neural emulators. We find that the largest photometric residuals are associated with poor calibration for emission-line luminosities and thus build a framework to mitigate these effects. This combination of physics-based modeling accelerated with machine learning paves the path toward meeting the stringent requirements on the accuracy of photometric redshift estimation imposed by upcoming cosmological surveys. The approach also has the potential to create new links between cosmology and galaxy evolution through the analysis of photometric data sets