139 research outputs found

    Magnetostriction, elasticity, and D03 phase stability in Fe–Ga and Fe–Ga–Ge alloys

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    The contrast between the saturation tetragonal magnetostriction, λγ,2 = (3/2)λ100, of Fe1−xGax and Fe1−yGey, at compositions where both alloys exhibit D03 cubic symmetry (second peak region), was investigated. This region corresponds to x = 28 at. % Ga and y = 18 at. % Ge or, in terms of e/a = 2 x + 3 y + 1, to an e/a value of ∼1.55 for each of the alloys. Single crystal, slow-cooled, ternary Fe1−x−y GaxGey alloys with e/a ∼1.55 and gradually increasing y/x were investigated experimentally (magnetostriction, elasticity, powder XRD) and theoretically (density functional calculations). It was found that a small amount of Ge (y = 1.3) replacing Ga in the Fe–Ga alloy has a profound effect on the measured λγ,2. As y increases, the drop in λγ,2 is considerable, reaching negative values at y/x = 0.47. The two shear elastic constants c′ = (c11− c12)/2 and c44 measured for four compositions with 0.06 ≤ y/x ≤ 0.45 at 7 K range from 16 to 21 GPa and from 133 to 138 GPa, respectively. Large temperature dependence was observed for c′ but not for c44, a trend seen in other high-solute Fe alloys. The XRD analysis shows that the metastable D03 structure, observed previously in slow-cooled Fe–Ga at e/a = 1.55, is replaced with two phases, fcc L12 and hexagonal D019, at just 1.6 at. % Ge. The two are the stablephases of the assessed Fe–Ga phase diagram at x ∼ 28. Notably, at y = 7.8, only the D03phase (the equilibrium phase of Fe–Ge at e/a = 1.54) was found in the ternary alloy. The theory also shows that the D03 instability is removed for compositions with y ≥ 3.9, when D03 becomes the structure’s ground-state phase. Thus, the high, positive λγ,2 value for Fe–Ga at x = 28 could be the result of the high sensitivity of its metastable D03 structure

    The Estimation of GC Repeats in Promoter P1 of IGF-1 Gene and Their Influence on IGF-1 Plasma Levels in Stable Angina Patients

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    Increased plasma levels of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) are observed in advanced arteriosclerosis, but the reasons for these elevated levels remain unknown. One possibility to explain them is variation in the sequences that control IGF-1 gene expression. The goal of this study was to determine the effect of molecular variants of the IGF-1 P1 promoter on IGF-1 serum levels and to determine the impact of IGF-1 levels on the severity of coronary atherosclerosis. Methods: Blood samples were collected from 101 consecutive patients undergoing routine angiography. Genomic DNA was isolated from the nucleated cells of the blood plasma as described (2). Based on the presence of conformational differences in the DNA strand and on the absence of single nucleotide polymorphisms, the DNA from 38 patients was further analyzed by the “allelic ladder” method to determine the number of repeated GC dinucleotides in the P1 promoter of the IGF-1 gene. In addition, we analyzed serum growth hormone levels in order to examine the effect on systemic IGF-1 synthesis. Results: Conformational differences in the P1 promoter of the IGF-1 gene were observed in 38 out of the 101 patients. Several genotypes, depending on the number of GC repeats, were observed (11/19,17/19,18/19,18/21,19/19,19/20,19/21). Interestingly, a family history of coronary artery disease was seen less often among individuals heterozygous for the GC repeats. A lower IGF-1 levels were seen in non-variant carriers (homozygous genotypes for 19 or 21 repeats of GC, or heterozygous genotype 19/21) when compared to the variant group (other heterozygous genotypes then 19/21) (181.6 ± 47.9 ng/mL vs. 227.7 ± 73.7, p = 0.026). A correlation between IGF-1, IGF-binding protein number 3, and growth hormone levels (p = ns) was not observed, and there were no significant differences in the growth hormone levels in the studied group of patients (p = ns)

    Open Problems on Central Simple Algebras

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    We provide a survey of past research and a list of open problems regarding central simple algebras and the Brauer group over a field, intended both for experts and for beginners.Comment: v2 has some small revisions to the text. Some items are re-numbered, compared to v

    Biomechanical and in vivo evaluation of experimental closure devices of the annulus fibrosus designed for a goat nucleus replacement model

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    Promising strategies are being developed to replace or regenerate the herniated nucleus pulposus. However, clinical efficacy of these methods has still to be addressed, and the lack of appropriate annulus closure techniques is increasingly being recognised as a major limiting factor. In the current study, in vitro and in vivo evaluation of novel annulus closure devices (ACDs) was performed. These devices are intended to be used in adjunct to nucleus replacement therapies in an experimental goat study. After a standardised discectomy had been performed, different ACDs were implanted solely or in addition to a collagen nucleus replacement implant. Biomechanical effects and axial failure load were assessed in vitro and followed by in vivo evaluation in a goat model. On axial compression, the average axial failure load for ACDs with four barb rings was significantly higher compared to the implants with five barb rings. The increased range of flexion-extension and latero-flexion observed after discectomy were restored to the normal range after implantation of the implants. Positive findings with the four-ring ACD were confirmed in goats after a follow-up of 2 weeks in vivo. However, after 6 weeks most implants (n = 16) showed signs of destruction and displacement. Although there seemed to be a tendency towards better results when ACDs were placed in addition to the nucleus replacements, these differences were not statistically significant. Moreover, two endplate reactions extending into the subchondral bone were observed, most likely due to continuous friction between the ACD and the vertebrae. Although current results are encouraging first steps towards the development of an efficient ACD for animal models, further optimisation is necessary. Current results also show that one cannot rely on in vitro biomechanical studies with annulus closure techniques, and these should always be confirmed in vivo in a large animal mode

    Zinc transporter gene expression is regulated by pro-inflammatory cytokines: a potential role for zinc transporters in beta-cell apoptosis?

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>β-cells are extremely rich in zinc and zinc homeostasis is regulated by zinc transporter proteins. β-cells are sensitive to cytokines, interleukin-1β (IL-1β) has been associated with β-cell dysfunction and -death in both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. This study explores the regulation of zinc transporters following cytokine exposure.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The effects of cytokines IL-1β, interferon-γ (IFN-γ), and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) on zinc transporter gene expression were measured in INS-1-cells and rat pancreatic islets. Being the more sensitive transporter, we further explored ZnT8 (Slc30A8): the effect of ZnT8 over expression on cytokine induced apoptosis was investigated as well as expression of the insulin gene and two apoptosis associated genes, BAX and BCL2.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Our results showed a dynamic response of genes responsible for β-cell zinc homeostasis to cytokines: IL-1β down regulated a number of zinc-transporters, most strikingly ZnT8 in both islets and INS-1 cells. The effect was even more pronounced when mixing the cytokines. TNF-α had little effect on zinc transporter expression. IFN-γ down regulated a number of zinc transporters. Insulin expression was down regulated by all cytokines. ZnT8 over expressing cells were more sensitive to IL-1β induced apoptosis whereas no differences were observed with IFN-γ, TNF-α, or a mixture of cytokines.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The zinc transporting system in β-cells is influenced by the exposure to cytokines. Particularly ZnT8, which has been associated with the development of diabetes, seems to be cytokine sensitive.</p