6,177 research outputs found

    Descending Dungeons and Iterated Base-Changing

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    For real numbers a, b> 1, let as a_b denote the result of interpreting a in base b instead of base 10. We define ``dungeons'' (as opposed to ``towers'') to be numbers of the form a_b_c_d_..._e, parenthesized either from the bottom upwards (preferred) or from the top downwards. Among other things, we show that the sequences of dungeons with n-th terms 10_11_12_..._(n-1)_n or n_(n-1)_..._12_11_10 grow roughly like 10^{10^{n log log n}}, where the logarithms are to the base 10. We also investigate the behavior as n increases of the sequence a_a_a_..._a, with n a's, parenthesized from the bottom upwards. This converges either to a single number (e.g. to the golden ratio if a = 1.1), to a two-term limit cycle (e.g. if a = 1.05) or else diverges (e.g. if a = frac{100{99).Comment: 11 pages; new version takes into account comments from referees; version of Sep 25 2007 inculdes a new theorem and several small improvement

    Yamabe Invariants and Spin^c Structures

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    The Yamabe Invariant of a smooth compact manifold is by definition the supremum of the scalar curvatures of unit-volume Yamabe metrics on the manifold. For an explicit infinite class of 4-manifolds, we show that this invariant is positive but strictly less than that of the 4-sphere. This is done by using spin^c Dirac operators to control the lowest eigenvalue of a perturbation of the Yamabe Laplacian. These results dovetail perfectly with those derived from the perturbed Seiberg-Witten equations, but the present method is much more elementary in spirit.Comment: Standard LaTeX fil

    Zoll Metrics, Branched Covers, and Holomorphic Disks

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    We strengthen our previous results regarding the moduli spaces of Zoll metrics and Zoll projective structures on S^2. In particular, we describe a concrete, open condition which suffices to guarantee that a totally real embedding of RP^2 in CP_2 arises from a unique Zoll projective structure on the 2-sphere. Our methods ultimately reflect the special role such structures play in the initial value problem for the 3-dimensional Lorentzian Einstein-Weyl equations.Comment: 21 pages, LaTeX2

    The Einstein-Weyl Equations, Scattering Maps, and Holomorphic Disks

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    We show that conformally compact, globally hyperbolic, Lorentzian Einstein-Weyl 3-manifolds are in natural one-to-one correspondence with orientation-reversing diffeomorphisms of the 2-sphere. The proof hinges on a holomorphic-disk analog of Hitchin's mini-twistor correspondence.Comment: 11 pages, LaTeX2e. Revised version strengthens result and completes proo

    Zoll Manifolds and Complex Surfaces

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    We classify compact surfaces with torsion-free affine connections for which every geodesic is a simple closed curve. In the process, we obtain completely new proofs of all the major results concerning the Riemannian case. In contrast to previous work, our approach is twistor-theoretic, and depends fundamentally on the fact that, up to biholomorphism, there is only one complex structure on CP2

    Nonlinear Gravitons, Null Geodesics, and Holomorphic Disks

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    We develop a global twistor correspondence for pseudo-Riemannian conformal structures of signature (++--) with self-dual Weyl curvature. Near the conformal class of the standard indefinite product metric on S^2 x S^2, there is an infinite-dimensional moduli space of such conformal structures, and each of these has the surprising global property that its null geodesics are all periodic. Each such conformal structure arises from a family of holomorphic disks in CP_3 with boundary on some totally real embedding of RP^3 into CP_3. An interesting sub-class of these conformal structures are represented by scalar-flat indefinite K\"ahler metrics, and our methods give particularly sharp results in this more restrictive setting.Comment: 56 pages, LaTeX2

    Carryless Arithmetic Mod 10

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    We investigate what arithmetic would look like if carry digits into other digit position were ignored, so that 9 + 4 = 3, 5 + 5 = 0, 9 X 4 = 6, 5 X 4 = 0, and so on. For example, the primes are now 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 41, 43, 45, 47, ... .Comment: 7 pages. To the memory of Martin Gardner (October 21, 1914 -- May 22, 2010). Revised version (with a number of small improvements), July 7 201

    Low-energy gamma rays from Cygnus X-1

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    The Cyg X-1 was observed by the balloonborne telescope OPALE, in June 1976. The high energy spectrum of the source, which was in its superlow state, was seen to extend well beyond 1 MeV. The observed low energy gamma ray component of Cyg X-1 is compared with the predictions of recent models involving accretion onto a stellar black hole, and including a possible contribution from the pair annihilation 511 keV gamma ray line