32 research outputs found

    Alfven Waves and Turbulence in the Solar Atmosphere and Solar Wind

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    We solve the problem of propagation and dissipation of Alfvenic turbulence in a model solar atmosphere consisting of a static photosphere and chromosphere, transition region, and open corona and solar wind, using a phenomenological model for the turbulent dissipation based on wave reflection. We show that most of the dissipation for a given wave-frequency spectrum occurs in the lower corona, and the overall rms amplitude of the fluctuations evolves in a way consistent with observations. The frequency spectrum, for a Kolmogorov-like slope, is not found to change dramatically from the photosphere to the solar wind, however it does preserve signatures of transmission throughout the lower atmospheric layers, namely oscillations in the spectrum at high frequencies reminiscent of the resonances found in the linear case. These may disappear once more realistic couplings for the non-linear terms are introduced, or if time-dependent variability of the lower atmospheric layer is introduced.Comment: 27 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Uncertainty of the assessment of groundwater vulnerability for urban areas on the example of the Bielany Warsaw’s district

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    Groundwater vulnerability assessment is an important environment management tool. In this study assessment of groundwater vulnerability to pollution was conducted by DRASTIC method in urban area, represented by the Bielany - district of Warsaw. The results of this study showed that 70% of the study area has medium or moderately high pollution potential and nearly 30% area has low and very low pollution potential. Two sensitivity tests were performed: the map removal sensitivity analysis and the single-parameter sensitivity analysis. Sensitivity analysis is defined as the evaluation of the effect of changes of input values on the output of the model, therefore, in order to reduce subjectivity of groundwater vulnerability assessment sensitivity analysis was performed for DRASTIC procedure. Both tests highlighted the role of the parameter „depth to water" in groundwater vulnerability assessment

    Influence of the recognition scale on the assessment of groundwater vulnerability to contamination exemplified by studies in the Kampinos National Park

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    Mapy podatności naturalnej wód podziemnych na zanieczyszczenia stanowią wizualizację oceny podatności wód podziemnych na zanieczyszczenia. Są one jednym z najważniejszych elementów uwzględnianych przy podejmowaniu decyzji odnośnie zagospodarowania terenu i obiektów potencjalnie uciążliwych dla środowiska. Badania podatności wód podziemnych na zanieczyszczenia zostały przeprowadzone na obszarze Kampinoskiego Parku Narodowego (skala regionalna) oraz na wytypowanym poligonie w pobliżu Wiktorowa w Kampinoskim Parku Narodowym (około 30 km2) w skali lokalnej. Ocenę podatności naturalnej przeprowadzono przy zastosowaniu zmodyfikowanej metody DRASTIC oraz na podstawie szacunku czasu przesączania się zanieczyszczeń konserwatywnych. Uzyskane rezultaty wskazują, że rezultat oceny zależy od wykorzystanej metody, stopnia rozpoznania warunków hydrogeologicznych, zastosowanych uproszczeń oraz wyznaczonego celu badań.Maps of natural groundwater vulnerability to contamination illustrate the assessment of natural groundwater vulnerability. They are also one of the important components that are taken into consideration while making a decision as regards the site management and objects potentially troublesome for the environment. The researches of natural vulnerability were conducted for the area of the Kampinoski National Park (on a regional scale) and for the area (about 30 km2) near Wiktorów (part of the Kampinos National Park) on a local scale. The assessment of vulnerability has been performed with the use of the modified DRASTIC method and calculations of the time migration method of a contaminant through the unsaturated zone. The results of the study indicate that the evaluation of natural groundwater vulnerability to contamination depends on the following factors: research methodology, degree of area recognition, applied simplifications and the purpose of research

    Hydrochemical characteristics of water in the area of Arctowski Polish Polar Station on King George Island (Southern Shetlands)

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    The research was carried out during Antarctic summer 2015/2016 in the region of Arctowski Polish Polar Station on King George Island (Southern Shetlands) in Admiralty Bay in Antarctica. The scope of hydrochemical studies included selected elements: temperature, pH, dry residue, general slurry, ammonium ion, nitrates, macroelements (chlorides, sulphates, magnesium, bicarbonates and carbonates, sodium, magnesium and calcium) and some microelements. Surface water and groundwater are low mineralized and do not show anthropogenic impact. The results ofphysicochemical tests have been compared with marine water chemistry and few available archival data, which allowed the assessment of water quality and the attempt to identify the groundwater flow direction

    Geological investigations reporting in polar conditions for civil engineering at the example of the construction of research station

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    The methodological experience and the results of observation and research have been presented as a part of an expert geological and engineering study for the planned extension of the Henryk Arctowski Polar Station on the coast of King George Island in the South Shetland Islands in Antarctica. The object is realized in an area requiring recognition of specific geodynamic conditions. According to technical requirements coming from the conceptual design project of the station (Kurylowicz and Associates, 2015) it was necessary to adopt a non-standard research program. Engineering and geological characteristics are presented in comparison with geoenvironmental considerations. The assessment of soil and rock properties was carried out in relation to the results of observations and determinations of parameters that could be assessed in the coarse-grained soils and rocks in the area of the designed object

    Total Internal Reflection as a Method for the Determination of Hydrocarbon Content in Water

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    Przez wiele lat pomiary zanieczyszczenia wody produktami ropopochodnymi były wykonywane z użyciem transmisyjnej metody spektrofotometrii absorpcyjnej w podczerwieni. Jednakże metoda ta musi ulec modyfikacji ze względu na wprowadzony w 2003 roku zakaz stosowania czterochlorku węgla, używanego w tej metodzie jako rozpuszczalnik. Inną metodą badania absorpcji w podczerwieni jest metoda HATR, gdzie jako rozpuszczalnik może być użyty benzen. W artykule opisano tę metodę oraz przedstawiono jej zalety i wady .For many years the analysis of concentration residual hydrocarbon and oil in samples of water and soil has been performed using transmission infrared spectroscopy. However, this method will have to be modified due to the prohibition of the use of carbon tetrachloride, used as a solvent in this method. Another method of measuring the absorption of infrared radiation is horizontal attenuated total reflection( HATR), where benzene could be used as a solvent. A description of the HATR method, its advantages and disadvantages are presented

    Groundwater monitoring surveys in protected areas of different anthropopressure level

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    Results of supplementary hydrogeochemical analyses, conducted in the Kampinos National Park (KPN), its buffer zone and in the reserve “Bielany Forest” (“Las Bielański”) allowed revising the location of monitoring points and proposing a basic set of analyses of quality, ground-water level. This set includes measurements of physical-chemical parameters enabling to assess water quality and to define causes and consequences of groundwater chemical composition changes. Analyses of the water level monitoring results and selected hydrogeochemical indicators allows for assessment at antopopressure intensity. The survey results led to suggesting necessary range of physical-chemical tests and frequency of monitoring in affected areas under different antropopressure level

    Factors determining range and tendencies of groundwater level changes in Kampinos National Park wetland areas

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    The marsh zone areas include about 2,440 km2 in Kampinos National Park, which amount nearly 30% of park and its buffer’s surface. The specific characteristic of the KNP marsh zones is presence of shallow groundwater; mean depth to groundwater table is formed from 0.16 do 2.30 m. Range and tendencies of groundwater level changes in marsh zones are related to the influence of geogenic and anthropogenic factors. Among geogenic factors, the most important sense have distribution and seasonality of precipitation, which determine the value of infiltration recharge, evapotranspiration and watercourse drainage of shallow groundwater system. The basis of the researches on defining the role of factors determining range and tendencies of groundwater level changes in KNP, has been regular monitoring observations conducted in the park since 1999. The results of correlation indicate on high diversification of relation: atmospheric precipitation – depth to groundwater level. Determination of trend on the different significance levels provides detaching areas where relation between groundwater levels and precipitation is so high that influence of other environmental factors indicating on depth to groundwater table could be skipped and areas where the relation is so low, which indicates on influence of various factors. Groundwater level in marsh areas are characterized by large dynamic of changes. Since 1999, the beginning of the observations, downward trend of groundwater table has been observed, after 2003 the character of trend has been conversed. Another decreasing trend has started in 2007 and with assumption of previous tendencies, its inversion will occur after 2011 (after extremely dry year). Geostatistical analysis of spatial difference of mean year amplitude of depth to groundwater level enabled the assessment of surface water influence on groundwater level changes. The areas of highest value of amplitudes are localized in southern part of northern marsh belt and central part of southern marsh belt. Anthropogenic factors such as: water withdrawal and improper draining system, have not changed in recent years, so their influence can be called as “steady” and acceptably to eliminate in case of elaborating of programs of wetland areas renaturalisation

    Contribution of the Polish scientific community in solving new practical problems in hydrogeology

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    Geology, and especially hydrogeology is a scientific, and at the same time, a practical discipline that are closely related to each other. Academics do support practitioners by developing methodological guidelines for all practical aspects of their work. Among their activities are: organisation of databases, which are mostly available via the internet; development of geological and hydrogeological cartography, which is a synthesis of all information regarding geological and hydrogeological environment; undertaking groundwater monitoring programmes and interpretations of their results, which allows to diagnose and to forecast groundwater status; undertaking investigations regarding protection of groundwater as well as methodological support for hydrogeological practitioners by organisation of specialised trainings, provision of consultancy, expert judgements and dissemination of knowledge