32 research outputs found

    Hormonal regulation of female reproduction

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    Reproduction is an event that requires the coordination of peripheral organs with the nervous system to ensure that the internal and external environments are optimal for successful procreation of the species. This is accomplished by the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis that coordinates reproductive behavior with ovulation. The primary signal from the central nervous system is gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), which modulates the activity of anterior pituitary gonadotropes regulating follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) release. As ovarian follicles develop they release estradiol, which negatively regulates further release of GnRH and FSH. As estradiol concentrations peak they trigger the surge release of GnRH, which leads to LH release inducing ovulation. Release of GnRH within the central nervous system helps modulate reproductive behaviors providing a node at which control of reproduction is regulated. To address these issues, this review focuses on several critical questions. How is the HPG axis regulated in species with different reproductive strategies? What internal and external conditions modulate the synthesis and release of GnRH? How does GnRH modulate reproductive behavior within the hypothalamus? How does disease shift the activity of the HPG axis.Fil: Christensen, A.. University of California at Los Angeles; Estados UnidosFil: Bentley, G. E.. University of California at Berkeley; Estados UnidosFil: Cabrera Kreiker, Ricardo Jorge. Universidad de Mendoza; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto de Medicina y Biología Experimental de Cuyo; ArgentinaFil: Ortega, Hugo Hector. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Litoral; ArgentinaFil: Perfito, N.. University of California at Berkeley; Estados UnidosFil: Wu, T. J.. Uniformed Services University Of The Health Sciences; Estados UnidosFil: Micevych, P.. University of California at Los Angeles; Estados Unido


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    Intra-abdominal desmoplastic small round cell tumor arerrare aggressive neoplasm, with a very poor prognosis, observed in young adults with a male predominance, Their etiology is unknown and the diagnosis is based on histopathology, immunohistochemistry and cytogenetics. Histological analysis shows typically clusters of round cells separated by abundant desmoplastic stroma. These tumors exhibit a multi-marker immunohistochemistry profile expressing the three embryonic lineages: epithelial, neural and mesenchymal. They are positive for desmin and cytokeratin and are characterized by a specific recurring translocation t (11:22) (q12-p13), which involves EWSR! WT1 gene. They are usually fatal despite an aggressive multidisciplinary therapeutic approach. Hereby we report the case of 39 yera old man who presented with an intra-abdominal desmoplastic small round cell tumor. The diagnosis was made by radiological, histological and immunohistochemistry profile analyses of a CT scanguided biopsy. This articel includes a mini review of the literature

    Incidence of particle size distribution in peanut husks bonded panels

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    El propósito de esta etapa de la investigación fue conocer la influencia de la variación del tamaño y de la forma de partículas cáscaras de maní en las propiedades de paneles aglomerados encolados con resina ureica. Se formularon paneles con cáscaras molidas (densidad de las partículas: de 81 Kg/m3), paneles con cáscaras enteras (densidad de las partículas: 200 Kg/m3) y dos combinaciones de las mismas. Los resultados alcanzados demostraron que los paneles compuestos por partículas de cáscaras de maní molidas (finas) mejoraron las propiedades físicas y mecánicas respecto de las placas que incorporaron partículas de mayor tamaño. Los valores de densidad en paneles con partículas molidas fueron 628,67 Kg/m3; absorción de agua 65,3% y 79,75% a 2 h y 24 h respectivamente; e hinchamiento de 9,9% y 14,35% medidos a 2 h y 24 h respectivamente. En relación a la caracterización de propiedades mecánicas de flexión, los valores registrados en muestras elaboradas con partículas finas de cáscaras de maní resultaron en MOR: 3,58 MPa, LOP 2,26 MPa y MOE 627 MPa. Con respecto a tenacidad, el mayor valor fue observado en los tableros elaborados con partículas enteras de cáscaras de maní: 1,58 MPa. Las propiedades caracterizadas se encuentran aun por debajo de las propiedades de las placas comerciales de madera de tipo MDF y aglomerados convencionales. Ajustes al proceso de elaboración de las placas de cáscaras de maní serán incorporados en futuros trabajosThe purpose of this stage was to determine the influence of particle size and shape of peanut husks on the properties of panels made with urea resin. Panels were made with milled husks200 Kg/m3 ) and unmilled husks (81 Kg/m3 ) and two combinations thereof. The results showed that the panels made with milled husks improved physical and mechanical properties with respect to the panels that incorporated unmilled particles. The density values in panels with milled particles were 628.67 Kg / m3 ; water absorption 65.3% and 79.75% at 2 and 24 hours respectively, and swelling of 9.9% and 14.35% measured at 2 and 24 hours respectively. Regarding the characterization of mechanical properties of bending, the values recorded in samples prepared with fine particles of peanut husks resulted in MOR: 3.58 MPa, LOP 2.26 MPa and MOE 627 MPa. With respect to toughness, the highest value was observed in particle boards made from unmilled peanut husks: 1.58MPa. The characterized properties are still below the properties of commercial wood panels. Adjustments to the process of preparing the peanut husks plates will be incorporated in future experiencesFil: Granero, Ana Victoria. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas. Centro Cientifico Tecnológico Cordoba. Centro Experimental de la Vivienda Economica(i); ArgentinaFil: Gatani, Mariana Pilar. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas. Centro Cientifico Tecnológico Cordoba. Centro Experimental de la Vivienda Economica(i); ArgentinaFil: Medina, J. C. Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero. Facultad de Cs.forestales. Instituto de Tecnologia de la Madera; ArgentinaFil: Ruiz, A.. Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero. Facultad de Cs.forestales. Instituto de Tecnologia de la Madera; ArgentinaFil: Fiorelli, J.. Universidade de Sao Paulo; Brasil. Laboratorio de Construções e Ambiência. Faculdade de Zootecnia e Enghenaria de Alimentos; BrasilFil: Kreiker, Jeronimo Rafael. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas. Centro Cientifico Tecnológico Cordoba. Centro Experimental de la Vivienda Economica(i); ArgentinaFil: Lerda, Maria Josefina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas. Centro Cientifico Tecnológico Cordoba. Centro Experimental de la Vivienda Economica(i); Argentin

    Interprocedural shape analysis for effectively cutpoint-free programs

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    Abstract. We present a framework for local interprocedural shape analysis that computes procedure summaries as transformers of procedure-local heaps (the parts of the heap that the procedure may reach). A main challenge in procedurelocal shape analysis is the handling of cutpoints, objects that separate the input heap of an invoked procedure from the rest of the heap, which-from the viewpoint of that invocation-is non-accessible and immutable. In this paper, we limit our attention to effectively cutpoint-free programsprograms in which the only objects that separate the callee's heap from the rest of the heap, when considering live reference fields, are the ones pointed to by the actual parameters of the invocation. This limitation (and certain variations of it, which we also describe) simplifies the local-reasoning about procedure calls because the analysis needs not track cutpoints. Furthermore, our analysis (conservatively) verifies that a program is effectively cutpoint-free

    Morteros cementicios con residuos plásticos de PET y RAEE

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    En la industria de la construcción se utilizan sistemas o componentes constructivos elaborados con materiales no renovables (por ejemplo: arena, piedra, metales, cemento) o de difícil renovación (por ejemplo: suelo y madera). Esta industria continua en crecimiento y a pesar de los esfuerzos por frenar el consumo desmedido de material virgen, sigue consumiendo los recursos naturales del planeta. Con la premisa de reducir el consumo de recursos naturales no renovables y disminuir la contaminación ambiental que generan los residuos, en el Centro Experimental de la Vivienda Económica -CEVE- se han desarrollado diferentes investigaciones que proponen el reciclado de residuos urbanos e industriales para la elaboración de componentes constructivos ecológicos destinados a la construcción de viviendas sociales y construcciones civiles en general. Dentro de las temáticas abordadas, se encuentran dos proyectos que incorporan residuos plásticos a matrices cementicias para fabricar materiales de construcción y componentes constructivos. Una de estas líneas plantea el uso de residuos de Polietilen-tereftalato (PET) proveniente de envases de bebidas mezclados con arena y cemento para fabricar ladrillos y bloques; en otro proyecto se estudia el uso de la fracción plástica de los Residuos de Aparatos Eléctricos y Electrónicos (RAEE) recubiertos de una mezcla de cemento y aditivos estabilizantes mediante la técnica del core-shell para fabricar un árido sintético. La importancia de la implementación de estas tecnologías radica en las ventajas económicas, ambientales y sociales que tienen estos desarrollos, ya que permiten revalorizar desechos y disminuir el uso de materiales vírgenes, fabricando productos técnicamente aptos y generando puestos de trabajo.In the construction industry there are used systems or building components made with not renewable raw materials (for example: sand, stones, metals, cement) or with difficult renewal like wood and soil. This industry is growing and despite the efforts to diminish the wasteful consumption of virgin material, continues to consume the natural resources of the planet. With the premise of reducing the consumption of non-renewable natural resources and reduce the environmental pollution that the wastes generate, in the Experimental Center of Economical Housing -CEVE- we have developed different researches which propose the recycling of urban and industrial wastes, for the production of ecological components intended for the construction of social housing and civil constructions in general. Within the topics developed, are two projects that incorporate waste plastics to cement matrix to make construction materials and building components. One of these projects raises the use of residues of Polietilenterephthalate (PET) from drink bottles discarded mixed with sand and cement to make bricks and blocks. Other research work studied the use of the plastic fraction of Wastes from Electric and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) covered whit a mixture of cement and stabilizing additives through the core-shell technique to manufacture and synthetic aggregate (AS). The importance of these technologies is based on the economic, environmental and social advantages, because they allow to revalue wastes and reduce the use of virgin materials, manufacturing products technically suitable and generating jobs

    The psychopathological and psychosocial outcome of early-onset schizophrenia: Preliminary data of a 13-year follow-up

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Relatively little is known about the long-term psychopathological and psychosocial outcome of early-onset schizophrenia. The existing literature describes more severe courses of illness in these patients compared with adult-onset schizophrenia. This article reports preliminary data of a study exploring the outcome of early-onset schizophrenia 13.4 years (mean) after first admission. Predictors for interindividual outcomes were investigated.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We retrospectively assessed 27 former patients (mean age at first admission 15.5 years, SD = 2.0) that were consecutively admitted to the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at the University of Wuerzburg between 1990 and 2000. A multidimensional approach was chosen to assess the outcome consisting of a mail survey including different questions about psychopathological symptoms, psychosocial parameters, and standardized self-reports (ESI and ADS).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Concerning the psychopathological outcome, 22.2% reported having acute schizophrenic symptoms. Almost one third (30.8%) described symptoms of depression and 37.0% reported having tried to commit suicide or seriously thought about it. 77.8% of the former patients were still in outpatient treatment. Compared to the general population, the number of patients without a school graduation was relatively high (18.5%). Almost half of participants still live with their parents (48.1%) or in assisted or semi-assisted living conditions (33.3%). Only 18.5% were working in the open market.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Schizophrenia with an early onset has an unfavourable prognosis. Our retrospective study of the psychopathological and psychosocial outcome concludes with a generally poor rating.</p

    Study of peanut husk ashes properties to promote its use as supplementary material in cement mortars

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    The properties of peanut husk ashes as a potential supplementary material in cement mortars were studied in the laboratory. The ashes were prepared in an electric furnace at 500, 650 and 800 ºC during 180 minutes and used without further treatment. The characterization of ashes includes X-Ray fluorescence, X-Ray diffraction, SEM, and determination of pozzolanic activity by conductivity. The ashes were tested in mortars as partial substitute of Portland cement, in a rate of 15 % of substitution. The compression strength of mortars was evaluated between 7 and 120 days, for probes prepared using a proportion of cement:sand of 1:3 on weight with water/cement ratio of 0,5 v/v. It was observed that the calcinations conditions influenced the behavior of the ashes, giving better results the ashes obtained at 500 ºC. The compression tests showed values near to 70% at 7 days but higher than 80% after 28 days for mortars prepared with ashes, respect to the cement mortar reference

    Program analysis for overlaid data structures

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    Abstract. We call a data structure overlaid, if a node in the structure includes links for multiple data structures and these links are intended to be used at the same time. In this paper, we present a static program analysis for overlaid data structures. Our analysis implements two main ideas. The first is to run multiple sub-analyses that track information about non-overlaid data structures, such as lists. Each sub-analysis infers shape properties of only one component of an overlaid data structure, but the results of these sub-analyses are later combined to derive the desired safety properties about the whole overlaid data structure. The second idea is to control the communication among the sub-analyses using ghost states and ghost instructions. The purpose of this control is to achieve a high level of efficiency by allowing only necessary information to be transferred among sub-analyses and at as few program points as possible. Our analysis has been successfully applied to prove the memory safety of the Linux deadline IO scheduler and AFS server.