285 research outputs found


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    Pukotine na kalupima (alatima) za tlačno lijevanje uslijed toplinskog umora

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    Die-casting dies are exposed to high thermal and mechanical loads. Thermal fatigue cracking of dies due to thermal cycling may importantly shorten the life-time of the die. Cracks degrade the surface quality of dies and consequently the surface of castings. In this study, thermal fatigue cracking of dies was analyzed during the process of die casting aluminium alloys. During the process cracks were observed and measured and their location and size were determined. Thermal and mechanical loads cause high local stresses and consequently surface cracks. First cracks occur as early as after 2000 cycles and propagate progressively with cycles.Kalupi (alati) za lijevanje pod tlakom su izloženi velikim toplinskim i mehaničkim opterećenjima. Pukotine uslijed toplinskog umora su zbog izmjene toplinskih ciklusa važan ograničavajući mehanizam životnoga vijeka kalupa. Pukotine smanjuju (degradiraju) kvalitetu površine kalupa i posljedično površinu odljevka. U ovom radu su analizirane pukotine nastale na kalupu zbog toplinskog umora tokom tlačnog lijevanja aluminija. Tokom procesa su promatranjem i mjerenjem utvrđene lokacije i veličine nastalih pukotina na kalupu. Toplinska i mehanička opterećenja uzrokuju velika lokalna naprezanja i posljedično pukotine na površini kalupa. Prva pukotina pojavljuje se već nakon 2000 ciklusa i progresivno se širi povećanjem broja ciklusa

    Integrated magnetohydrodynamic pump with magnetic composite substrate and laser-induced graphene electrodes

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    An integrated polymer-based magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) pump that can actuate saline fluids in closed-channel devices is presented. MHD pumps are attractive for lab-on-chip applications, due to their ability to provide high propulsive force without any moving parts. Unlike other MHD devices, a high level of integration is demonstrated by incorporating both laser-induced graphene (LIG) electrodes as well as a NdFeB magnetic-flux source in the NdFeB-polydimethylsiloxane permanent magnetic composite substrate. The effects of transferring the LIG film from polyimide to the magnetic composite substrate were studied. Operation of the integrated magneto hydrodynamic pump without disruptive bubbles was achieved. In the studied case, the pump produces a flow rate of 28.1 µL/min. while consuming ~1 mW power

    Shp2/MAPK signaling controls goblet/paneth cell fate decisions in the intestine

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    In the development of the mammalian intestine, Notch and Wnt/{beta}-catenin signals control stem cell maintenance and their differentiation into absorptive and secretory cells. Mechanisms that regulate differentiation of progenitors into the three secretory lineages, goblet, paneth, or enteroendocrine cells, are not fully understood. Using conditional mutagenesis in mice, we observed that Shp2-mediated MAPK signaling determines the choice between paneth and goblet cell fates and also affects stem cells, which express the leucine-rich repeat-containing receptor 5 (Lgr5). Ablation of the tyrosine phosphatase Shp2 in the intestinal epithelium reduced MAPK signaling and led to a reduction of goblet cells while promoting paneth cell development. Conversely, conditional mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 1 (Mek1) activation rescued the Shp2 phenotype, promoted goblet cell and inhibited paneth cell generation. The Shp2 mutation also expanded Lgr5+ stem cell niches, which could be restricted by activated Mek1 signaling. Changes of Lgr5+ stem cell quantities were accompanied by alterations of paneth cells, indicating that Shp2/MAPK signaling might affect stem cell niches directly or via paneth cells. Remarkably, inhibition of MAPK signaling in intestinal organoids and cultured cells changed the relative abundance of Tcf4 isoforms and by this, promoted Wnt/{beta}-catenin activity. The data thus show that Shp2-mediated MAPK signaling controls the choice between goblet and paneth cell fates by regulating Wnt/{beta}-catenin activity

    Development of a passive and remote magnetic microsensor with thin-film giant magnetoimpedance element and surface acoustic wave transponder

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/98710/1/JApplPhys_109_07E524.pd

    Resonant tunnel magnetoresistance in a double magnetic tunnel junction

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    We present quasi-classical approach to calculate a spin-dependent current and tunnel magnetoresistance (TMR) in double magnetic tunnel junctions (DMTJ) FML/I/FMW/I/FMR, where the magnetization of the middle ferromagnetic metal layer FMW can be aligned parallel or antiparallel with respect to the fixed magnetizations of the left FML and right FMR ferromagnetic electrodes. The transmission coefficients for components of the spin-dependent current, and TMR are calculated as a function of the applied voltage. As a result, we found a high resonant TMR. Thus, DMTJ can serve as highly effective magnetic nanosensor for biological applications, or as magnetic memory cells by switching the magnetization of the inner ferromagnetic layer FMW.© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2011

    Magnetic sensors-a review and recent technologies

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    Magnetic field sensors are an integral part of many industrial and biomedical applications, and their utilization continues to grow at a high rate. The development is driven both by new use cases and demand like internet of things as well as by new technologies and capabilities like flexible and stretchable devices. Magnetic field sensors exploit different physical principles for their operation, resulting in different specifications with respect to sensitivity, linearity, field range, power consumption, costs etc. In this review, we will focus on solid state magnetic field sensors that enable miniaturization and are suitable for integrated approaches to satisfy the needs of growing application areas like biosensors, ubiquitous sensor networks, wearables, smart things etc. Such applications require a high sensitivity, low power consumption, flexible substrates and miniaturization. Hence, the sensor types covered in this review are Hall Effect, Giant Magnetoresistance, Tunnel Magnetoresistance, Anisotropic Magnetoresistance and Giant Magnetoimpedance

    Growth of Ordered Iron Oxide Nanowires for Photo-electrochemical Water Oxidation

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    This work reports the synthesis of ordered and vertically aligned iron oxide nanowires for photo-electrochemical (PEC) water oxidation. The nanowires exhibited promising PEC activity for water oxidation with saturated photocurrents of ∼0.8 mA cm-2 at 1.23 V vs RHE. Various factors inevitably affect their photochemical activity such as crystallinity, morphology, compositional gradient, and surface states. They were studied with HRTEM, EELS, and Raman shift techniques. The nanowires had complex compositional and morphological structures at nano and atomic scales. The nanowires annealed at 350 °C had an outer shell dominated by Fe3+ cations, while the core had mixed oxidation states of iron cations (+2 and +3). In contrast, nanowires annealed at 450 °C are fully oxidized with Fe3+ cations only and were found to be more active. At the same time, we observed anisotropic compositional gradients of nickel cations inside the iron oxide, originating from the nickel support film. Our work shows that the methodology used can affect the composition of the surface and near surface of the grown nanowires. It therefore points out the importance of a detailed analysis, in order to obtain a realistic structure-activity relationship in photo-electrocatalysis