27 research outputs found

    The potential of the ground state of NaRb

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    The X1Σ+^{1}\Sigma ^{+} state of NaRb was studied by Fourier transform spectroscopy. An accurate potential energy curve was derived from more than 8800 transitions in isotopomers 23^{23}Na85^{85}Rb and 23^{23}Na87^{87}Rb. This potential reproduces the experimental observations within their uncertainties of 0.003 \rcm to 0.007 \rcm. The outer classical turning point of the last observed energy level (v′′=76v''=76, J′′=27J''=27) lies at ≈12.4\approx 12.4 \AA, leading to a energy of 4.5 \rcm below the ground state asymptote.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures and 2 table

    Formation of ultracold LiCs molecules

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    We present the first observation of ultracold LiCs molecules. The molecules are formed in a two-species magneto-optical trap and detected by two-photon ionization and time-of-flight mass spectrometry. The production rate coefficient is found to be in the range 10^{-18}\unit{cm^3s^{-1}} to 10^{-16}\unit{cm^3s^{-1}}, at least an order of magnitude smaller than for other heteronuclear diatomic molecules directly formed in a magneto-optical trap.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure

    Widely tunable laser frequency offset lock with 30 GHz range and 5 THz offset

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    We demonstrate a simple and versatile method to greatly extend the tuning range of optical frequency shifting devices, such as acousto-optic modulators (AOMs). We use this method to stabilize the frequency of a tunable narrow-band continuous-wave (CW) laser to a transmission maximum of an external Fabry-Perot interferometer (FPI) with a tunable frequency offset. This is achieved through a servo loop which contains an in-loop AOM for simple radiofrequency (RF) tuning of the optical frequency over the full 30 GHz mode-hop-free tuning range of the CW laser. By stabilizing the length of the FPI to a stabilized helium-neon (HeNe) laser (at 5 THz offset from the tunable laser) we simultaneously transfer the similar to 1 MHz absolute frequency stability of the HeNe laser to the entire 30 GHz range of the tunable laser. Thus, our method allows simple, wide-range, fast and reproducible optical frequency tuning and absolute optical frequency measurements through RF electronics, which is here demonstrated by repeatedly recording a 27-GHz-wide molecular iodine spectrum at scan rates up to 500 MHz/s. General technical aspects that determine the performance of the method are discussed in detail. (C) 2013 Optical Society of Americ

    Detection of Gravitational Redshift on the Solar Disk by Using Iodine-Cell Technique

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    With an aim to examine whether the predicted solar gravitational redshift can be observationally confirmed under the influence of the convective Doppler shift due to granular motions, we attempted measuring the absolute spectral line-shifts on a large number of points over the solar disk based on an extensive set of 5188-5212A region spectra taken through an iodine-cell with the Solar Domeless Telescope at Hida Observatory. The resulting heliocentric line shifts at the meridian line (where no rotational shift exists), which were derived by finding the best-fit parameterized model spectrum with the observed spectrum and corrected for the earth's motion, turned out to be weakly position-dependent as ~ +400 m/s near the disk center and increasing toward the limb up to ~ +600 m/s (both with a standard deviation of sigma ~ 100 m/s). Interestingly, this trend tends to disappear when the convectiveshift due to granular motions (~-300 m/s at the disk center and increasing toward the limb; simulated based on the two-component model along with the empirical center-to-limb variation) is subtracted, finally resulting in the averaged shift of 698 m/s (sigma = 113 m/s). Considering the ambiguities involved in the absolute wavelength calibration or in the correction due to convective Doppler shifts (at least several tens m/s, or more likely up to <~100 m/s), we may regard that this value is well consistent with the expected gravitational redshift of 633 m/s.Comment: 28 pages, 12 figures, electronic materials as ancillary data (table3, table 4, ReadMe); accepted for publication in Solar Physic

    The Assembly of the Plasmodial PLP Synthase Complex Follows a Defined Course

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    Background: Plants, fungi, bacteria and the apicomplexan parasite Plasmodium falciparum are able to synthesize vitamin B6 de novo, whereas mammals depend upon the uptake of this essential nutrient from their diet. The active form of vitamin B6 is pyridoxal 5-phosphate (PLP). For its synthesis two enzymes, Pdx1 and Pdx2, act together, forming a multimeric complex consisting of 12 Pdx1 and 12 Pdx2 protomers. Methodology/Principal Findings: Here we report amino acid residues responsible for stabilization of the structural and enzymatic integrity of the plasmodial PLP synthase, identified by using distinct mutational analysis and biochemical approaches. Residues R85, H88 and E91 (RHE) are located at the Pdx1:Pdx1 interface and play an important role in Pdx1 complex assembly. Mutation of these residues to alanine impedes both Pdx1 activity and Pdx2 binding. Furthermore, changing D26, K83 and K151 (DKK), amino acids from the active site of Pdx1, to alanine obstructs not only enzyme activity but also formation of the complex. In contrast to the monomeric appearance of the RHE mutant, alteration of the DKK residues results in a hexameric assembly, and does not affect Pdx2 binding or its activity. While the modelled position of K151 is distal to the Pdx1:Pdx1 interface, it affects the assembly of hexameric Pdx1 into a functional dodecamer, which is crucial for PLP synthesis. Conclusions/Significance: Taken together, our data suggest that the assembly of a functional Pdx1:Pdx2 complex follows

    Vitamin B1 and B6 in the malaria parasite: requisite or dispensable?

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    Vitamins are essential compounds mainly involved in acting as enzyme co-factors or in response to oxidative stress. In the last two years it became apparent that apicomplexan parasites are able to generate B vitamers such as vitamin B1 and B6 de novo. The biosynthesis pathways responsible for vitamin generation are considered as drug targets, since both provide a high degree of selectivity due to their absence in the human host. This report updates the current knowledge about vitamin B1 and B6 biosynthesis in malaria and other apicomplexan parasites. Owing to the urgent need for novel antimalarials, the significance of the biosynthesis and salvage of these vitamins is critically discussed in terms of parasite survival and their exploitation for drug development

    Vitamin B1 and B6 in the malaria parasite: requisite or dispensable?

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    Vitamins are essential compounds mainly involved in acting as enzyme co-factors or in response to oxidative stress. In the last two years it became apparent that apicomplexan parasites are able to generate B vitamers such as vitamin B1 and B6 de novo. The biosynthesis pathways responsible for vitamin generation are considered as drug targets, since both provide a high degree of selectivity due to their absence in the human host. This report updates the current knowledge about vitamin B1 and B6 biosynthesis in malaria and other apicomplexan parasites. Owing to the urgent need for novel antimalarials, the significance of the biosynthesis and salvage of these vitamins is critically discussed in terms of parasite survival and their exploitation for drug development

    Improved potentials and Born-Oppenheimer corrections by new measurements of transitions of I-129(2) and (II)-I-127-I-129 in the B-3 Pi(0u+)-X-1 Sigma(+)(g) band system

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    The light from one single frequency cw laser was employed in a double saturation spectroscopy experiment to record high resolution spectra of I-129(2) and (II)-I-127-I-129 together with spectra of I-127(2) which is used as a simultaneous frequency reference. Two separate saturation spectroscopy set ups were used. The frequencies of lines of I-121(2) and (II)-I-127-I-129 were determined with respect to lines of I-127(2). More than 380 frequency differences between lines Of I-127(2) and of the other isotopomers have been included in the data set. By a direct potential fit a precise description of the potential energy curves of the B and the X state and of effective Born-Oppenheimer correction functions valid for all three isotopomers of I-2 are given