39 research outputs found

    Aspects of the breeding biology of Janaira gracilis Moreira & Pires (Crustacea, Isopoda, Asellota)

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    The biological aspects of incubating females of Janaira gracilis Mbreira & Pires, are described. The marsupium is formed by 4 pairs of oostegites arising from pereopods I-IV. The oostegites appear for the first time at the post-marsupial stage 7 (preparatory stage 1), growing successively at each moult until stage 9 (brooding stage 1), when they reach fully development. The sizes of the eggs increase with the body size of the females. The number of eggs, per female, is a linear function of the body volume, i.e., the fecundity increases with the female's body size. The number of eggs, embryos and juveniles decrease during the marsupial development. This decrease in brood number is higher between the last two marsupial stages, i.e., from stage C to D, than between the preceding marsupial stages. The average and overall brood mortality rate is of 38.95%.São descritos, no presente trabalho, vários aspectos relacionados à biologia de fêmeas grávidas de Janaira gracilis Moreira & Pires. O marsúpio é formado por 4 pares de oostégitos, que partem dos pereópodos I-IV. Os oostégitos, que surgem pela primeira vez no estádio 7 do desenvolvimento pós-marsupial (estágio preparatório 1), crescem nas sucessivas mudas, atingindo no estágio 9 (estágio reprodutor 1) seu pleno desenvolvimento. O tamanho dos ovos é proporcional ao tamanho das fêmeas. O número de ovos, por fêmeas, e proporcional ao volume das fêmeas, isto é, a fecundidade é mais elevada nos exemplares de maior comprimento. O número de ovos, embriões e jovens decresce com o desenvolvimento marsupial, sendo este decréscimo maior entre os dois últimos estágios marsupials (i.é., entre os estágios C e D) do que entre os estágios precedentes. A taxa média de mortalidade marsupial é de 38.95%

    Patients presenting with somatic complaints in general practice: depression, anxiety and somatoform disorders are frequent and associated with psychosocial stressors

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    Mental disorders in primary care patients are frequently associated with physical complaints that can mask the disorder. There is insufficient knowledge concerning the role of anxiety, depression, and somatoform disorders in patients presenting with physical symptoms. Our primary objective was to determine the prevalence of depression, anxiety, and somatoform disorders among primary care patients with a physical complaint. We also investigated the relationship between cumulated psychosocial stressors and mental disorders. We conducted a multicentre cross-sectional study in twenty-one private practices and in one academic primary care centre in Western Switzerland. Randomly selected patients presenting with a spontaneous physical complaint were asked to complete the self-administered Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ) between November 2004 and July 2005. The validated French version of the PHQ allowed the diagnosis of mental disorders (DSM-IV criteria) and the analyses of exposure to psychosocial stressors. There were 917 patients exhibiting at least one physical symptom included. The rate of depression, anxiety, and somatoform disorders was 20.0% (95% confidence interval [CI] = 17.4% to 22.7%), 15.5% (95% CI = 13.2% to 18.0%), and 15.1% (95% CI = 12.8% to 17.5%), respectively. Psychosocial stressors were significantly associated with mental disorders. Patients with an accumulation of psychosocial stressors were more likely to present anxiety, depression, or somatoform disorders, with an increase of 2.2 fold (95% CI = 2.0 to 2.5) for each additional stressor. The investigation of mental disorders and psychosocial stressors among patients with physical complaints is relevant in primary care. Psychosocial stressors should be explored as potential epidemiological causes of mental disorders

    The McKenzie method for the management of acute non-specific low back pain: design of a randomised controlled trial [ACTRN012605000032651]

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    BACKGROUND: Low back pain (LBP) is a major health problem. Effective treatment of acute LBP is important because it prevents patients from developing chronic LBP, the stage of LBP that requires costly and more complex treatment. Physiotherapists commonly use a system of diagnosis and exercise prescription called the McKenzie Method to manage patients with LBP. However, there is insufficient evidence to support the use of the McKenzie Method for these patients. We have designed a randomised controlled trial to evaluate whether the addition of the McKenzie Method to general practitioner care results in better outcomes than general practitioner care alone for patients with acute LBP. METHODS/DESIGN: This paper describes the protocol for a trial examining the effects of the McKenzie Method in the treatment of acute non-specific LBP. One hundred and forty eight participants who present to general medical practitioners with a new episode of acute non-specific LBP will be randomised to receive general practitioner care or general practitioner care plus a program of care based on the McKenzie Method. The primary outcomes are average pain during week 1, pain at week 1 and 3 and global perceived effect at week 3. DISCUSSION: This trial will provide the first rigorous test of the effectiveness of the McKenzie Method for acute non-specific LBP

    Factor analysis of the Zung self-rating depression scale in a large sample of patients with major depressive disorder in primary care

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The aim of this study was to examine the symptomatic dimensions of depression in a large sample of patients with major depressive disorder (MDD) in the primary care (PC) setting by means of a factor analysis of the Zung self-rating depression scale (ZSDS).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A factor analysis was performed, based on the polychoric correlations matrix, between ZSDS items using promax oblique rotation in 1049 PC patients with a diagnosis of MDD (DSM-IV).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A clinical interpretable four-factor solution consisting of a <it>core depressive </it>factor (I); a <it>cognitive </it>factor (II); an <it>anxiety </it>factor (III) and a <it>somatic </it>factor (IV) was extracted. These factors accounted for 36.9% of the variance on the ZSDS. The 4-factor structure was validated and high coefficients of congruence were obtained (0.98, 0.95, 0.92 and 0.87 for factors I, II, III and IV, respectively). The model seemed to fit the data well with fit indexes within recommended ranges (GFI = 0.9330, AGFI = 0.9112 and RMR = 0.0843).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our findings suggest that depressive symptoms in patients with MDD in the PC setting cluster into four dimensions: <it>core depressive, cognitive, anxiety </it>and <it>somatic</it>, by means of a factor analysis of the ZSDS. Further research is needed to identify possible diagnostic, therapeutic or prognostic implications of the different depressive symptomatic profiles.</p