137 research outputs found

    Will He Be There?: Mediating malaria, immobilizing science

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    This paper focuses on an unsettling example of experimental labour – the Human Landing Catch (HLC). The HLC is a cheap and reliable technique to produce data on mosquito densities in a defined area. It requires only a human volunteer to sit over night with his legs exposed, a headlamp to spot mosquitoes, and a rubber tube and plastic cup to catch them as they come to feed on him. The HLC formed the central methodological and operational strategy for a malaria control that took place in Dar es Salaam, funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. This paper analyses the epistemic and economic value of this experimental scenario by examining in detail the work it entails. In conceptualizing the different species of productivity associated with the HLC, of particular interest is the surprising fact that he is there. This paper argues that the interplay of mobility and immobility offers a way to rethink the value of research within interlocking circulations of capital, science, mosquitoes and men

    Universities and community-based research in developing countries: community voice and educational provision in rural Tanzania

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    The main focus of recent research on the community engagement role of universities has been in developed countries, generally in towns and cities and usually conducted from the perspectives of universities rather than the communities with which they engage. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the community engagement role of universities in the rural areas of developing countries, and its potential for strengthening the voice of rural communities. The particular focus is on the provision of primary and secondary education. The paper is based on the assumption that in order for community members to have both the capacity and the confidence to engage in political discourse for improving educational capacity and quality, they need the opportunity to become involved and well-versed in the options available, beyond their own experience. Particular attention is given in the paper to community-based research (CBR). CBR is explored from the perspectives of community members and local leaders in the government-community partnerships which have responsibility for the provision of primary and secondary education in rural Tanzania. The historical and policy background of the partnerships, together with findings from two case studies, provide the context for the paper

    Neoliberalism and University Education in Sub-Saharan Africa

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    This article reviews the history of university development in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) and discusses the impact of neoliberal policies. This will be followed by an examination of the problems facing universities in the region. The following questions will be explored: (a) Are the existing universities in SSA serving the development needs of the region? (b) Are these universities up to the task of moving SSA out of the predicaments it faces such as famine, HIV/AIDS, poverty, diseases, debt, and human rights abuses? Finally, the article argues that for universities to play a role in the development of the region, a new paradigm that makes university education a public good should be established

    Sources of Community Health Worker Motivation: A Qualitative Study in Morogoro Region, Tanzania.

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    There is a renewed interest in community health workers (CHWs) in Tanzania, but also a concern that low motivation of CHWs may decrease the benefits of investments in CHW programs. This study aimed to explore sources of CHW motivation to inform programs in Tanzania and similar contexts. We conducted semi-structured interviews with 20 CHWs in Morogoro Region, Tanzania. Interviews were digitally recorded, transcribed, and coded prior to translation and thematic analysis. The authors then conducted a literature review on CHW motivation and a framework that aligned with our findings was modified to guide the presentation of results. Sources of CHW motivation were identified at the individual, family, community, and organizational levels. At the individual level, CHWs are predisposed to volunteer work and apply knowledge gained to their own problems and those of their families and communities. Families and communities supplement other sources of motivation by providing moral, financial, and material support, including service fees, supplies, money for transportation, and help with farm work and CHW tasks. Resistance to CHW work exhibited by families and community members is limited. The organizational level (the government and its development partners) provides motivation in the form of stipends, potential employment, materials, training, and supervision, but inadequate remuneration and supplies discourage CHWs. Supervision can also be dis-incentivizing if perceived as a sign of poor performance. Tanzanian CHWs who work despite not receiving a salary have an intrinsic desire to volunteer, and their motivation often derives from support received from their families when other sources of motivation are insufficient. Policy-makers and program managers should consider the burden that a lack of remuneration imposes on the families of CHWs. In addition, CHWs' intrinsic desire to volunteer does not preclude a desire for external rewards. Rather, adequate and formal financial incentives and in-kind alternatives would allow already-motivated CHWs to increase their commitment to their work

    Critical agency and development: applying Freire and Sen to ICT4D in Zambia and Brazil

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    This paper draws upon critical theories and the capability approach. It argues for a conceptualization of development as a process designed to enable people to free themselves from structural disadvantage. Amartya Sen has argued that people’s “critical-agency” to question and reject unjust social norms is “pivotal” to human development and important for tackling inequalities of any kind. Freire’s critical pedagogy, and critical feminism, go further by providing disadvantaged people with the practical means to do this; to identify the structural root causes of unjust social norms and the critical-agency to challenge and change them. Two empirical case studies of ICT4D are presented, from Zambia and Brazil, which draw upon these critical approaches but use them in different ways. The paper argues that ICT4D must go beyond addressing people’s immediate practical needs for access to ICT tools and skills, to also address their strategic interest in identifying and tackling the root causes of disadvantage

    Forums for Dialogue between University and Industry: A case of Kenyatta University, Kenya and University of Padua, Italy

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    Purpose \u2013 This paper aims to analyse comparatively the existing partnerships between the University of Padua and the enterprises in Veneto region, Italy, on one hand and Kenyatta University and industries in Kenya on the other. Design/methodology/approach \u2013 This was a case study of the University of Padua in Veneto Region, Italy, and Kenyatta University in Kenya. Data were collected through interviews with university leaders, a questionnaire with both close and open-ended questions for Heads and Department and Deans of Faculty as well as a close and open ended questionnaire for industry representatives. Findings \u2013 In comparison, the University of Padua has more forums and platforms through which dialogue with the industry stakeholders is enhanced, with associations like confindustria, the PARIMUN project, the Master association in addition to the alumni association, regular students\u2019 attachments and the distance learning programme. In Kenya on the other hand, Kenyatta University has partnerships through the provision of distance learning programmes, alumni associations, consultancies, incubation units and undergraduate course placements for select faculties. Practical implications \u2013 The main implication of the study is that there are many avenues through which university industry partnerships can be enhanced. These range from joint research projects between university and industry, industry input in university course implementations and feedback the supply and demand of graduates in the job market. Originality/value \u2013 The findings of this study are important to the government, university and industry stakeholders in Kenya in that they provide information on the possible forums for collaborations and the importance of these forums in provision of relevant higher education that can aid sustainable development

    Whose Dictator is Qaddafi? The Empire and its Neo-Colonies

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