76 research outputs found

    Finless black porpoise Neophocaena phocaenoides G. Cuvier landed at Sassoon dock

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    The article deals with morphological characters of Finless black porpoise Neophocaena phocaenoides landed at Sassoon Dock, Mumba

    Occurrence of juveniles of pomfrets in dol net catches at Trombay, Mumbai

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    Dol net is the main traditional fishing gear of Maharashtra and Gujarat. Dol net operation is mainly confined to a depth range of 10 to 30m. Pomfrets are usually found in the shelf waters off Mumbai.Juveniles are found in shallow water and their gut content analysis revealed presence of detritus to a large extent and some zooplankton groups. The juveniles are exploited from shallow waters and has been a reason for decline in catch

    A note on the fishery of mysid, Mesopodopsis zeylanica Nouvel (1954) at Mahim Mumbai

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    Mysids or opossum shrimps are component of zooplankton composition which are used for human consumption. Mysids are harvested using hand trawl made of mosquito netting during high tide period at surface of water. The article deals the fishery of this mysid, landing and catch composition as preliminary report from the Mumbai coast

    Note on a regular fishery of mysid, Mesopodopsis orientalis in Mumbai waters - Field observation

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    Mesopodopsis orientalis is a common mysid of the backwaters and estuaries of both the east and west coast of India. Field observation of this mysid were carried out in the salt pan areas adjacent to mangroves close to Trombay landing centre

    Snaggletooth shark Hemipristis elongatus landed at Sassoon Dock, Mumbai

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    Snaggletooth shark, Hemipristis elongatus is also known as fossil shark or devil shark is a rare species found along the Indian coast

    Stray landings of Brotula multibarbata (Temminck and Schlegel,1846) at new ferry Warf, Mumbai.

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    Brotula multibarbata commonly known as goatbeard brotula has been observed at New Ferry Wharf landing centre in Mumba

    Report on Tursiops truncatus (Bottle nose dolphin) landed at New Ferry Wharf,Mumbai

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    A dolphin was caught accidentally in a gill net from a depth of about 30-35m aliong the south west coast off Mumbai on 3-2-03.The specimen was identified as Tursiops truncatus. It is commonly called bottle nose dolphin and locally known as gadda

    On the occurrence of Dromia dehaani Rathburn in trawler catches off Bombay coast

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    The present study reports the landing of Dromia dehaani Rathburn, a crab ('Red kekada' in Maratti) in fairly large quantities by trawlers at New Ferry Wharf, Bombay, which has been reported from both east and west coasts of India but only in small numbers

    Some observations on marine turtles landed along Maharashtra coast

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    The landing of three out of the five species of turtles found in the Indian seas is reported here. Of these species, the leathery or leatherback turtle (Dermochelys coriacea) locally known as 'Kuruma kasav' is the rarest and the largest while the other two namely olive ridley(Lepidochelys olivacea) and green turtle (Chelonia mydas) locally known as 'Kasav' and 'Hirwakasav' respectively are relatively common
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