60 research outputs found

    Antigenicity and immunogenicity of recombinant envelope glycoproteins of SIVmac32H with different in vivo passage histories.

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    Shortly after infection of two rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) either with a SIVmac32H challenge stock or with the same virus that had been passaged in another rhesus monkey for 11 months, SIV-envelope genes were cloned from their peripheral blood mononuclear cells and subsequently expressed by recombinant vaccinia viruses. The molecular weights and antigenicities of the thus produced envelope glycoproteins were largely identical to those of the native SIV. The envelope glycoprotein derived from the in vivo passaged virus proved to be poorly recognized by virus neutralizing monoclonal antibodies directed against one of the seven antigenic sites for which monoclonal antibodies were available. Immunization studies in rats showed that this protein was also less efficient in inducing antibodies against this antigenic site, and that it induced significantly lower levels of virus neutralizing antibodies than the other SIV-envelope glycoprotein. The immunogenicity of the SIV-envelope glycoprotein incorporated into immune stimulating complexes (iscoms) was compared to that of the same protein presented with Quil A or MDP-tsl

    Complement-Mediated Virus Infectivity Neutralisation by HLA Antibodies Is Associated with Sterilising Immunity to SIV Challenge in the Macaque Model for HIV/AIDS.

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    Sterilising immunity is a desired outcome for vaccination against human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and has been observed in the macaque model using inactivated simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV). This protection was attributed to antibodies specific for cell proteins including human leucocyte antigens (HLA) class I and II incorporated into virions during vaccine and challenge virus preparation. We show here, using HLA bead arrays, that vaccinated macaques protected from virus challenge had higher serum antibody reactivity compared with non-protected animals. Moreover, reactivity was shown to be directed against HLA framework determinants. Previous studies failed to correlate serum antibody mediated virus neutralisation with protection and were confounded by cytotoxic effects. Using a virus entry assay based on TZM-bl cells we now report that, in the presence of complement, serum antibody titres that neutralise virus infectivity were higher in protected animals. We propose that complement-augmented virus neutralisation is a key factor in inducing sterilising immunity and may be difficult to achieve with HIV/SIV Env-based vaccines. Understanding how to overcome the apparent block of inactivated SIV vaccines to elicit anti-envelope protein antibodies that effectively engage the complement system could enable novel anti-HIV antibody vaccines that induce potent, virolytic serological response to be developed

    Luchtverontreiniging en scheepvaart

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    [Manufacture of foam plastic.]

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    Abstract niet beschikbaarThis document on the manufacture of foam plastic has been published within the SPIN project. In this project information has been collected on industrial plants or industrial processen to afford support to governmental policy on emission reduction. This document contains information on the processes, emission sources, emissions to air and water, waste emission factors, use of energy and energy factors, emission reduction, energy conservation, research on clean technology and standards and licences.DGM/HDK-IBPC-IO

    Degassing of ships transporting MTBE

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    Bij het ontgassen van binnenvaartschepen die de stof MTBE (methyltert- butylether) vervoeren, kunnen restanten MTBE vrijkomen. Het ontgassen gebeurt als de schepen varen, in principe buiten woonwijken. Van MTBE is bekend dat het een hinderlijke geur verspreidt die klachten als hoofdpijn kan veroorzaken. Mensen aan wal kunnen last hebben van de geur, die al bij lage concentraties optreedt. Vanwege de korte blootstellingsduur wordt de kans klein geacht dat bij hen andere directe gezondheidseffecten optreden. Dit blijkt uit een kleinschalig onderzoek van het RIVM dat in samenwerking met TNO is uitgevoerd. Hiervoor is de berekende blootstelling vergeleken met de grenswaarden voor MTBE. Bij de berekeningen die voor dit onderzoek zijn uitgevoerd, is telkens uitgegaan van worst case-scenario's. Daarbinnen zijn de grenswaarden zelden overschreden. Het onderzoek is gestart naar aanleiding van Kamervragen die in 2013 zijn gesteld over de (geur)overlast bij mensen die in de regio Rijnmond aan de wal wonen. De Tweede Kamer wilde ook weten of het ontgassen van MTBEvervoerende schepen de oorzaak is van de verhoogde MTBEconcentraties die in Nederlands oppervlaktewater zijn aangetroffen. Dat blijkt niet het geval te zijn. MTBE is een stof die wordt toegevoegd aan benzine om de kwaliteit ervan te verbeteren ('antiklopmiddel'). In Nederland vervoeren binnenvaartschepen ongeveer 600 scheepsladingen MTBE per jaar. Wanneer een schip overgaat op een andere scheepslading, wordt het schip gereinigd en ontgast.During degassing at inland waterways of vessels transporting MTBE (methyl-tert-butyl ether), some of the MTBE is released to the atmosphere. Degassing occurs when the vessel is sailing, basically outside residential areas. MTBE is known to spread an odour which can cause symptoms such as headaches. People ashore can suffer from the smell, which may already occur at low concentrations. Because of the short duration of exposure, the risk of other direct health effects is expected to be small. This is shown in study which RIVM carried out in cooperation with TNO. For this, the calculated exposure is compared with the air quality limit values for MTBE. Calculations were consistently based on worst case scenarios. The results show that MTBE exposure limits are rarely exceeded. The investigation was initiated in response to questions from the Dutch Parliament in 2013 about the (odour) nuisance for people who live on the shore in the Rijnmond region. The parliament also wanted to know whether the degassing of MTBE ships are the cause of the elevated MTBE concentrations detected in Dutch surface water. This appeared not to be the case. MTBE is a substance that is added to gasoline in order to improve its quality. In the Netherlands, about 600 cargoes of MTBE per year are transported. When another good is to be shipped, the ship is cleaned and degassed.Ministerie van I&