367 research outputs found

    A Study of Defect Structures with the Field Ion Microscope First Semiannual Report, 1 Mar. - 31 Aug. 1966

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    Lattice defects in nickel-molybdenum alloys, and computer simulation of field ion microscop

    A study of defect structures with the field ion microscope Semiannual report, 1 Sep. 1969 - 28 Feb. 1970

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    Field ion microscopy of stoichiometric platinum and nickel alloys for atomic ordering parameter

    A study of defect structures with the field ion microscope Semiannual report, Sep. 1, 1966 - Feb. 28, 1967

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    Defect structures in ion emission images of metals and stress distributions under imaging conditions studied with field ion microscop

    A study of defect structures with the field ion microscope Semiannual report, 1 Mar. - 31 Aug. 1969

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    Development and testing of atom probe field-ion microscope and quantitative measurements of atomic order in platinum and nickel alloy

    Practical Open-Loop Optimistic Planning

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    We consider the problem of online planning in a Markov Decision Process when given only access to a generative model, restricted to open-loop policies - i.e. sequences of actions - and under budget constraint. In this setting, the Open-Loop Optimistic Planning (OLOP) algorithm enjoys good theoretical guarantees but is overly conservative in practice, as we show in numerical experiments. We propose a modified version of the algorithm with tighter upper-confidence bounds, KLOLOP, that leads to better practical performances while retaining the sample complexity bound. Finally, we propose an efficient implementation that significantly improves the time complexity of both algorithms

    Smanjenje gubitaka istitravanja kod neizravnog istosmjernog pretvarača s transformatorom uporabom RC-RCD prigušnog člana

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    Flyback converter is one of the most popular DC-DC converters for low power supply. Due to the transformer leakage inductance the converter suffers from the voltage spikes, which can be »controlled« by the dissipative RCD or non-dissipative LCD clamp circuits. Both of the clamp circuits consist of the diode. The diode reverse recovery charge causes the oscillation, which results in additional dissipation of the clamp circuitry. This paper describes this ringing phenomenon and the use of an RC-RCD clamp circuit for damping the clamp-diode\u27s oscillation. This clamp circuit is capable for improving a flyback converter\u27s power ratio.Neizravni istosmjerni pretvarač s transformatorom jedan je od najpopularnijih istosmjernih pretvarača za izvore napajanja malih snaga. Zbog rasipnog induktiviteta transformatora tijekom rada pretvarača dolazi do pojave prenapona, koji se mogu ograničiti pomoću disipativnih RCD ili nedisipativnih LCD prigušnih sklopova. Oba prigušna sklopa sadrže diodu. Reverzni naboj oporavljanja diode uzrokuje oscilacije koje uzrokuju dodatne gubitke u prigušnom sklopu. Članak opisuje pojavu istitravanja i uporabu RC-RCD prigušnog sklopa za prigušenje oscilacija uzrokovanih prigušnom diodom. Opisani prigušni sklop omogućava povećanje djelotvornosti neizravnog istosmjernog pretvarača s transformatorom

    A study of defect structures with the field ion microscope Semiannual report, 1 Sep. 1967 - 29 Feb. 1968

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    Electron, and ion microscopic study of structural defects in quenched platinu