668 research outputs found

    Metabolic cost of extravehicular activities

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    The data on metabolic rates during Skylab extravehicular activities are presented and compared with prior experience during Gemini and Apollo. Difficulties experienced with Gemini extravehicular activities are reviewed. The effect of a pressure suit on metabolic rate is discussed and the life support equipment capabilities of each life support system are reviewed. The methods used to measure metabolic rate, utilizing bioinstrumentation and operational data on the life support system, are described. Metabolic rates are correlated with different activities. Metabolic rates in Skylab were found to be within the capacities of the life support systems and to be similar to the metabolic rates experienced during Apollo lunar 1/6-g extravehicular activities. They were found to range from 100 kcal/h to 500 kcal/h, during both 1/6-g and zero-g extravehicular activities. The average metabolic rates measured during long extravehicular activities were remarkably consistent and appeared to be a function of crew pacing of activity rather than to the effort involved in individual tasks

    Postwar International Relations: Problems and Conflicts in Asia

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    The debate over American policy toward Asia takes its place in a context of a more general assessment of the nature of the contemporary internation­al environment and a definition of our national interests around the globe

    Finite Impulse Response Filter Implementation via Windowing Technique

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    This research report is devoted to an investigation of finite impulse response (FIR) filters and their implementation via windowing techniques. Analysis is restricted to those FIR filters that possess both a nonrecursive structure and a linear phase response. Initially an informative yet concise overview of FIR filters is presented. Some knowledge of discrete – time systems is assumed. Next, the concepts associated with FIR filter implementation through the utilization of window functions is developed. Analysis is performed in both the time and frequency domains. Results obtained define optimal window function criteria. The last design technique is devoted to computer aided FIR filter design via windows. The purpose of this section is to demonstrate the advantages of using the computer to solve the FIR filter – window design problem. An example problem supplements this section. Conclusions, along with a brief summary are documented

    Overview of crew member energy expenditure during Shuttle Flight 61-8 EASE/ACCESS task performance

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    The energy expenditure of the Shuttle Flight 61-B crewmembers during the extravehicular performance of Experimental Assembly of Structures in EVA (EASE) and Assembly Concept of Construction of Space Structures (ACCESS) construction system tasks are reported. These data consist of metabolic rate time profiles correlated with specific EASE and ACCESS tasks and crew comments. Average extravehicular activity metabolic rates are computed and compared with those reported from previous Apollo, Shylab, and Shuttle flights. These data reflect total energy expenditure and not that of individual muscle groups such as hand and forearm. When correlated with specific EVA tasks and subtasks, the metabolic profile data is expected to be useful in planning future EVA protocols. For example, after experiencing high work rates and apparent overheating during some Gemini EVAs, it was found useful to carefully monitor work rates in subsequent flights to assess the adequacy of cooling garments and as an aid to preplanning EVA procedures. This presentation is represented by graphs and charts

    Physiological effects of different oxygen flow rates and ambient temperatures on pressure-suited subjects performing work at altitude

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    Physiological effects of oxygen flow rates and ambient temperatures on pressure-suited subjects performing work in altitude chambe

    Statistical comparison of pooled nitrogen washout data of various altitude decompression response groups

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    This analysis was done to determine whether various decompression response groups could be characterized by the pooled nitrogen (N2) washout profiles of the group members, pooling individual washout profiles provided a smooth time dependent function of means representative of the decompression response group. No statistically significant differences were detected. The statistical comparisons of the profiles were performed by means of univariate weighted t-test at each 5 minute profile point, and with levels of significance of 5 and 10 percent. The estimated powers of the tests (i.e., probabilities) to detect the observed differences in the pooled profiles were of the order of 8 to 30 percent

    Verification of an altitude decompression sickness prevention protocol for Shuttle operations utilizing a 10.s psi pressure stage

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    Three test series involving 173-man tess were conducted to define and verify a pre-extravehicular activity (EVA) denitrogenation procedure that would provide acceptable protection against altitude decompression sickness while minimizing the required duration of oxygen (O2) prebreathe in the suit prior to EVA. The tests also addressed the safety, in terms of incidence of decompression sickness, of conducting EVA's on consecutive days rather than on alternate days. The tests were conducted in an altitude chamber, subjects were selected as representative of the astronaut population, and EVA periods were simulated by reducing the chamber pressure to suit pressure while the subjects breathed O2 with masks and worked at EVA representative work rates. A higher than anticipated incidence of both venous bubbles (55%) and symptoms (26%) was measured following all denitrogenation protocols in this test. For the most part, symptoms were very minor and stabilized, diminished, or disappeared in the six-hour tests. Instances of clear, possible, or potential systemic symptoms were encountered only after use of the unmodified 10.2 psi protocol and not after the modified 10.2 psi protocol, the 3.5-hour O2 prebreathed protocol, or the 4.0-hour O2 prebreathe protocol. The high incidence of symptoms is ascribed to the type and duration of exercise and the sensitivity of the reporting technique to minor symptoms. Repeated EVA exposures after only 17 hours did not increase symptom or bubble incidence

    Pulmonary artery location during microgravity activity: Potential impact for chest-mounted Doppler during space travel

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    Doppler, or ultrasonic, monitoring for pain manifestations of decompression sickness (the bends) is accomplished by placing a sensor on the chest over the pulmonary artery and listening for bubbles. Difficulties have arisen because the technician notes that the pulmonary artery seems to move with subject movement in a one-g field and because the sensor output is influenced by only slight degrees of sensor movement. This study used two subjects and mapped the position of the pulmonary artery in one-g, microgravity, and two-g environments using ultrasound. The results showed that the pulmonary artery is fixed in location in microgravity and not affected by subject position change. The optimal position corresponded to where the Doppler signal is best heard with the subject in a supine position in a one-g environment. The impact of this result is that a proposed multiple sensor array on the chest proposed for microgravity use may not be necessary to monitor an astronaut during extravehicular activities. Instead, a single sensor of approximately 1 inch diameter and mounted in the position described above may suffice

    Empirical models for use in designing decompression procedures for space operations

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    Empirical models for predicting the incidence of Type 1 altitude decompression sickness (DCS) and venous gas emboli (VGE) during space extravehicular activity (EVA), and for use in designing safe denitrogenation decompression procedures are developed. The models are parameterized using DCS and VGE incidence data from NASA and USAF manned altitude chamber decompression tests using 607 male and female subject tests. These models, and procedures for their use, consist of: (1) an exponential relaxation model and procedure for computing tissue nitrogen partial pressure resulting from a specified prebreathing and stepped decompression sequence; (2) a formula for calculating Tissue Ratio (TR), a tissue decompression stress index; (3) linear and Hill equation models for predicting the total incidence of VGE and DCS attendant with a particular TR; (4) graphs of cumulative DCS and VGE incidence (risk) versus EVA exposure time at any specified TR; and (5) two equations for calculating the average delay period for the initial detection of VGE or indication of Type 1 DCS in a group after a specific denitrogenation decompression procedure. Several examples of realistic EVA preparations are provided

    Analysis of the individual risk of altitude decompression sickness under repeated exposures

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    In a case-control study, researchers examined the risk of decompression sickness (DCS) in individual subjects with higher number of exposures. Of the 126 subjects, 42 showed one or more episodes of DCS. Examination of the exposure-DCS relationship by odds ratio showed a linear relationship. Stratification analysis showed that sex, tissue ratio, and the presence of Doppler microbubbles were cofounders of this risk. A higher number of exposures increased the risk of DCS in this analysis
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