478 research outputs found

    How to obtain a lattice basis from a discrete projected space

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    International audienceEuclidean spaces of dimension n are characterized in discrete spaces by the choice of lattices. The goal of this paper is to provide a simple algorithm finding a lattice onto subspaces of lower dimensions onto which these discrete spaces are projected. This first obtained by depicting a tile in a space of dimension n -- 1 when starting from an hypercubic grid in dimension n. Iterating this process across dimensions gives the final result

    Security considerations for Galois non-dual RLWE families

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    We explore further the hardness of the non-dual discrete variant of the Ring-LWE problem for various number rings, give improved attacks for certain rings satisfying some additional assumptions, construct a new family of vulnerable Galois number fields, and apply some number theoretic results on Gauss sums to deduce the likely failure of these attacks for 2-power cyclotomic rings and unramified moduli

    Saber:module-LWR based key exchange, CPA-secure encryption and CCA-secure KEM

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    © Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018. In this paper, we introduce Saber, a package of cryptographic primitives whose security relies on the hardness of the Module Learning With Rounding problem (Mod-LWR). We first describe a secure Diffie-Hellman type key exchangeprotocol, which is then transformed into an IND-CPA encryption scheme and finally into an IND-CCA secure key encapsulation mechanism using a post-quantum version of the Fujisaki-Okamoto transform. The design goals of this package were simplicity, efficiency and flexibility resulting in the following choices: all integer moduli are powers of 2 avoiding modular reduction and rejection sampling entirely; the use of LWR halves the amount of randomness required compared to LWE-based schemes and reduces bandwidth; the module structure provides flexibility by reusing one core component for multiple security levels. A constant-time AVX2 optimized software implementation of the KEM with parameters providing more than 128 bits of post-quantum security, requires only 101K, 125K and 129K cycles for key generation, encapsulation and decapsulation respectively on a Dell laptop with an Intel i7-Haswell processor

    The Sign of Fourier Coefficients of Half-Integral Weight Cusp Forms

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    From a result of Waldspurger, it is known that the normalized Fourier coefficients a(m)a(m) of a half-integral weight holomorphic cusp eigenform \f are, up to a finite set of factors, one of ±L(1/2,f,χm)\pm \sqrt{L(1/2, f, \chi_m)} when mm is square-free and ff is the integral weight cusp form related to \f by the Shimura correspondence. In this paper we address a question posed by Kohnen: which square root is a(m)a(m)? In particular, if we look at the set of a(m)a(m) with mm square-free, do these Fourier coefficients change sign infinitely often? By partially analytically continuing a related Dirichlet series, we are able to show that this is so

    Ring-LWE:applications to cryptography and their efficient realization

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    © Springer International Publishing AG 2016. The persistent progress of quantum computing with algorithms of Shor and Proos and Zalka has put our present RSA and ECC based public key cryptosystems at peril. There is a flurry of activity in cryptographic research community to replace classical cryptography schemes with their post-quantum counterparts. The learning with errors problem introduced by Oded Regev offers a way to design secure cryptography schemes in the post-quantum world. Later for efficiency LWE was adapted for ring polynomials known as Ring-LWE. In this paper we discuss some of these ring-LWE based schemes that have been designed. We have also drawn comparisons of different implementations of those schemes to illustrate their evolution from theoretical proposals to practically feasible schemes

    Privacy-aware multi-context RFID infrastructure using public key cryptography

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    We propose a novel RFID infrastructure design, which foresees the usage of a single RFID tag within different contexts and for multiple purposes. We show that an infrastructure for multi-purpose RFID tags to be used in different contexts can be implemented in a privacy-preserving manner. We address security attacks such as impersonation, tracking, and replay. We also introduce spatio-temporal attacks as an important threat against privacy. We propose a methodology to thwart or alleviate these kinds of attacks. We develop our multi-context RFID infrastructure relying on usage of public key cryptography (PKC), which presents more scalable solutions in the sense that the backend servers can identify the tags 75 times faster than best symmetric cipher based systems when there are a million tags in the system. We demonstrate that the requirements for PKC are comparable to those for other cryptographic implementations based on symmetric ciphers proposed for RFID use

    Large FHE Gates from tensored homomorphic accumulator

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    The main bottleneck of all known Fully Homomorphic Encryption schemes lies in the bootstrapping procedure invented by Gentry (STOC’09). The cost of this procedure can be mitigated either using Homomorphic SIMD techniques, or by performing larger computation per bootstrapping procedure.In this work, we propose new techniques allowing to perform more operations per bootstrapping in FHEW-type schemes (EUROCRYPT’13). While maintaining the quasi-quadratic Õ(n2) complexity of the whole cycle, our new scheme allows to evaluate gates with Ω(log n) input bits, which constitutes a quasi-linear speed-up. Our scheme is also very well adapted to large threshold gates, natively admitting up to Ω(n) inputs. This could be helpful for homomorphic evaluation of neural networks.Our theoretical contribution is backed by a preliminary prototype implementation, which can perform 6-to-6 bit gates in less than 10s on a single core, as well as threshold gates over 63 input bits even faster.<p

    On the statistical leak of the GGH13 multilinear map and some variants

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    At EUROCRYPT 2013, Garg, Gentry and Halevi proposed a candidate construction (later referred as GGH13) of cryptographic multilinear map (MMap). Despite weaknesses uncovered by Hu and Jia (EUROCRYPT 2016), this candidate is still used for designing obfuscators.The naive version of the GGH13 scheme was deemed susceptible to averaging attacks, i.e., it could suffer from a statistical leak (yet no precise attack was described). A variant was therefore devised, but it remains heuristic. Recently, to obtain MMaps with low noise and modulus, two variants of this countermeasure were developed by Döttling et al. (EPRINT:2016/599).In this work, we propose a systematic study of this statistical leakage for all these GGH13 variants. In particular, we confirm the weakness of the naive version o

    Provably weak instances of ring-LWE revisited

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    In CRYPTO 2015, Elias, Lauter, Ozman and Stange described an attack on the non-dual decision version of the ring learning with errors problem (RLWE) for two special families of defining polynomials, whose construction depends on the modulus q that is being used. For particularly chosen error parameters, they managed to solve non-dual decision RLWE given 20 samples, with a success rate ranging from 10% to 80%. In this paper we show how to solve the search version for the same families and error parameters, using only 7 samples with a success rate of 100%. Moreover our attack works for every modulus q instead of the q that was used to construct the defining polynomial. The attack is based on the observation that the RLWE error distribution for these families of polynomials is very skewed in the directions of the polynomial basis. For the parameters chosen by Elias et al. the smallest errors are negligible and simple linear algebra suffices to recover the secret. But enlarging the error paremeters makes the largest errors wrap around, thereby turning the RLWE problem unsuitable for cryptographic applications. These observations also apply to dual RLWE, but do not contradict the seminal work by Lyubashevsky, Peikert and Regev

    Cryptanalysis of an NTRU-based Proxy Encryption Scheme from ASIACCS\u2715

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    In ASIACCS 2015, Nuñez, Agudo, and Lopez proposed a proxy re-encryption scheme, NTRUReEncrypt, based on NTRU, which allows a proxy to translate ciphertext under the delegator\u27s public key into a re-encrypted ciphertext that can be decrypted correctly by delegatee\u27s private key. In addition to its potential resistance to quantum algorithm, the scheme was also considered to be efficient. However, in this paper we point out that the re-encryption process will increase the decryption error, and the increased decryption error will lead to a reaction attack that enables the proxy to recover the private key of the delegator and the delegatee. Moreover, we also propose a second attack which enables the delegatee to recover the private key of the delegator when he collects enough re-encrypted ciphertexts from a same message. We reevaluate the security of NTRUReEncrypt, and also give suggestions and discussions on potential mitigation methods
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