236 research outputs found

    Finding the attractor of anger: Bridging the gap between dynamic concepts and empirical data

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    Although it accounts for the prototypical course of emotions, the attractor concept has hardly ever been used empirically. Authors applied Empirical Differential Equations (EDE) to frequent (hourly) anger ratings to find the attractor of anger. The attractor concept, its neurological basis, and EDE are explained. The attractor of anger follows an underdamped oscillator, and is affected by the capacity to inhibit prepotent responses. Anger accelerates less fast when inhibitory control increases. Results stress the internal dynamics of emotions, and help to bridge the gap between concepts from dynamic systems theory and empirical dat

    Emissies van lachgas, methaan en ammoniak uit mest na scheiding = Emissions of nitrous oxide, methane and ammonia from manure after separation

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    It is expected that separation of animal slurry in the Netherlands in coming years will increase as a result of the manure legislation. Against this background the effect of slurry separation on the emission of greenhouse gasses and ammonia during storage and after field application was studied. It is expected that due to slurry separation in the Netherlands in 2020 the greenhouse gas emissions will be slightly lower than the current level. Slurry separation has no effect on the emission of ammonia

    Monitoring methane and nitrous oxide reduction by manure treatment

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    Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (CH4 and N2O) by manure treatment should be accounted for in the National Inventory Report (NIR). At the moment reliable activity data and emission factors from manure treatment are hardly available. This is the outcome of a national and international literature review. It is recommended to use a model approach to estimate greenhouse gas emissions from manure treatment

    Kunstmestvervangers onderzocht

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    Het in dit pamflet beschreven onderzoek worden de landbouwkundige en milieukundige effecten van het gebruik van de producten uit de installaties als meststof getest. Het onderzoek bestaat uit verschillende deelprojecten die kort benoemd worde

    A new perspective on fungal metabolites:Identification of bioactive compounds from fungi using zebrafish embryogenesis as read-out

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    There is a constant need for new therapeutic compounds. Fungi have proven to be an excellent, but underexplored source for biologically active compounds with therapeutic potential. Here, we combine mycology, embryology and chemistry by testing secondary metabolites from more than 10,000 species of fungi for biological activity using developing zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos. Zebrafish development is an excellent model for high-throughput screening. Development is rapid, multiple cell types are assessed simultaneously and embryos are available in high numbers. We found that 1,526 fungal strains produced secondary metabolites with biological activity in the zebrafish bioassay. The active compounds from 39 selected fungi were purified by liquid-liquid extraction and preparative HPLC. 34 compounds were identified by a combination of chemical analyses, including LCMS, UV-Vis spectroscopy/ spectrophotometry, high resolution mass spectrometry and NMR. Our results demonstrate that fungi express a wide variety of biologically active compounds, consisting of both known therapeutic compounds as well as relatively unexplored compounds. Understanding their biological activity in zebrafish may provide insight into underlying biological processes as well as mode of action. Together, this information may provide the first step towards lead compound development for therapeutic drug development