4,277 research outputs found

    Recent mass balance of the Purogangri Ice Cap, central Tibetan Plateau, by means of differential X-band SAR interferometry

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    Due to their remoteness, altitude and harsh climatic conditions, little is known about the glaciological parameters of ice caps on the Tibetan Plateau. This study presents a geodetic mass balance estimate of the Purogangri Ice Cap, Tibet's largest ice field between 2000 and 2012. We utilized data from the actual TerraSAR-X mission and its add-on for digital elevation measurements and compared it with elevation data from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission. The employed data sets are ideal for this approach as both data sets were acquired at X-band at nearly the same time of the year and are available at a fine grid spacing. In order to derive surface elevation changes we employed two different methods. The first method is based on differential synthetic radar interferometry while the second method uses common DEM differencing. Both approaches revealed a slightly negative mass budget of −44 ± 15 and −38 ± 23 mm w.eq. a<sup>−1</sup> (millimeter water equivalent) respectively. A slightly negative trend of −0.15 ± 0.01 km<sup>2</sup> a<sup>−1</sup> in glacier extent was found for the same time period employing a time series of Landsat data. Overall, our results show an almost balanced mass budget for the studied time period. Additionally, we detected one continuously advancing glacier tongue in the eastern part of the ice cap

    Breadwinning moms, caregiving dads: double standard in social judgments of gender norm violators

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    This study explores the role of gender ideologies in moderating social judgments of gender norm violators. Three hundred and eleven participants evaluated a male or a female target who was either a primary breadwinner or a primary caregiver. Attributions of personal traits, moral emotions and marital emotions were examined. Results showed that both traditional and egalitarian individuals applied a double standard when judging deviations from gendered family roles. However, and as predicted, traditional individuals evaluated the normative targets more favourably than the norm-violating targets, whereas egalitarians evaluated the norm-violating targets more favourably. These findings shed light on the important moderating role of gender ideologies and help account for the inconsistencies in previous findings regarding social judgments of gender norm violators

    On the nature of the Virasoro algebra

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    The multiplication in the Virasoro algebra [ep,eq]=(pq)ep+q+θ(p3p)δp+q,p,qZ, [e_p, e_q] = (p - q) e_{p+q} + \theta \left(p^3 - p\right) \delta_{p + q}, \qquad p, q \in {\mathbf Z}, [θ,ep]=0, [\theta, e_p] = 0, comes from the commutator [ep,eq]=epeqeqep[e_p, e_q] = e_p * e_q - e_q * e_p in a quasiassociative algebra with the multiplication \renewcommand{\theequation}{*} \be \ba{l} \ds e_p * e_q = - {q (1 + \epsilon q) \over 1 + \epsilon (p + q)} e_{p+q} + {1 \over 2} \theta \left[p^3 - p + \left(\epsilon - \epsilon^{-1} \right) p^2 \right] \delta^0_{p+q}, \vspace{3mm}\\ \ds e_p * \theta = \theta* e_p = 0. \ea \ee The multiplication in a quasiassociative algebra R{\cal R} satisfies the property \renewcommand{\theequation}{**} \be a * (b * c) - (a * b) * c = b * (a * c) - (b * a) * c, \qquad a, b, c \in {\cal R}. \ee This property is necessary and sufficient for the Lie algebra {\it Lie}(R)({\cal R}) to have a phase space. The above formulae are put into a cohomological framework, with the relevant complex being different from the Hochschild one even when the relevant quasiassociative algebra R{\cal R} becomes associative. Formula ()(*) above also has a differential-variational counterpart

    Managing sleep and wakefulness in a 24 hour world

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    This article contributes to literature on the sociology of sleep by exploring the sleeping practices and subjective sleep experiences of two social groups: shift workers and students. It draws on data, collected in the UK from 25 semi-structured interviews, to discuss the complex ways in which working patterns and social activities impact upon experiences and expectations of sleep in our wired awake world. The data show that, typically, sleep is valued and considered to be important for health, general wellbeing, appearance and physical and cognitive functioning. However, sleep time is often cut back on in favour of work demands and social activities. While shift workers described their efforts to fit in an adequate amount of sleep per 24-hour period, for students, the adoption of a flexible sleep routine was thought to be favourable for maintaining a work–social life balance. Collectively, respondents reported using a wide range of strategies, techniques, technologies and practices to encourage, overcome or delay sleep(iness) and boost, promote or enhance wakefulness/alertness at socially desirable times. The analysis demonstrates how social context impacts not only on how we come to think about sleep and understand it, but also how we manage or self-regulate our sleeping patterns

    Equivariant cohomology over Lie groupoids and Lie-Rinehart algebras

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    Using the language and terminology of relative homological algebra, in particular that of derived functors, we introduce equivariant cohomology over a general Lie-Rinehart algebra and equivariant de Rham cohomology over a locally trivial Lie groupoid in terms of suitably defined monads (also known as triples) and the associated standard constructions. This extends a characterization of equivariant de Rham cohomology in terms of derived functors developed earlier for the special case where the Lie groupoid is an ordinary Lie group, viewed as a Lie groupoid with a single object; in that theory over a Lie group, the ordinary Bott-Dupont-Shulman-Stasheff complex arises as an a posteriori object. We prove that, given a locally trivial Lie groupoid G and a smooth G-manifold f over the space B of objects of G, the resulting G-equivariant de Rham theory of f boils down to the ordinary equivariant de Rham theory of a vertex manifold relative to the corresponding vertex group, for any vertex in the space B of objects of G; this implies that the equivariant de Rham cohomology introduced here coincides with the stack de Rham cohomology of the associated transformation groupoid whence this stack de Rham cohomology can be characterized as a relative derived functor. We introduce a notion of cone on a Lie-Rinehart algebra and in particular that of cone on a Lie algebroid. This cone is an indispensable tool for the description of the requisite monads.Comment: 47 page

    Occupational (Im)mobility in the Global Care Economy: The Case of Foreign-Trained Nurses in the Canadian Context

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    The twenty-first century has witnessed a number of significant demographic and political shifts that have resulted in a care crisis. Addressing the deficit of care provision has led many nations to actively recruit migrant care labour, often under temporary forms of migration. The emergence of this phenomenon has resulted in a rich field of analysis using the lens of care, including the idea of the Global Care Chain. Revisions to this conceptualization have pushed for its extension beyond domestic workers in the home to include skilled workers in other institutional settings, particularly nurses in hospitals and long-term care settings. Reviewing relevant literature on migrant nurses, this article explores the labour market experiences of internationally educated nurses in Canada. The article reviews research on the barriers facing migrant nurses as they transfer their credentials to the Canadian context. Analysis of this literature suggests that internationally trained nurses experience a form of occupational (im)mobility, paradoxical, ambiguous and contingent processes that exploit global mobility, and results in the stratified incorporation of skilled migrant women into healthcare workplaces

    Generalized coordinates on the phase space of Yang-Mills theory

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    We study the suitability of complex Wilson loop variables as (generalized) coordinates on the physical phase space of SU(2)SU(2)-Yang-Mills theory. To this end, we construct a natural one-to-one map from the physical phase space of the Yang-Mills theory with compact gauge group GG to a subspace of the physical configuration space of the complex G^\C-Yang-Mills theory. Together with a recent result by Ashtekar and Lewandowski this implies that the complex Wilson loop variables form a complete set of generalized coordinates on the physical phase space of SU(2)SU(2)-Yang-Mills theory. They also form a generalized canonical loop algebra. Implications for both general relativity and gauge theory are discussed.Comment: TeX, 11pp, revised version (minor clarifications added, Comment after (2.9) inserted); to appear in Class. Quant. Grav

    Masculinity at work: The experiences of men in female dominated occupations

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    This paper presents the findings of a research project on the implications of men's non-traditional career choices for their experiences within the organization and for gender identity. The research is based on 40 in-depth interviews with male workers from four occupational groups: librarian-ship, cabin crew, nurses and primary school teachers. Results suggest a typology of male workers in female dominated occupations: seekers (who actively seek the career), finders (who find the occupation in the process of making general career decisions) and settlers (who settle into the career after periods of time in mainly male dominated occupations). Men benefit from their minority status through assumptions of enhanced leadership (the assumed authority effect), by being given differential treatment (the special consideration effect) and being associated with a more careerist attitude to work (the career effect). At the same time, they feel comfortable working with women (the zone of comfort effect). Despite this comfort, men adopt a variety of strategies to re-establish a masculinity that has been undermined by the 'feminine' nature of their work. These include re-labeling, status enhancement and distancing from the feminine. The dynamics of maintaining and reproducing masculinities within the non-traditional work setting are discussed in the light of recent theorising around gender, masculinity and work

    Contemporary medical television and crisis in the NHS

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    This article maps the terrain of contemporary UK medical television, paying particular attention to Call the Midwife as its centrepiece, and situating it in contextual relation to the current crisis in the NHS. It provides a historical overview of UK and US medical television, illustrating how medical television today has been shaped by noteworthy antecedents. It argues that crisis rhetoric surrounding healthcare leading up to the passing of the Health and Social Care Act 2012 has been accompanied by a renaissance in medical television. And that issues, strands and clusters have emerged in forms, registers and modes with noticeable regularity, especially around the value of affective labour, the cultural politics of nostalgia and the neoliberalisation of healthcare